/* * Copyright (c) 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \addtogroup cc26xx-web-demo * @{ * * \file * MQTT/IBM cloud service client for the CC26XX web demo. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contiki-conf.h" #include "rpl/rpl-private.h" #include "mqtt.h" #include "net/rpl/rpl.h" #include "net/ip/uip.h" #include "net/ipv6/uip-icmp6.h" #include "sys/etimer.h" #include "sys/ctimer.h" #include "lib/sensors.h" #include "button-sensor.h" #include "board-peripherals.h" #include "cc26xx-web-demo.h" #include "dev/leds.h" #include "mqtt-client.h" #include "httpd-simple.h" #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * IBM server: messaging.quickstart.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com * ( mapped in an NAT64 (prefix 64:ff9b::/96) IPv6 address * Note: If not able to connect; lookup the IP address again as it may change. * * If the node has a broker IP setting saved on flash, this value here will * get ignored */ static const char *broker_ip = "0064:ff9b:0000:0000:0000:0000:b8ac:7cbd"; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * A timeout used when waiting for something to happen (e.g. to connect or to * disconnect) */ #define STATE_MACHINE_PERIODIC (CLOCK_SECOND >> 1) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Provide visible feedback via LEDS during various states */ /* When connecting to broker */ #define CONNECTING_LED_DURATION (CLOCK_SECOND >> 3) /* Each time we try to publish */ #define PUBLISH_LED_ON_DURATION (CLOCK_SECOND) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Connections and reconnections */ #define RETRY_FOREVER 0xFF #define RECONNECT_INTERVAL (CLOCK_SECOND * 2) /* * Number of times to try reconnecting to the broker. * Can be a limited number (e.g. 3, 10 etc) or can be set to RETRY_FOREVER */ #define RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS 5 #define CONNECTION_STABLE_TIME (CLOCK_SECOND * 5) #define NEW_CONFIG_WAIT_INTERVAL (CLOCK_SECOND * 20) static struct timer connection_life; static uint8_t connect_attempt; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Various states */ static uint8_t state; #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_INIT 0 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERED 1 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTING 2 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED 3 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_PUBLISHING 4 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED 5 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_NEWCONFIG 6 #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONFIG_ERROR 0xFE #define MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR 0xFF /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Maximum TCP segment size for outgoing segments of our socket */ #define MQTT_CLIENT_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE 32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Buffers for Client ID and Topic. * Make sure they are large enough to hold the entire respective string * * d:quickstart:status:EUI64 is 32 bytes long * iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json is 25 bytes * We also need space for the null termination */ #define BUFFER_SIZE 64 static char client_id[BUFFER_SIZE]; static char pub_topic[BUFFER_SIZE]; static char sub_topic[BUFFER_SIZE]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * The main MQTT buffers. * We will need to increase if we start publishing more data. */ #define APP_BUFFER_SIZE 512 static struct mqtt_connection conn; static char app_buffer[APP_BUFFER_SIZE]; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define QUICKSTART "quickstart" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static struct mqtt_message *msg_ptr = 0; static struct etimer publish_periodic_timer; static struct ctimer ct; static char *buf_ptr; static uint16_t seq_nr_value = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uip_ip6addr_t def_route; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parent RSSI functionality */ extern int def_rt_rssi; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const static cc26xx_web_demo_sensor_reading_t *reading; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ mqtt_client_config_t *conf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS(mqtt_client_process, "CC26XX MQTT Client"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void publish_led_off(void *d) { leds_off(CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_STATUS_LED); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void new_net_config(void) { /* * We got a new configuration over the net. * * Disconnect from the current broker and stop the periodic timer. * * When the source of the new configuration is done, we will get notified * via an event. */ if(state == MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_NEWCONFIG) { return; } state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_NEWCONFIG; etimer_stop(&publish_periodic_timer); mqtt_disconnect(&conn); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int org_id_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("org_id") || strncasecmp(key, "org_id", strlen("org_id")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_ORG_ID_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->org_id, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_ORG_ID_LEN); memcpy(conf->org_id, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int type_id_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("type_id") || strncasecmp(key, "type_id", strlen("type_id")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_TYPE_ID_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->type_id, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_TYPE_ID_LEN); memcpy(conf->type_id, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int event_type_id_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("event_type_id") || strncasecmp(key, "event_type_id", strlen("event_type_id")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_EVENT_TYPE_ID_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->event_type_id, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_EVENT_TYPE_ID_LEN); memcpy(conf->event_type_id, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int cmd_type_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("cmd_type") || strncasecmp(key, "cmd_type", strlen("cmd_type")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_CMD_TYPE_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->cmd_type, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_CMD_TYPE_LEN); memcpy(conf->cmd_type, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int auth_token_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("auth_token") || strncasecmp(key, "auth_token", strlen("auth_token")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_AUTH_TOKEN_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->auth_token, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_AUTH_TOKEN_LEN); memcpy(conf->auth_token, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int interval_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = 0; if(key_len != strlen("interval") || strncasecmp(key, "interval", strlen("interval")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } rv = atoi(val); if(rv < MQTT_CLIENT_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MIN || rv > MQTT_CLIENT_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MAX) { return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } conf->pub_interval = rv * CLOCK_SECOND; return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int port_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = 0; if(key_len != strlen("broker_port") || strncasecmp(key, "broker_port", strlen("broker_port")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } rv = atoi(val); if(rv <= 65535 && rv > 0) { conf->broker_port = rv; } else { return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } new_net_config(); return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int ip_addr_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { int rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; if(key_len != strlen("broker_ip") || strncasecmp(key, "broker_ip", strlen("broker_ip")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } if(val_len > MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_IP_ADDR_STR_LEN) { /* Ours but bad value */ rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_ERROR; } else { memset(conf->broker_ip, 0, MQTT_CLIENT_CONFIG_IP_ADDR_STR_LEN); memcpy(conf->broker_ip, val, val_len); rv = HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } new_net_config(); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int reconnect_post_handler(char *key, int key_len, char *val, int val_len) { if(key_len != strlen("reconnect") || strncasecmp(key, "reconnect", strlen("reconnect")) != 0) { /* Not ours */ return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_UNKNOWN; } new_net_config(); return HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(org_id, org_id_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(type_id, type_id_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(event_type_id, event_type_id_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(cmd_type, cmd_type_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(auth_token, auth_token_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(ip_addr, ip_addr_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(port, port_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(interval, interval_post_handler); HTTPD_SIMPLE_POST_HANDLER(reconnect, reconnect_post_handler); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void pub_handler(const char *topic, uint16_t topic_len, const uint8_t *chunk, uint16_t chunk_len) { DBG("Pub Handler: topic='%s' (len=%u), chunk_len=%u\n", topic, topic_len, chunk_len); /* If we don't like the length, ignore */ if(topic_len != 23 || chunk_len != 1) { printf("Incorrect topic or chunk len. Ignored\n"); return; } /* If the format != json, ignore */ if(strncmp(&topic[topic_len - 4], "json", 4) != 0) { printf("Incorrect format\n"); } if(strncmp(&topic[10], "leds", 4) == 0) { if(chunk[0] == '1') { leds_on(LEDS_RED); } else if(chunk[0] == '0') { leds_off(LEDS_RED); } return; } #if BOARD_SENSORTAG if(strncmp(&topic[10], "buzz", 4) == 0) { if(chunk[0] == '1') { buzzer_start(1000); } else if(chunk[0] == '0') { buzzer_stop(); } return; } #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void mqtt_event(struct mqtt_connection *m, mqtt_event_t event, void *data) { switch(event) { case MQTT_EVENT_CONNECTED: { DBG("APP - Application has a MQTT connection\n"); timer_set(&connection_life, CONNECTION_STABLE_TIME); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED; break; } case MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: { DBG("APP - MQTT Disconnect. Reason %u\n", *((mqtt_event_t *)data)); /* Do nothing if the disconnect was the result of an incoming config */ if(state != MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_NEWCONFIG) { state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED; process_poll(&mqtt_client_process); } break; } case MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH: { msg_ptr = data; /* Implement first_flag in publish message? */ if(msg_ptr->first_chunk) { msg_ptr->first_chunk = 0; DBG("APP - Application received a publish on topic '%s'. Payload " "size is %i bytes. Content:\n\n", msg_ptr->topic, msg_ptr->payload_length); } pub_handler(msg_ptr->topic, strlen(msg_ptr->topic), msg_ptr->payload_chunk, msg_ptr->payload_length); break; } case MQTT_EVENT_SUBACK: { DBG("APP - Application is subscribed to topic successfully\n"); break; } case MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBACK: { DBG("APP - Application is unsubscribed to topic successfully\n"); break; } case MQTT_EVENT_PUBACK: { DBG("APP - Publishing complete.\n"); break; } default: DBG("APP - Application got a unhandled MQTT event: %i\n", event); break; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int construct_pub_topic(void) { int len = snprintf(pub_topic, BUFFER_SIZE, "iot-2/evt/%s/fmt/json", conf->event_type_id); /* len < 0: Error. Len >= BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer too small */ if(len < 0 || len >= BUFFER_SIZE) { printf("Pub Topic: %d, Buffer %d\n", len, BUFFER_SIZE); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int construct_sub_topic(void) { int len = snprintf(sub_topic, BUFFER_SIZE, "iot-2/cmd/%s/fmt/json", conf->cmd_type); /* len < 0: Error. Len >= BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer too small */ if(len < 0 || len >= BUFFER_SIZE) { printf("Sub Topic: %d, Buffer %d\n", len, BUFFER_SIZE); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int construct_client_id(void) { int len = snprintf(client_id, BUFFER_SIZE, "d:%s:%s:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", conf->org_id, conf->type_id, linkaddr_node_addr.u8[0], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[1], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[2], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[5], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[6], linkaddr_node_addr.u8[7]); /* len < 0: Error. Len >= BUFFER_SIZE: Buffer too small */ if(len < 0 || len >= BUFFER_SIZE) { printf("Client ID: %d, Buffer %d\n", len, BUFFER_SIZE); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void update_config(void) { if(construct_client_id() == 0) { /* Fatal error. Client ID larger than the buffer */ state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONFIG_ERROR; return; } if(construct_sub_topic() == 0) { /* Fatal error. Topic larger than the buffer */ state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONFIG_ERROR; return; } if(construct_pub_topic() == 0) { /* Fatal error. Topic larger than the buffer */ state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONFIG_ERROR; return; } /* Reset the counter */ seq_nr_value = 0; state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_INIT; /* * Schedule next timer event ASAP * * If we entered an error state then we won't do anything when it fires. * * Since the error at this stage is a config error, we will only exit this * error state if we get a new config. */ etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, 0); return; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int init_config() { /* Populate configuration with default values */ memset(conf, 0, sizeof(mqtt_client_config_t)); memcpy(conf->org_id, CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_ORG_ID, 11); memcpy(conf->type_id, CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_TYPE_ID, 7); memcpy(conf->event_type_id, CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_EVENT_TYPE_ID, 7); memcpy(conf->broker_ip, broker_ip, strlen(broker_ip)); memcpy(conf->cmd_type, CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_CMD_TYPE, 1); conf->broker_port = CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_BROKER_PORT; conf->pub_interval = CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_DEFAULT_PUBLISH_INTERVAL; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void register_http_post_handlers(void) { httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&org_id_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&type_id_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&event_type_id_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&cmd_type_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&auth_token_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&interval_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&port_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&ip_addr_handler); httpd_simple_register_post_handler(&reconnect_handler); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void subscribe(void) { /* Publish MQTT topic in IBM quickstart format */ mqtt_status_t status; status = mqtt_subscribe(&conn, NULL, sub_topic, MQTT_QOS_LEVEL_0); DBG("APP - Subscribing!\n"); if(status == MQTT_STATUS_OUT_QUEUE_FULL) { DBG("APP - Tried to subscribe but command queue was full!\n"); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void publish(void) { /* Publish MQTT topic in IBM quickstart format */ int len; int remaining = APP_BUFFER_SIZE; char def_rt_str[64]; seq_nr_value++; buf_ptr = app_buffer; len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, "{" "\"d\":{" "\"myName\":\"%s\"," "\"Seq #\":%d," "\"Uptime (sec)\":%lu", BOARD_STRING, seq_nr_value, clock_seconds()); if(len < 0 || len >= remaining) { printf("Buffer too short. Have %d, need %d + \\0\n", remaining, len); return; } remaining -= len; buf_ptr += len; /* Put our Default route's string representation in a buffer */ memset(def_rt_str, 0, sizeof(def_rt_str)); cc26xx_web_demo_ipaddr_sprintf(def_rt_str, sizeof(def_rt_str), uip_ds6_defrt_choose()); len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"Def Route\":\"%s\",\"RSSI (dBm)\":%d", def_rt_str, def_rt_rssi); if(len < 0 || len >= remaining) { printf("Buffer too short. Have %d, need %d + \\0\n", remaining, len); return; } remaining -= len; buf_ptr += len; memcpy(&def_route, uip_ds6_defrt_choose(), sizeof(uip_ip6addr_t)); for(reading = cc26xx_web_demo_sensor_first(); reading != NULL; reading = reading->next) { if(reading->publish && reading->raw != CC26XX_SENSOR_READING_ERROR) { len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, ",\"%s (%s)\":%s", reading->descr, reading->units, reading->converted); if(len < 0 || len >= remaining) { printf("Buffer too short. Have %d, need %d + \\0\n", remaining, len); return; } remaining -= len; buf_ptr += len; } } len = snprintf(buf_ptr, remaining, "}}"); if(len < 0 || len >= remaining) { printf("Buffer too short. Have %d, need %d + \\0\n", remaining, len); return; } mqtt_publish(&conn, NULL, pub_topic, (uint8_t *)app_buffer, strlen(app_buffer), MQTT_QOS_LEVEL_0, MQTT_RETAIN_OFF); DBG("APP - Publish!\n"); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void connect_to_broker(void) { /* Connect to MQTT server */ mqtt_connect(&conn, conf->broker_ip, conf->broker_port, conf->pub_interval * 3); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTING; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void state_machine(void) { switch(state) { case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_INIT: /* If we have just been configured register MQTT connection */ mqtt_register(&conn, &mqtt_client_process, client_id, mqtt_event, MQTT_CLIENT_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE); /* * If we are not using the quickstart service (thus we are an IBM * registered device), we need to provide user name and password */ if(strncasecmp(conf->org_id, QUICKSTART, strlen(conf->org_id)) != 0) { if(strlen(conf->auth_token) == 0) { printf("User name set, but empty auth token\n"); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; break; } else { mqtt_set_username_password(&conn, "use-token-auth", conf->auth_token); } } /* _register() will set auto_reconnect. We don't want that. */ conn.auto_reconnect = 0; connect_attempt = 1; /* * Wipe out the default route so we'll republish it every time we switch to * a new broker */ memset(&def_route, 0, sizeof(def_route)); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERED; DBG("Init\n"); /* Continue */ case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERED: if(uip_ds6_get_global(ADDR_PREFERRED) != NULL) { /* Registered and with a public IP. Connect */ DBG("Registered. Connect attempt %u\n", connect_attempt); connect_to_broker(); } etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_NET_CONNECT_PERIODIC); return; break; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTING: leds_on(CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_STATUS_LED); ctimer_set(&ct, CONNECTING_LED_DURATION, publish_led_off, NULL); /* Not connected yet. Wait */ DBG("Connecting (%u)\n", connect_attempt); break; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED: /* Don't subscribe unless we are a registered device */ if(strncasecmp(conf->org_id, QUICKSTART, strlen(conf->org_id)) == 0) { DBG("Using 'quickstart': Skipping subscribe\n"); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_PUBLISHING; } /* Continue */ case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_PUBLISHING: /* If the timer expired, the connection is stable. */ if(timer_expired(&connection_life)) { /* * Intentionally using 0 here instead of 1: We want RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS * attempts if we disconnect after a successful connect */ connect_attempt = 0; } if(mqtt_ready(&conn) && conn.out_buffer_sent) { /* Connected. Publish */ if(state == MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED) { subscribe(); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_PUBLISHING; } else { leds_on(CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_STATUS_LED); ctimer_set(&ct, PUBLISH_LED_ON_DURATION, publish_led_off, NULL); publish(); } etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, conf->pub_interval); DBG("Publishing\n"); /* Return here so we don't end up rescheduling the timer */ return; } else { /* * Our publish timer fired, but some MQTT packet is already in flight * (either not sent at all, or sent but not fully ACKd). * * This can mean that we have lost connectivity to our broker or that * simply there is some network delay. In both cases, we refuse to * trigger a new message and we wait for TCP to either ACK the entire * packet after retries, or to timeout and notify us. */ DBG("Publishing... (MQTT state=%d, q=%u)\n", conn.state, conn.out_queue_full); } break; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_DISCONNECTED: DBG("Disconnected\n"); if(connect_attempt < RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS || RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS == RETRY_FOREVER) { /* Disconnect and backoff */ clock_time_t interval; mqtt_disconnect(&conn); connect_attempt++; interval = connect_attempt < 3 ? RECONNECT_INTERVAL << connect_attempt : RECONNECT_INTERVAL << 3; DBG("Disconnected. Attempt %u in %lu ticks\n", connect_attempt, interval); etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, interval); state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERED; return; } else { /* Max reconnect attempts reached. Enter error state */ state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR; DBG("Aborting connection after %u attempts\n", connect_attempt - 1); } break; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_NEWCONFIG: /* Only update config after we have disconnected */ if(conn.state == MQTT_CONN_STATE_NOT_CONNECTED) { update_config(); DBG("New config\n"); /* update_config() scheduled next pass. Return */ return; } break; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_CONFIG_ERROR: /* Idle away. The only way out is a new config */ printf("Bad configuration.\n"); return; case MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR: default: leds_on(CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_STATUS_LED); /* * 'default' should never happen. * * If we enter here it's because of some error. Stop timers. The only thing * that can bring us out is a new config event */ printf("Default case: State=0x%02x\n", state); return; } /* If we didn't return so far, reschedule ourselves */ etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, STATE_MACHINE_PERIODIC); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(mqtt_client_process, ev, data) { PROCESS_BEGIN(); printf("CC26XX MQTT Client Process\n"); conf = &cc26xx_web_demo_config.mqtt_config; if(init_config() != 1) { PROCESS_EXIT(); } register_http_post_handlers(); update_config(); /* Main loop */ while(1) { PROCESS_YIELD(); if(ev == sensors_event && data == CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_MQTT_PUBLISH_TRIGGER) { if(state == MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR) { connect_attempt = 1; state = MQTT_CLIENT_STATE_REGISTERED; } } if(ev == httpd_simple_event_new_config) { /* * Schedule next pass in a while. When HTTPD sends us this event, it is * also in the process of sending the config page. Wait a little before * reconnecting, so as to not cause congestion. */ etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, NEW_CONFIG_WAIT_INTERVAL); } if((ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER && data == &publish_periodic_timer) || ev == PROCESS_EVENT_POLL || ev == cc26xx_web_demo_publish_event || (ev == sensors_event && data == CC26XX_WEB_DEMO_MQTT_PUBLISH_TRIGGER)) { state_machine(); } if(ev == cc26xx_web_demo_load_config_defaults) { init_config(); etimer_set(&publish_periodic_timer, NEW_CONFIG_WAIT_INTERVAL); } } PROCESS_END(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * @} */