#include <stepper-interrupt.h> #include <interrupt-utils.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stepper.h> StepperContext stepper_context; static void do_step(StepperTimerStep *step) { const uint32_t *io_steps; StepperState *state = step->state; if (step->power >= STEPPER_POWER_ACC) { io_steps = state->acc_steps; } else if (step->power >= STEPPER_POWER_RUN) { io_steps = state->run_steps; } else { io_steps = state->hold_steps; } if (io_steps) { if (step->direction == STEPPER_DIRECTION_FORWARD){ state->step_count++; /* dbg_putchar('+'); */ if (++state->current_step == state->sequence_length) state->current_step = 0; } else { state->step_count--; /* dbg_putchar('-'); */ if (state->current_step-- == 0) state->current_step = state->sequence_length-1; } *AT91C_PIOA_ODSR = (*AT91C_PIOA_ODSR & ~state->io_mask) | (io_steps[state->current_step] & state->io_mask); #ifdef TIMING_ERRORS { long err = ((long)stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_CV - (long)step->time); if (err >= (TIMER_FREQ/PPS/2)) { err -= TIMER_FREQ/PPS; } else if (err < -(TIMER_FREQ/PPS/2)) { err += TIMER_FREQ/PPS; } if (err < state->err_min) state->err_min = err; if (err > state->err_max) state->err_max = err; } #endif } } static void set_hold(StepperState *state) { *AT91C_PIOA_ODSR = (*AT91C_PIOA_ODSR & ~state->io_mask) | (state->hold_steps[state->current_step] & state->io_mask); } static void advance_step() { StepperTimerStep *current =stepper_context.current_step; AT91PS_TC timer = stepper_context.timer_channel; unsigned int now = timer->TC_CV; while (current && current->time <= now) { do_step(current); current = current->next; if (!current) break; timer->TC_RA = current->time; now = timer->TC_CV; } stepper_context.current_step = current; } static inline int64_t mulsu48_16(int64_t a, uint32_t b) { return a*(int64_t)b; } /* Find a solution for s = a*t*t +v * t in the interval [t_low, t_high[ */ static unsigned long solve_dist(long long s, long a, long long v, unsigned long t_low, unsigned long t_high) { long long s_low = mulsu48_16((a*(long)t_low+ v), t_low); long long s_high = mulsu48_16((a*(long)t_high + v), t_high); if (s >= s_low && s <= s_high) { while(t_low + 2 < t_high) { unsigned long t = (t_high + t_low) / 2; long long s_mid = mulsu48_16((a*(long)t + v), t); if (s < s_mid) { t_high = t; s_high = s_mid; } else { t_low = t; s_low = s_mid; } } } else { while(t_low + 1 < t_high) { unsigned long t = (t_high + t_low) / 2; long long s_mid = mulsu48_16((a*(long)t + v), t); if (s > s_mid) { t_high = t; s_high = s_mid; } else { t_low = t; s_low = s_mid; } } } return (t_high + t_low) / 2; } #define HEAP_SIZE 65 static StepperTimerStep step_heap[2][HEAP_SIZE]; static unsigned short heap_pos = 0; /* Next free position in heap */ static unsigned char current_heap = 0; static StepperTimerStep * allocate_step() { if (heap_pos >= HEAP_SIZE) return NULL; return &step_heap[current_heap][heap_pos++]; } static void switch_step_heap() { current_heap ^= 1; heap_pos = 0; } StepperTimerStep ** insert_step(StepperTimerStep **at, StepperState *state, unsigned int time, uint8_t direction, uint8_t power) { StepperTimerStep *new_step; while(*at && (*at)->time <= time) { at = &(*at)->next; } new_step = allocate_step(); if (!new_step) return at; new_step->next = *at; new_step->state = state; new_step->time = time; new_step->direction = direction; new_step->power = power; *at = new_step; /* dbg_putchar('!'); */ return &new_step->next; } /* Determine suitable power for the current state */ static uint8_t get_power(StepperState *state) { if (state->acceleration != 0) return STEPPER_POWER_ACC; if (state->velocity == 0) return STEPPER_POWER_HOLD; return STEPPER_POWER_RUN; } #define SQ(x) ((x)*(x)) #define S_SCALING ((2LL*SQ((long long)TIMER_FREQ)) / DIST_SCALE ) #define V_SCALING (2LL*TIMER_FREQ/VEL_SCALE) static void step_interval(StepperState *state) { unsigned int i; long long v = state->velocity * V_SCALING; long long a = state->acceleration; unsigned long t = 0; StepperTimerStep **at = &stepper_context.steps; if (state->n_steps >= 0) { long long s = -state->step_frac * S_SCALING; for (i = 0; i < state->n_steps; i++) { s+= DIST_SCALE * S_SCALING; t = solve_dist(s, a, v, t, TIMER_FREQ/PPS); /* printf("F%ld\n", t); */ at = insert_step(at, state, t, STEPPER_DIRECTION_FORWARD, get_power(state)); } } else { long long s = (DIST_SCALE - state->step_frac) * S_SCALING; for (i = 0; i < -state->n_steps; i++) { s-= DIST_SCALE * S_SCALING; t = solve_dist(s, a, v, t, TIMER_FREQ/PPS); /* printf("B%ld\n", t); */ at = insert_step(at, state, t, STEPPER_DIRECTION_BACKWARD, get_power(state)); } } } static void setup_speed(StepperState *state) { long steps; long step_frac; /* printf("%ld v= %ld s=%ld\n",stepper_context.period_count, */ /* state->velocity, state->step_frac); */ step_frac = (state->acceleration + 2 * state->velocity + state->step_frac); steps = step_frac / DIST_SCALE; step_frac -= steps * DIST_SCALE; if (step_frac <0) { step_frac += DIST_SCALE; steps--; } /* printf("step_frac=%ld (%f) steps=%ld\n",step_frac, */ /* (double)step_frac/(double)(DIST_SCALE), steps); */ state->n_steps = steps; step_interval(state); state->velocity += state->acceleration; state->step_frac = step_frac; state->step_full += steps; } static void advance_period() { unsigned int s; StepperTimerStep *current =stepper_context.current_step; /* Do any remaining step */ while (current) { do_step(current); current = current->next; } /* Start from the beginning */ stepper_context.current_step = stepper_context.steps; stepper_context.steps = NULL; if (stepper_context.current_step) { stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_RA = stepper_context.current_step->time; } else { stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_RA = 0xffff; } /* In case there is a step very early in the period */ advance_step(); stepper_context.period_count++; *AT91C_AIC_EOICR = 0; for(s = 0; s < NUM_STEPPERS; s++) { StepperState *state = &stepper_context.steppers[s]; StepperAccSeq *acc_seq; if (state->acceleration == 0 && state->velocity == 0) { /* Set hold power if stationary */ stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_IDR = AT91C_TC_CPCS | AT91C_TC_CPAS; set_hold(state); stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_IER = AT91C_TC_CPCS | AT91C_TC_CPAS; } while ((acc_seq = state->acceleration_sequence) && acc_seq->period == stepper_context.period_count + 1) { state->acceleration_sequence = acc_seq->next; if (acc_seq->acceleration == STEPPER_ACC_INVALID) { if (stepper_context.user_callback) { stepper_context.user_callback(s, stepper_context.period_count); } } else { state->acceleration = acc_seq->acceleration; } acc_seq->next = NULL; /* Only free this one */ stepper_free_seq(acc_seq); } setup_speed(&stepper_context.steppers[s]); } /* Prepare heap for next period */ switch_step_heap(); } /* Here we have a proper stack frame and can use local variables */ static void stepper_int_safe() __attribute((noinline)); static void stepper_int_safe() { unsigned int status; status = stepper_context.timer_channel->TC_SR; if (status & AT91C_TC_CPAS) { advance_step(); /* dbg_putchar('*'); */ } if (status & AT91C_TC_CPCS) { advance_period(); } else { *AT91C_AIC_EOICR = 0; /* End of Interrupt */ } } void NACKEDFUNC stepper_timer_interrupt (void) { ISR_STORE(); ISR_ENABLE_NEST(); stepper_int_safe(); ISR_DISABLE_NEST(); ISR_RESTORE(); }