# The barebones radio driver uses the contiki core MAC layer instead # of the original glue. Define it here or invoke with $make RF230BB=1. # If the latter, $make clean RF230BB=1 is needed to clean the same directory path. ##RF230BB=1 ifdef RF230BB CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS = . rf230bb apps net loader else CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS = . rf230 apps net loader endif CONTIKI_CORE=contiki-raven-main CONTIKI_TARGET_MAIN = ${CONTIKI_CORE}.o CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += rs232.c cfs-eeprom.c eeprom.c random.c \ mmem.c contiki-raven-main.c contiki-raven-default-init-net.c CONTIKIAVR=$(CONTIKI)/cpu/avr CONTIKIBOARD=. CONTIKI_PLAT_DEFS = -DF_CPU=8000000UL -DAUTO_CRC_PADDING=2 MCU=atmega1284p AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER=jtag2 # For usb devices, you may either use PORT=usb, or (e.g. if you have more than one # programmer connected) you can use the following trick to find out the serial number: # # The example is for an JTAGICE mkII used to program an ATmega128: # avrdude -v -P usb:xxxx -c jtag2 -p atmega128 AVRDUDE_PORT=usb:00B000000D79 # Additional avrdude options # Verify off AVRDUDE_OPTIONS=-V include $(CONTIKIAVR)/Makefile.avr ifdef RF230BB # Source for AT86RF230 barebones driver using the contiki core MAC include $(CONTIKI)/cpu/avr/radio/rf230bb/Makefile.rf230bb else # Source for AT86RF230 include $(CONTIKI)/cpu/avr/radio/rf230/Makefile.rf230 #Source for Atmel/Cisco 802.15.4'ish MAC include $(CONTIKI)/cpu/avr/radio/mac/Makefile.mac #Source for IEEE 802.15.4 manager interface include $(CONTIKI)/cpu/avr/radio/ieee-manager/Makefile.ieee-manager endif