#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "contiki.h" #include "contiki-net.h" #include "rest.h" #include "dev/light-sensor.h" #include "dev/battery-sensor.h" #include "dev/sht11-sensor.h" #include "dev/leds.h" #define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) PRINTF(" %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x ", ((u8_t *)addr)[0], ((u8_t *)addr)[1], ((u8_t *)addr)[2], ((u8_t *)addr)[3], ((u8_t *)addr)[4], ((u8_t *)addr)[5], ((u8_t *)addr)[6], ((u8_t *)addr)[7], ((u8_t *)addr)[8], ((u8_t *)addr)[9], ((u8_t *)addr)[10], ((u8_t *)addr)[11], ((u8_t *)addr)[12], ((u8_t *)addr)[13], ((u8_t *)addr)[14], ((u8_t *)addr)[15]) #define PRINTLLADDR(lladdr) PRINTF(" %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",(lladdr)->addr[0], (lladdr)->addr[1], (lladdr)->addr[2], (lladdr)->addr[3],(lladdr)->addr[4], (lladdr)->addr[5]) #else #define PRINTF(...) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) #define PRINTLLADDR(addr) #endif char temp[100]; /* Resources are defined by RESOURCE macro, signature: resource name, the http methods it handles and its url*/ RESOURCE(helloworld, METHOD_GET, "helloworld"); /* For each resource defined, there corresponds an handler method which should be defined too. * Name of the handler method should be [resource name]_handler * */ void helloworld_handler(REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { sprintf(temp,"Hello World!\n"); rest_set_header_content_type(response, TEXT_PLAIN); rest_set_response_payload(response, temp, strlen(temp)); } /*A simple actuator example, depending on the color query parameter and post variable mode, corresponding led is activated or deactivated*/ RESOURCE(led, METHOD_POST | METHOD_PUT , "led"); void led_handler(REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { char color[10]; char mode[10]; uint8_t led = 0; int success = 1; if (rest_get_query_variable(request, "color", color, 10)) { PRINTF("color %s\n", color); if (!strcmp(color,"red")) { led = LEDS_RED; } else if(!strcmp(color,"green")) { led = LEDS_GREEN; } else if ( !strcmp(color,"blue") ) { led = LEDS_BLUE; } else { success = 0; } } else { success = 0; } if (success && rest_get_post_variable(request, "mode", mode, 10)) { PRINTF("mode %s\n", mode); if (!strcmp(mode, "on")) { leds_on(led); } else if (!strcmp(mode, "off")) { leds_off(led); } else { success = 0; } } else { success = 0; } if (!success) { rest_set_response_status(response, BAD_REQUEST_400); } } uint16_t light_photosynthetic; uint16_t light_solar; void read_light_sensor(uint16_t* light_1, uint16_t* light_2) { *light_1 = light_sensor.value(LIGHT_SENSOR_PHOTOSYNTHETIC); *light_2 = light_sensor.value(LIGHT_SENSOR_TOTAL_SOLAR); } /*A simple getter example. Returns the reading from light sensor with a simple etag*/ RESOURCE(light, METHOD_GET, "light"); void light_handler(REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { #ifdef CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY read_light_sensor(&light_photosynthetic, &light_solar); sprintf(temp,"%u;%u", light_photosynthetic, light_solar); #else /*CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY*/ sprintf(temp,"%d.%d", 0, 0); #endif /*CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY*/ char etag[4] = "ABCD"; rest_set_header_content_type(response, TEXT_PLAIN); rest_set_header_etag(response, etag, sizeof(etag)); rest_set_response_payload(response, temp, strlen(temp)); } /*A simple actuator example. Toggles the red led*/ RESOURCE(toggle, METHOD_GET | METHOD_PUT | METHOD_POST, "toggle"); void toggle_handler(REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { leds_toggle(LEDS_RED); } RESOURCE(discover, METHOD_GET, ".well-known/core"); void discover_handler(REQUEST* request, RESPONSE* response) { char temp[100]; int index = 0; index += sprintf(temp + index, "%s,", "</helloworld>;n=\"HelloWorld\""); index += sprintf(temp + index, "%s,", "</led>;n=\"LedControl\""); index += sprintf(temp + index, "%s", "</light>;n=\"Light\""); rest_set_response_payload(response, temp, strlen(temp)); rest_set_header_content_type(response, APPLICATION_LINK_FORMAT); } PROCESS(rest_server_example, "Rest Server Example"); AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&rest_server_example); PROCESS_THREAD(rest_server_example, ev, data) { PROCESS_BEGIN(); #ifdef WITH_COAP PRINTF("COAP Server\n"); #else PRINTF("HTTP Server\n"); #endif SENSORS_ACTIVATE(light_sensor); rest_init(); rest_activate_resource(&resource_helloworld); rest_activate_resource(&resource_led); rest_activate_resource(&resource_light); rest_activate_resource(&resource_toggle); rest_activate_resource(&resource_discover); PROCESS_END(); }