/* * Copyright (c) 2007, Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. * * $Id: cxmac.c,v 1.1 2007/09/18 10:35:39 fros4943 Exp $ */ /** * \file * A simple power saving MAC protocol based on X-MAC [SenSys 2006] * \author * Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> */ #include "sys/pt.h" #include "net/mac/cxmac.h" #include "net/rime/ctimer.h" #include "dev/leds.h" #include "net/rime.h" #include "dev/radio.h" #include "contiki-conf.h" #ifdef CHAMELEON #include "net/chameleon/packattr.h" #endif #define WITH_RECEIVER 1 #define WITH_QUEUE 0 /* XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME and XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME are defined with RTIMER_ARCH so we undef them for now. */ #undef XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME #undef XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME /* #undef XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME #undef XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME #define XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME RTIMER_ARCH_SECOND / 100 #define XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME RTIMER_ARCH_SECOND / 10 */ #if WITH_RECEIVER extern #else static #endif rimeaddr_t uc_receiver; struct powercycle { struct pt pt; struct ctimer ct; clock_time_t ontime, offtime; int num_strobes; }; struct xmac_hdr { rimeaddr_t sender; rimeaddr_t receiver; }; static struct ctimer ct; static struct pt pt; static struct ctimer ctimer; #ifdef XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME #define ON_TIME (XMAC_CONF_ON_TIME) #else #define ON_TIME (CLOCK_SECOND / 100) #endif #ifdef XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME #define OFF_TIME (XMAC_CONF_OFF_TIME) #else #define OFF_TIME (ON_TIME * 10) #endif #define STROBE_WAIT_TIME (ON_TIME) / 2 #define QUEUE_SEND_TIME 0 static volatile unsigned char should_be_awake = 0; static volatile unsigned char someone_is_sending = 0; static volatile unsigned char we_are_sending = 0; static volatile unsigned char radio_is_on = 0; static volatile unsigned char long_off = 0; static volatile unsigned char should_stop = 0; static const struct radio_driver *radio; static struct queuebuf *queued_packet; static struct ctimer qsend_timer; #undef LEDS_ON #undef LEDS_OFF #undef LEDS_TOGGLE #include <stdio.h> #define DEBUG 1 #if DEBUG #define LEDS_ON(x) leds_on(x) #define LEDS_OFF(x) leds_off(x) #define LEDS_TOGGLE(x) leds_toggle(x) #include <stdio.h> #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define LEDS_ON(x) #define LEDS_OFF(x) #define LEDS_TOGGLE(x) #define PRINTF(...) #endif static void (* receiver_callback)(const struct mac_driver *); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void set_receive_function(void (* recv)(const struct mac_driver *)) { receiver_callback = recv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int powercycle(struct ctimer *t, void *ptr); static void powercycle_call(void *ptr) { powercycle(&ct, ptr); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int powercycle(struct ctimer *t, void *ptr) { int r; /* printf("powercycle\n");*/ if(should_stop) { /* Do not reschedule */ return 0; } PT_BEGIN(&pt); while(1) { static clock_time_t t1, t2; t1 = clock_time(); if(should_be_awake == 0) { radio->off(); radio_is_on = 0; LEDS_OFF(LEDS_RED); } else { should_be_awake++; if(should_be_awake > 2) { should_be_awake = 0; } } ctimer_set(t, OFF_TIME, powercycle_call, ptr); /* if(r) { PRINTF("xmac: 1 could not set rtimer %d\n", r); }*/ t2 = clock_time(); /* printf("xmac 1 %d\n", t2 - t1); */ PT_YIELD(&pt); if(we_are_sending) { PRINTF("xmac: we are sending 1, stopping timer\n"); PT_YIELD(&pt); } t1 = clock_time(); if(radio_is_on == 0) { radio->on(); radio_is_on = 1; LEDS_ON(LEDS_RED); } ctimer_set(t, ON_TIME, powercycle_call, ptr); /* if(r) { PRINTF("xmac: 2 could not set rtimer %d\n", r); }*/ t2 = clock_time(); /* printf("xmac 2 %d\n", t2 - t1); */ PT_YIELD(&pt); if(we_are_sending) { PRINTF("xmac: we are sending 2, stopping timer\n"); PT_YIELD(&pt); } if(long_off) { /* XXX should wait for a complete packet that is not destined to us to swisch past us. */ PRINTF("xmac: long off turning on again.\n"); radio->off(); radio_is_on = 0; LEDS_OFF(LEDS_RED); ctimer_set(t, OFF_TIME, powercycle_call, ptr); long_off = 0; someone_is_sending = 0; } } PT_END(&pt); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int send(void) { clock_time_t t0, t1; int strobes; struct xmac_hdr *hdr; int got_ack = 0; we_are_sending = 1; should_be_awake = 1; radio_is_on = 1; radio->on(); /* printf("xmac_send\n");*/ #if !CHAMELEON PRINTF("xmac: send() len %d to %d.%d\n", rimebuf_totlen(), uc_receiver.u8[0], uc_receiver.u8[1]); #endif rimebuf_hdralloc(sizeof(struct xmac_hdr)); hdr = rimebuf_hdrptr(); rimeaddr_copy(&hdr->sender, &rimeaddr_node_addr); #if CHAMELEON rimeaddr_copy(&hdr->receiver, packattr_aget(PACKATTR_RECEIVER)); #else rimeaddr_copy(&hdr->receiver, &uc_receiver); #endif rimebuf_compact(); /* should_be_awake = 1; while(!radio_is_on) {}*/ t0 = clock_time(); strobes = 0; do { struct xmac_hdr msg; clock_time_t t; int len; t = clock_time(); LEDS_TOGGLE(LEDS_GREEN); rimeaddr_copy(&msg.sender, &rimeaddr_node_addr); #if CHAMELEON rimeaddr_copy(&msg.receiver, packattr_aget(PACKATTR_RECEIVER)); #else rimeaddr_copy(&msg.receiver, &uc_receiver); #endif /* printf("sender %d.%d receiver %d.%d node %d.%d.\n", msg.sender.u8[0],msg.sender.u8[1], msg.receiver.u8[0],msg.receiver.u8[1], rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0], rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]);*/ radio->send((const u8_t *)&msg, sizeof(struct xmac_hdr)); /* while(RTIMER_CLOCK_LT(RTIMER_NOW(), t + STROBE_WAIT_TIME)) {*/ while(clock_time() < t + STROBE_WAIT_TIME) { /* printf("now %d then %d wait %d\n", RTIMER_NOW(), t, STROBE_WAIT_TIME);*/ /* See if we got an ACK */ /* printf("befor read\n");*/ len = radio->read((u8_t *)&msg, sizeof(struct xmac_hdr)); /* printf("after read len %d\n", len);*/ if(len > 0) { PRINTF("xmac len %d sender %d.%d receiver %d.%d node %d.%d.\n", len, msg.sender.u8[0],msg.sender.u8[1], msg.receiver.u8[0],msg.receiver.u8[1], rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0], rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]); if(rimeaddr_cmp(&msg.receiver, &rimeaddr_node_addr)) { /* We got an ACK from the receiver, so we can immediately send the packet. */ got_ack = 1; break; } else { RIMESTATS_ADD(sendingdrop); } } } /* PRINTF("xmac Strobe %d got_ack %d\n", strobes, got_ack);*/ ++strobes; if(got_ack) { break; } } while(clock_time() < t0 + OFF_TIME + ON_TIME); /* } while(RTIMER_CLOCK_LT(RTIMER_NOW(), t0 + OFF_TIME + ON_TIME * 2));*/ radio->send(rimebuf_hdrptr(), rimebuf_totlen()); /* printf("xmac send time %d\n", (rtimer_clock_t)(RTIMER_NOW() - t0)); if((rtimer_clock_t)(RTIMER_NOW() - t0) > 10000) { printf("Too long send\n"); abort(); }*/ PRINTF("xmac: send, done\n"); /* printf("Strobe %d got_ack %d\n", strobes, got_ack);*/ LEDS_OFF(LEDS_GREEN); PT_INIT(&pt); /* if(rtimer_set(&rt, RTIMER_NOW() + ON_TIME, 1, (rtimer_callback_t)powercycle, NULL)) { PRINTF("xmac: could not set rtimer after send\n"); }*/ ctimer_set(&ct, ON_TIME, powercycle_call, NULL); we_are_sending = 0; should_be_awake = 0; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int qsend(void) { if(someone_is_sending) { PRINTF("xmac: should queue packet, now just dropping %d %d %d %d.\n", should_be_awake, someone_is_sending, we_are_sending, radio_is_on); if(queued_packet != NULL) { RIMESTATS_ADD(contentiondrop); return 0; } else { #if WITH_QUEUE queued_packet = queuebuf_new_from_rimebuf(); return 1; #else RIMESTATS_ADD(contentiondrop); return 0; #endif } } else { PRINTF("xmac: send immediately.\n"); return send(); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void send_queued(void *ptr) { queuebuf_to_rimebuf(queued_packet); queuebuf_free(queued_packet); queued_packet = NULL; qsend(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void input(const struct radio_driver *d) { if(receiver_callback) { should_be_awake = 1; receiver_callback(&cxmac_driver); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void reset_state(void *ptr) { someone_is_sending = 0; should_be_awake = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int read(void) { struct xmac_hdr *hdr; u8_t len; rimebuf_clear(); PRINTF("xmac: input "); len = radio->read(rimebuf_dataptr(), RIMEBUF_SIZE); PRINTF("%d bytes at %d.%d\n", len, rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[0],rimeaddr_node_addr.u8[1]); if(len > 0) { someone_is_sending = 1; ctimer_set(&ctimer, (OFF_TIME * 2), reset_state, NULL); rimebuf_set_datalen(len); hdr = rimebuf_dataptr(); rimebuf_hdrreduce(sizeof(struct xmac_hdr)); if(rimeaddr_cmp(&hdr->receiver, &rimeaddr_node_addr)) { should_be_awake = 1; PRINTF("xmac: for us\n"); if(!rimeaddr_cmp(&hdr->sender, &rimeaddr_node_addr) && rimebuf_totlen() == 0) { /* XXX Send an ACK and wait for packet . */ PRINTF("xmac: got sender %d.%d receiver %d.%d\n", hdr->sender.u8[0],hdr->sender.u8[1], hdr->receiver.u8[0],hdr->receiver.u8[1]); while(!radio_is_on) {} { struct xmac_hdr msg; rimeaddr_copy(&msg.receiver, &hdr->sender); rimeaddr_copy(&msg.sender, &hdr->sender); PRINTF("xmac: sending sender %d.%d receiver %d.%d\n", msg.sender.u8[0],msg.sender.u8[1], msg.receiver.u8[0],msg.receiver.u8[1]); radio->send((const u8_t *)&msg, sizeof(struct xmac_hdr)); } } } else if(rimeaddr_cmp(&hdr->receiver, &rimeaddr_null)) { /* Wait for the actual packet to arrive. */ should_be_awake = 1; PRINTF("xmac: broadcast from %d.%d\n", hdr->sender.u8[0],hdr->sender.u8[1]); /* PRINTF("xmac: broadcast\n");*/ } else { /* Go back to sleep. XXX should not turn on the radio again until this packet has passed. */ should_be_awake = 0; someone_is_sending = 1; long_off = 1; PRINTF("xmac: long off"); /* XXX set timer to turn someone_is_sending off again and send queued packet. */ /* PRINTF("xmac: not for us\n");*/ } if(rimebuf_totlen() > 0) { /* We have received the final packet, so we can go back to being asleep. */ someone_is_sending = 0; should_be_awake = 0; PRINTF("xmac: final packet received\n"); #if WITH_QUEUE /* XXX should set timer to send queued packet later. */ if(queued_packet != NULL) { ctimer_set(&qsend_timer, QUEUE_SEND_TIME, send_queued, queued_packet); } #endif return rimebuf_totlen(); } } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cxmac_init(const struct radio_driver *d) { radio_is_on = 0; should_be_awake = 0; should_stop = 0; PT_INIT(&pt); /* rtimer_set(&rt, RTIMER_NOW() + OFF_TIME, 1, (rtimer_callback_t)powercycle, NULL);*/ ctimer_set(&ct, OFF_TIME, powercycle_call, NULL); radio = d; radio->set_receive_function(input); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int on(void) { should_stop = 0; radio_is_on = 0; should_be_awake = 0; should_stop = 0; PT_INIT(&pt); /* rtimer_set(&rt, RTIMER_NOW() + OFF_TIME, 1, (rtimer_callback_t)powercycle, NULL); */ ctimer_set(&ct, OFF_TIME, powercycle_call, NULL); return radio->on(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int off(int radio_status) { should_stop = 1; return radio->off(); /* switch(radio_status) { case MAC_RADIO_ON: return radio->on(); case MAC_RADIO_OFF: return radio->off(); } return 0; */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const struct mac_driver cxmac_driver = { qsend, read, set_receive_function, on, off };