#ifndef _DEV_RTLREGS_H_ #define _DEV_RTLREGS_H_ /* * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by egnite Software GmbH. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this * software must display the following acknowledgement: * * This product includes software developed by egnite Software GmbH * and its contributors. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGNITE SOFTWARE GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL EGNITE * SOFTWARE GMBH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * For additional information see http://www.ethernut.de/ * * - * Portions Copyright (C) 2000 David J. Hudson <dave@humbug.demon.co.uk> * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or (at your discretion) any later version. * See the accompanying file "copying-gpl.txt" for more details. * * As a special exception to the GPL, permission is granted for additional * uses of the text contained in this file. See the accompanying file * "copying-liquorice.txt" for details. * - * Portions Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 by * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * $Log: rtlregs.h,v $ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/17 22:41:21 adamdunkels * Import of the contiki-2.x development code from the SICS internal CVS server * * Revision 1.1 2005/09/19 23:05:35 adam * AVR device drivers * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/18 19:03:23 adam * Initial import of Contiki AVR port * * Revision 1.1 2003/07/04 10:54:52 adamdunkels * First version of the AVR port * * Revision 1.1 2003/02/05 20:49:07 adam * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.6 2002/10/29 15:27:36 harald * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.5 2002/06/26 17:29:08 harald * First pre-release with 2.4 stack * */ /*! * \brief Realtek 8019AS register definitions. */ /*@{*/ /* * Register offset applicable to all register pages. */ #define NIC_CR 0x00 /*!< \brief Command register */ #define NIC_IOPORT 0x10 /*!< \brief I/O data port */ #define NIC_RESET 0x1f /*!< \brief Reset port */ /* * Page 0 register offsets. */ #define NIC_PG0_CLDA0 0x01 /*!< \brief Current local DMA address 0 */ #define NIC_PG0_PSTART 0x01 /*!< \brief Page start register */ #define NIC_PG0_CLDA1 0x02 /*!< \brief Current local DMA address 1 */ #define NIC_PG0_PSTOP 0x02 /*!< \brief Page stop register */ #define NIC_PG0_BNRY 0x03 /*!< \brief Boundary pointer */ #define NIC_PG0_TSR 0x04 /*!< \brief Transmit status register */ #define NIC_PG0_TPSR 0x04 /*!< \brief Transmit page start address */ #define NIC_PG0_NCR 0x05 /*!< \brief Number of collisions register */ #define NIC_PG0_TBCR0 0x05 /*!< \brief Transmit byte count register 0 */ #define NIC_PG0_FIFO 0x06 /*!< \brief FIFO */ #define NIC_PG0_TBCR1 0x06 /*!< \brief Transmit byte count register 1 */ #define NIC_PG0_ISR 0x07 /*!< \brief Interrupt status register */ #define NIC_PG0_CRDA0 0x08 /*!< \brief Current remote DMA address 0 */ #define NIC_PG0_RSAR0 0x08 /*!< \brief Remote start address register 0 Low byte address to read from the buffer. */ #define NIC_PG0_CRDA1 0x09 /*!< \brief Current remote DMA address 1 */ #define NIC_PG0_RSAR1 0x09 /*!< \brief Remote start address register 1 High byte address to read from the buffer. */ #define NIC_PG0_RBCR0 0x0a /*!< \brief Remote byte count register 0 Low byte of the number of bytes to read from the buffer. */ #define NIC_PG0_RBCR1 0x0b /*!< \brief Remote byte count register 1 High byte of the number of bytes to read from the buffer. */ #define NIC_PG0_RSR 0x0c /*!< \brief Receive status register */ #define NIC_PG0_RCR 0x0c /*!< \brief Receive configuration register */ #define NIC_PG0_CNTR0 0x0d /*!< \brief Tally counter 0 (frame alignment errors) */ #define NIC_PG0_TCR 0x0d /*!< \brief Transmit configuration register */ #define NIC_PG0_CNTR1 0x0e /*!< \brief Tally counter 1 (CRC errors) */ #define NIC_PG0_DCR 0x0e /*!< \brief Data configuration register */ #define NIC_PG0_CNTR2 0x0f /*!< \brief Tally counter 2 (Missed packet errors) */ #define NIC_PG0_IMR 0x0f /*!< \brief Interrupt mask register */ /* * Page 1 register offsets. */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR0 0x01 /*!< \brief Physical address register 0 */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR1 0x02 /*!< \brief Physical address register 1 */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR2 0x03 /*!< \brief Physical address register 2 */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR3 0x04 /*!< \brief Physical address register 3 */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR4 0x05 /*!< \brief Physical address register 4 */ #define NIC_PG1_PAR5 0x06 /*!< \brief Physical address register 5 */ #define NIC_PG1_CURR 0x07 /*!< \brief Current page register The next incoming packet will be stored at this page address. */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR0 0x08 /*!< \brief Multicast address register 0 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR1 0x09 /*!< \brief Multicast address register 1 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR2 0x0a /*!< \brief Multicast address register 2 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR3 0x0b /*!< \brief Multicast address register 3 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR4 0x0c /*!< \brief Multicast address register 4 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR5 0x0d /*!< \brief Multicast address register 5 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR6 0x0e /*!< \brief Multicast address register 6 */ #define NIC_PG1_MAR7 0x0f /*!< \brief Multicast address register 7 */ /* * Page 2 register offsets. */ #define NIC_PG2_PSTART 0x01 /*!< \brief Page start register */ #define NIC_PG2_CLDA0 0x01 /*!< \brief Current local DMA address 0 */ #define NIC_PG2_PSTOP 0x02 /*!< \brief Page stop register */ #define NIC_PG2_CLDA1 0x02 /*!< \brief Current local DMA address 1 */ #define NIC_PG2_RNP 0x03 /*!< \brief Remote next packet pointer */ #define NIC_PG2_TSPR 0x04 /*!< \brief Transmit page start register */ #define NIC_PG2_LNP 0x05 /*!< \brief Local next packet pointer */ #define NIC_PG2_ACU 0x06 /*!< \brief Address counter (upper) */ #define NIC_PG2_ACL 0x07 /*!< \brief Address counter (lower) */ #define NIC_PG2_RCR 0x0c /*!< \brief Receive configuration register */ #define NIC_PG2_TCR 0x0d /*!< \brief Transmit configuration register */ #define NIC_PG2_DCR 0x0e /*!< \brief Data configuration register */ #define NIC_PG2_IMR 0x0f /*!< \brief Interrupt mask register */ /* * Page 3 register offsets. */ #define NIC_PG3_EECR 0x01 /*!< \brief EEPROM command register */ #define NIC_PG3_BPAGE 0x02 /*!< \brief Boot-ROM page register */ #define NIC_PG3_CONFIG0 0x03 /*!< \brief Configuration register 0 (r/o) */ #define NIC_PG3_CONFIG1 0x04 /*!< \brief Configuration register 1 */ #define NIC_PG3_CONFIG2 0x05 /*!< \brief Configuration register 2 */ #define NIC_PG3_CONFIG3 0x06 /*!< \brief Configuration register 3 */ #define NIC_PG3_CSNSAV 0x08 /*!< \brief CSN save register (r/o) */ #define NIC_PG3_HLTCLK 0x09 /*!< \brief Halt clock */ #define NIC_PG3_INTR 0x0b /*!< \brief Interrupt pins (r/o) */ /* * Command register bits. */ #define NIC_CR_STP 0x01 /*!< \brief Stop */ #define NIC_CR_STA 0x02 /*!< \brief Start */ #define NIC_CR_TXP 0x04 /*!< \brief Transmit packet */ #define NIC_CR_RD0 0x08 /*!< \brief Remote DMA command bit 0 */ #define NIC_CR_RD1 0x10 /*!< \brief Remote DMA command bit 1 */ #define NIC_CR_RD2 0x20 /*!< \brief Remote DMA command bit 2 */ #define NIC_CR_PS0 0x40 /*!< \brief Page select bit 0 */ #define NIC_CR_PS1 0x80 /*!< \brief Page select bit 1 */ /* * Interrupt status register bits. */ #define NIC_ISR_PRX 0x01 /*!< \brief Packet received */ #define NIC_ISR_PTX 0x02 /*!< \brief Packet transmitted */ #define NIC_ISR_RXE 0x04 /*!< \brief Receive error */ #define NIC_ISR_TXE 0x08 /*!< \brief Transmit error */ #define NIC_ISR_OVW 0x10 /*!< \brief Overwrite warning */ #define NIC_ISR_CNT 0x20 /*!< \brief Counter overflow */ #define NIC_ISR_RDC 0x40 /*!< \brief Remote DMA complete */ #define NIC_ISR_RST 0x80 /*!< \brief Reset status */ /* * Interrupt mask register bits. */ #define NIC_IMR_PRXE 0x01 /*!< \brief Packet received interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_PTXE 0x02 /*!< \brief Packet transmitted interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_RXEE 0x04 /*!< \brief Receive error interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_TXEE 0x08 /*!< \brief Transmit error interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_OVWE 0x10 /*!< \brief Overwrite warning interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_CNTE 0x20 /*!< \brief Counter overflow interrupt enable */ #define NIC_IMR_RCDE 0x40 /*!< \brief Remote DMA complete interrupt enable */ /* * Data configuration register bits. */ #define NIC_DCR_WTS 0x01 /*!< \brief Word transfer select */ #define NIC_DCR_BOS 0x02 /*!< \brief Byte order select */ #define NIC_DCR_LAS 0x04 /*!< \brief Long address select */ #define NIC_DCR_LS 0x08 /*!< \brief Loopback select */ #define NIC_DCR_AR 0x10 /*!< \brief Auto-initialize remote */ #define NIC_DCR_FT0 0x20 /*!< \brief FIFO threshold select bit 0 */ #define NIC_DCR_FT1 0x40 /*!< \brief FIFO threshold select bit 1 */ /* * Transmit configuration register bits. */ #define NIC_TCR_CRC 0x01 /*!< \brief Inhibit CRC */ #define NIC_TCR_LB0 0x02 /*!< \brief Encoded loopback control bit 0 */ #define NIC_TCR_LB1 0x04 /*!< \brief Encoded loopback control bit 1 */ #define NIC_TCR_ATD 0x08 /*!< \brief Auto transmit disable */ #define NIC_TCR_OFST 0x10 /*!< \brief Collision offset enable */ /* * Transmit status register bits. */ #define NIC_TSR_PTX 0x01 /*!< \brief Packet transmitted */ #define NIC_TSR_COL 0x04 /*!< \brief Transmit collided */ #define NIC_TSR_ABT 0x08 /*!< \brief Transmit aborted */ #define NIC_TSR_CRS 0x10 /*!< \brief Carrier sense lost */ #define NIC_TSR_FU 0x20 /*!< \brief FIFO underrun */ #define NIC_TSR_CDH 0x40 /*!< \brief CD heartbeat */ #define NIC_TSR_OWC 0x80 /*!< \brief Out of window collision */ /* * Receive configuration register bits. */ #define NIC_RCR_SEP 0x01 /*!< \brief Save errored packets */ #define NIC_RCR_AR 0x02 /*!< \brief Accept runt packets */ #define NIC_RCR_AB 0x04 /*!< \brief Accept broadcast */ #define NIC_RCR_AM 0x08 /*!< \brief Accept multicast */ #define NIC_RCR_PRO 0x10 /*!< \brief Promiscuous physical */ #define NIC_RCR_MON 0x20 /*!< \brief Monitor mode */ /* * Receive status register bits. */ #define NIC_RSR_PRX 0x01 /*!< \brief Packet received intact */ #define NIC_RSR_CRC 0x02 /*!< \brief CRC error */ #define NIC_RSR_FAE 0x04 /*!< \brief Frame alignment error */ #define NIC_RSR_FO 0x08 /*!< \brief FIFO overrun */ #define NIC_RSR_MPA 0x10 /*!< \brief Missed packet */ #define NIC_RSR_PHY 0x20 /*!< \brief Physical/multicast address */ #define NIC_RSR_DIS 0x40 /*!< \brief Receiver disabled */ #define NIC_RSR_DFR 0x80 /*!< \brief Deferring */ /* * EEPROM command register bits. */ #define NIC_EECR_EEM1 0x80 /*!< \brief EEPROM Operating Mode */ #define NIC_EECR_EEM0 0x40 /*!< \brief EEPROM Operating Mode - 0 0 Normal operation - 0 1 Auto-load - 1 0 9346 programming - 1 1 Config register write enab */ #define NIC_EECR_EECS 0x08 /*!< \brief EEPROM Chip Select */ #define NIC_EECR_EESK 0x04 /*!< \brief EEPROM Clock */ #define NIC_EECR_EEDI 0x02 /*!< \brief EEPROM Data In */ #define NIC_EECR_EEDO 0x01 /*!< \brief EEPROM Data Out */ /* * Configuration register 2 bits. */ #define NIC_CONFIG2_PL1 0x80 /*!< \brief Network media type */ #define NIC_CONFIG2_PL0 0x40 /*!< \brief Network media type - 0 0 TP/CX auto-detect - 0 1 10baseT - 1 0 10base5 - 1 1 10base2 */ #define NIC_CONFIG2_BSELB 0x20 /*!< \brief BROM disable */ #define NIC_CONFIG2_BS4 0x10 /*!< \brief BROM size/base */ #define NIC_CONFIG2_BS3 0x08 #define NIC_CONFIG2_BS2 0x04 #define NIC_CONFIG2_BS1 0x02 #define NIC_CONFIG2_BS0 0x01 /* * Configuration register 3 bits */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_PNP 0x80 /*!< \brief PnP Mode */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_FUDUP 0x40 /*!< \brief Full duplex */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_LEDS1 0x20 /*!< \brief LED1/2 pin configuration - 0 LED1 == LED_RX, LED2 == LED_TX - 1 LED1 == LED_CRS, LED2 == MCSB */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_LEDS0 0x10 /*!< \brief LED0 pin configration - 0 LED0 pin == LED_COL - 1 LED0 pin == LED_LINK */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_SLEEP 0x04 /*!< \brief Sleep mode */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_PWRDN 0x02 /*!< \brief Power Down */ #define NIC_CONFIG3_ACTIVEB 0x01 /*!< \brief inverse of bit 0 in PnP Act Reg */ /*@}*/ /*! * \brief Read byte from controller register. */ #define nic_read(reg) *(base + (reg)) /*! * \brief Write byte to controller register. */ #define nic_write(reg, data) *(base + (reg)) = data #endif