#ifndef __USB_H__6PFTDPIMZM__
#define __USB_H__6PFTDPIMZM__
#include <stdint.h>

/* Adapted from usb_kbd_enum.h in c5131-usb-kbd-light-1_0_2 package from
   Atmel */

/* These definitions assume a little endian architecture */

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define BYTE_ALIGNED __attribute__ ((__packed__))

#define LOW_BYTE(x) ((unsigned char)x)
#define HIGH_BYTE(x) ((unsigned char)(x>>8))

typedef uint8_t Uchar;
typedef uint16_t Uint16;
typedef uint32_t Uint32;

/*_____ S T A N D A R D    R E Q U E S T S __________________________________*/

#define GET_STATUS            0x00
#define GET_DEVICE            0x01
#define CLEAR_FEATURE         0x01        /* see FEATURES below */
#define GET_STRING            0x03
#define SET_FEATURE           0x03        /* see FEATURES below */
#define SET_ADDRESS           0x05
#define GET_DESCRIPTOR        0x06
#define SET_DESCRIPTOR        0x07
#define GET_CONFIGURATION     0x08
#define SET_CONFIGURATION     0x09
#define GET_INTERFACE         0x0A
#define SET_INTERFACE         0x0B
#define SYNCH_FRAME           0x0C

#define GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR           1

#define REQUEST_DEVICE_STATUS         0x80
#define REQUEST_ENDPOINT_STATUS       0x82
#define ZERO_TYPE                     0x00
#define INTERFACE_TYPE                0x01
#define ENDPOINT_TYPE                 0x02

/*_____ D E S C R I P T O R    T Y P E S ____________________________________*/

#define DEVICE                0x01
#define CONFIGURATION         0x02
#define STRING                0x03
#define INTERFACE             0x04
#define ENDPOINT              0x05

/* HID specific */
#define HID                   0x21
#define REPORT                0x22
/* *** */

/*_____ S T A N D A R D    F E A T U R E S __________________________________*/

#define ENDPOINT_HALT_FEATURE            0x00

/*_____ D E V I C E   S T A T U S ___________________________________________*/

#define SELF_POWERED       1

/*_____ D E V I C E   S T A T E _____________________________________________*/

#define ATTACHED                  0
#define POWERED                   1
#define DEFAULT                   2
#define ADDRESSED                 3
#define CONFIGURED                4
#define SUSPENDED                 5

#define USB_CONFIG_BUSPOWERED     0x80

/* Class specific */
#define CS_INTERFACE	0x24
#define CS_ENDPOINT	0x25

/*_________________________________________________________ S T R U C T _____*/
/*_____ U S B   D E V I C E   R E Q U E S T _________________________________*/

struct USB_request_st
  Uchar   bmRequestType;        /* Characteristics of the request */
  Uchar   bRequest;             /* Specific request */
  Uint16 wValue;
  Uint16  wIndex;  /* field that varies according to request */
  Uint16  wLength;              /* Number of bytes to transfer if Data */

/*_____ U S B   D E V I C E   D E S C R I P T O R ___________________________*/

struct usb_st_device_descriptor
  Uchar  bLength;               /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar  bDescriptorType;       /* DEVICE descriptor type */
  Uint16 bscUSB;                /* Binay Coded Decimal Spec. release */
  Uchar  bDeviceClass;          /* Class code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar  bDeviceSubClass;       /* Sub-class code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar  bDeviceProtocol;       /* Protocol code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar  bMaxPacketSize0;       /* Max packet size for EP0 */
  Uint16 idVendor;              /* Vendor ID. ATMEL = 0x03EB */
  Uint16 idProduct;             /* Product ID assigned by the manufacturer */
  Uint16 bcdDevice;             /* Device release number */
  Uchar  iManufacturer;         /* Index of manu. string descriptor */
  Uchar  iProduct;              /* Index of prod. string descriptor */
  Uchar  iSerialNumber;         /* Index of S.N.  string descriptor */
  Uchar  bNumConfigurations;    /* Number of possible configurations */

/*_____ U S B   C O N F I G U R A T I O N   D E S C R I P T O R _____________*/

struct usb_st_configuration_descriptor
  Uchar  bLength;               /* size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar  bDescriptorType;       /* CONFIGURATION descriptor type */
  Uint16 wTotalLength;          /* total length of data returned */
  Uchar  bNumInterfaces;        /* number of interfaces for this conf. */
  Uchar  bConfigurationValue;   /* value for SetConfiguration resquest */
  Uchar  iConfiguration;        /* index of string descriptor */
  Uchar  bmAttibutes;           /* Configuration characteristics */
  Uchar  MaxPower;              /* maximum power consumption */

/*_____ U S B   I N T E R F A C E   D E S C R I P T O R _____________________*/

struct usb_st_interface_descriptor
  Uchar bLength;                /* size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar bDescriptorType;        /* INTERFACE descriptor type */
  Uchar bInterfaceNumber;       /* Number of interface */
  Uchar bAlternateSetting;      /* value to select alternate setting */
  Uchar bNumEndpoints;          /* Number of EP except EP 0 */
  Uchar bInterfaceClass;        /* Class code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar bInterfaceSubClass;     /* Sub-class code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar bInterfaceProtocol;     /* Protocol code assigned by the USB */
  Uchar iInterface;             /* Index of string descriptor */

/*_____ U S B   E N D P O I N T   D E S C R I P T O R _______________________*/

struct usb_st_endpoint_descriptor
  Uchar  bLength;               /* Size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar  bDescriptorType;       /* ENDPOINT descriptor type */
  Uchar  bEndpointAddress;      /* Address of the endpoint */
  Uchar  bmAttributes;          /* Endpoint's attributes */
  Uint16 wMaxPacketSize;        /* Maximum packet size for this EP */
  Uchar  bInterval;             /* Interval for polling EP in ms */
/*   Uchar  bRefresh; */
/*   Uchar  bSynchAddress; */

/*_____ U S B   S T R I N G   D E S C R I P T O R _______________*/

struct usb_st_string_descriptor
  Uchar  bLength;               /* size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar  bDescriptorType;       /* STRING descriptor type */
  Uint16 wstring[1];/* unicode characters */

struct usb_st_language_descriptor
  Uchar  bLength;               /* size of this descriptor in bytes */
  Uchar  bDescriptorType;       /* STRING descriptor type */
  Uint16 wlangid[1];               /* language id */

#endif /* __USB_H__6PFTDPIMZM__ */