.PHONY: all FORCE clean windist all: windist #wrap py to exe and build windows installer windist: python setup.py py2exe rm -r bin mv dist/jtag/jtag.exe dist/msp430-jtag.exe mv dist/jtag/* dist/ rmdir dist/jtag mv dist bin rm -r build #generate test files fill60k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 60 >$@ fill48k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 48 >$@ fill32k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 32 >$@ fill16k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 16 >$@ fill8k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 8 >$@ fill4k.a43: python gen-ihex.py 4 >$@ #clean up the mess... clean: rm -r dist build bin