#include "BH1750FVI.h" #if ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif #include void BH1750FVI::begin(byte mode, byte addr, double sens, int pin){ if(pin>=0 && pin<55){ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); if(addr==BH_AddrL) digitalWrite(pin, LOW); if(addr==BH_AddrH) digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } byte sensitivity; if(sens> 5); MTreg_loByte = BH_MTrLb | (sensitivity & 0b00011111); switch(mode){ case BH_ContL: case BH_ContH: case BH_Conth: startOngoingSamples(mode); break; case BH_SingH: case BH_Singh: case BH_SingL: startSingleSample(mode); break; default: mode = BH_EasyH; startOngoingSamples(mode); break; } sampleUnseen = false; lastSampleStart = 0; } word BH1750FVI::startOngoingSamples(char mode){ if(mode==BH_NoMod) mode=currentMode; byte lowLevelMode = mode; if(lowLevelMode==BH_EasyH) lowLevelMode=BH_ContH; switch(mode){ case BH_EasyH: case BH_ContH: case BH_Conth: case BH_ContL: i2cWrite(BH_PowOn); i2cWrite(MTreg_hiByte); i2cWrite(MTreg_loByte); i2cWrite(lowLevelMode); lastSampleStart = millis(); currentMode = mode; return setSensitivity(currentSensitivity); break; default: return 0; } } word BH1750FVI::startSingleSample(char mode){ if(mode==BH_NoMod){ mode=currentMode; } switch(mode){ case BH_SingH: case BH_Singh: case BH_SingL: i2cWrite(BH_PowOn); i2cWrite(MTreg_hiByte); i2cWrite(MTreg_loByte); i2cWrite(mode); lastSampleStart = millis(); currentMode = mode; return setSensitivity(currentSensitivity); break; default: return 0; } } bool BH1750FVI::sampleIsFresh(){ if(sampleUnseen) return true; else if((millis() > (lastSampleStart+currentSamplingTime))){ sampleUnseen = true; return true; } else return false; } word BH1750FVI::getLightLevel(char mode){ unsigned long int Intensity_value; sampleUnseen = false; Intensity_value = i2cRead(); if(mode!='r'){ Intensity_value = (Intensity_value*5)/6; if(mode!='c'){ Intensity_value = (Intensity_value*69)/currentSensitivity; } /*this next adjustment is not useful in practice. if you're using a half-scale mode, you want the extra sensitivity. I'm leaving it here for reference. switch(currentMode){ case BH_Singh: case BH_Conth: Intensity_value /= 2; }*/ Intensity_value = constrain(Intensity_value, 0, 65535); } switch(currentMode){ case BH_ContH: case BH_Conth: case BH_ContL: case BH_EasyH: //this is a fake previous sample time that will keep pace with //the actual BH1750FVI's sampling rate, but isn't necessarily //synchronized to the earliest time each new sample is available. //if you want true synchronized timing, use a single-sample mode. lastSampleStart = millis(); } return (word)Intensity_value; } word BH1750FVI::setSensitivity(double sens){ if(sens<((double)(BH_MinSv/2))){ sens = constrain(sens, ((double)BH_MinSv/(double)BH_DefSv), ((double)BH_MaxSv/(double)BH_DefSv) ); sens = sens*(double)BH_DefSv; } else{ sens = constrain(sens, (double)BH_MinSv, (double)BH_MaxSv); } return setSensitivity((byte)round(sens)); } word BH1750FVI::setSensitivity(float sens){ return setSensitivity((double)sens); } word BH1750FVI::setSensitivity(int sens){ sens = constrain(sens, 1, BH_MaxSv); return setSensitivity((byte)sens); } word BH1750FVI::setSensitivity(byte sens){ if(sens<(BH_MinSv/2)){ sens = BH_DefSv*(constrain(sens, (byte)1, (byte)3)); } else{ sens = constrain(sens, BH_MinSv, BH_MaxSv); } switch(currentMode){ case BH_ContL: case BH_SingL: currentSamplingTime = (word)((BH_FastD*(unsigned long int)sens)/BH_DefSv); break; default: currentSamplingTime = (word)((((unsigned long int)BH_SlowD)*((unsigned long int)sens))/BH_DefSv); break; } MTreg_hiByte = BH_MTrHb | (sens >> 5); MTreg_loByte = BH_MTrLb | (sens & 0b00011111); currentSensitivity = sens; sampleUnseen = false; return currentSamplingTime; } void BH1750FVI::powerDown(){ i2cWrite(BH_PowOf); } /*I2C INTERFACE These two functions were originally based on code written by https://github.com/claws/ and https://github.com/Genotronex/ */ void BH1750FVI::i2cWrite(byte dataToSend){ Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.write(dataToSend); Wire.endTransmission(); } word BH1750FVI::i2cRead(){ word value; Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.requestFrom(address, (byte)2); if(Wire.available()){ value = Wire.read(); if(Wire.available()){ value <<= 8; value |= Wire.read(); } else value=0; } else value=0; Wire.endTransmission(); return value; }