pyJTAG ------ Software to talk to the parallel port JTAG PCB as seen with the FET kits. It is released under a free software license, see license.txt for more details. (C) 2002-2003 Chris Liechti Features -------- - understands TI-Text and Intel-hex - download to Flash and/or RAM, erase, verify - reset device - load addres into R0/PC and run - upload a memory block MSP->PC (output as binary data or hex dump) - written in Python, runs on Win32, Linux, BSD - use per command line, or in a Python script Requirements ------------ - Linux, BSD, Un*x or Windows PC - Python 2.0 or newer, 2.2 recomeded - Parallel JTAG hardware with an MSP430 device connected Installation ------------ Python installations are available from On Windows simply use the installer. The win32all package has an installer too. These installations should run fine with the deafults. On Linux just Python is needed. On some distributions is Python 1.5.2 installed per default. You may meed to change the first line in the script from "python" to "python2". Maybe Python 2.x is in a separate package that has to be installed. There are rpm and deb binary packages and a source tarball available through the Python homepage. The pyjtag archive can simply be unpacked to a directory, Windows users can use WinZip or WinRar among others to extract the gzipped tar file. If you want to run it from everywhere the directory where the file is, should be added to the PATH. Look at "~/.profile", "/etc/profile" on Linux, "autoexec.bat" on Win9x/ME, System Properties/Environment in Win2000/NT/XP. from the jtag archive must be copied to the same directory as On Windows also MSP430mspgcc.dll and HIL.dll must be located in the same dir or somewhere in the PATH. Short introduction ------------------ This software uses the JTAG hardware that comes with the FET kits. It is connected to the parallel port. The program can be started by typing "python" in a console. Often it works also with just "" or "./". USAGE: [options] [file] If "-" is specified as file the data is read from the stdinput. A file ending with ".txt" is considered to be in TIText format all other filenames are considered IntelHex. General options: -h, --help Show this help screen. -l, --lpt=name Specify an other parallel port. (defaults to LPT1 (/dev/parport0 on unix) -D, --debug Increase level of debug messages. This won't be very useful for the average user... -I, --intelhex Force fileformat to IntelHex -T, --titext Force fileformat to be TIText -f, --funclet The given file is a funclet (a small program to be run in RAM) -R, --ramsize Specify the amont of RAM to be used to program flash (default 256). Program Flow Specifiers: -e, --masserase Mass Erase (clear all flash memory) -m, --mainerase Erase main flash memory only --eraseinfo Erase info flash memory only (0x1000-0x10ff) --erase=address Selectively erase segment at the specified address -E, --erasecheck Erase Check by file -p, --program Program file -v, --verify Verify by file The order of the above options matters! The table is ordered by normal execution order. For the options "Epv" a file must be specified. Program flow specifiers default to "p" if a file is given. Don't forget to specify "e" or "eE" when programming flash! "p" already verifies the programmed data, "v" adds an additional verification though uploading the written data for a 1:1 compare. No default action is taken if "p" and/or "v" is given, say specifying only "v" does a check by file of a programmed device. Data retreiving: -u, --upload=addr Upload a datablock (see also: -s). -s, --size=num Size of the data block do upload. (Default is 2) -x, --hex Show a hexadecimal display of the uploaded data. (Default) -b, --bin Get binary uploaded data. This can be used to redirect the output into a file. -i, --ihex Uploaded data is output in Intel HEX format. This can be used to clone a device. Do before exit: -g, --go=address Start programm execution at specified address. This implies option "w" (wait) -r, --reset Reset connected MSP430. Starts application. This is a normal device reset and will start the programm that is specified in the reset interrupt vector. (see also -g) -w, --wait Wait for before closing parallel port. Examples -------- These examples assume that you have added the installation directory to the PATH. Type the full path to otherwise and maybe use "python". Depending on installation it may also appear under the name "msp430-jtag". -e Only erase flash. -eErw 6port.a43 Erase flash, erase check, download an executable, run it (reset) and wait. -mS -R 2048 6port.a43 Use ramsize option on a device with 2k RAM to speed up download. Of course any value from 128B up to the maximum a device has is allowed. The progress and mainerase options are also activated. Only erasing the main memory is useful to keep calibration data in the information memory. 6port.a43 Download of an executable to en empty (new or erased) device. (Note that in new devices some of the first bytes in the information memory are random data. If data should be downloaded there, specify -eE.) --go=0x220 ramtest.a43 Download a program into RAM and run it, may not work with all devices. -f blinking.a43 Download a program into RAM and run it. It must be a special format with "startadr", "entrypoint", "exitpoint" as the first three words in the data and it must end on "jmp $". See MSP430debug sources for more info. -u 0x0c00 -s 1024 Get a memory dump in HEX, from the bootstrap loader. or save the binary in a file: "python -u 0x0c00 -s 1024 -b >dump.bin" or as an intel-hex file: "python -u 0x0c00 -s 1024 -i >dump.a43" -r Just start the user program (with a reset). cat 6port.a43| -e - Pipe the data from "cat" to to erase and program the flash. (un*x example, don't forget the dash at the end of the line) History ------- 1.0 public release 1.1 fix of verify error 1.2 use the verification during programming 1.3 meinerase, progress options, ihex output References ---------- - Python: - Texas Instruments MSP430 Homepage, links to Datasheets and Application Notes: