/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Swedish Institute of Computer Science * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * \brief * Handles the control of the USART for communication with the ATmega1284p * for sending commands. * * \author * Mike Vidales mavida404@gmail.com * */ #include "uart.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "beep.h" /** * \addtogroup lcd * \{ */ #define TIMEOUT (0xff) /** \brief The RX circular buffer, for storing characters from serial port. */ tcirc_buf rxbuf; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will intialize the circular buffer head and tail of tcirc_buf struct. * * \param cbuf Pointer to buffer to initialize. */ void uart_init_circ_buf(tcirc_buf *cbuf) { cbuf->head = cbuf->tail = 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will add a new character to the circular buffer. * * \param cbuf Pointer to buffer where character will be stored. * \param ch Character to store into buffer. */ void uart_add_to_circ_buf(tcirc_buf *cbuf, uint8_t ch) { /* Add char to buffer */ uint8_t newhead = cbuf->head; newhead++; if (newhead >= BUFSIZE){ newhead = 0; } if (newhead == cbuf->tail){ /* Buffer full, quit it */ return; } cbuf->buf[cbuf->head] = ch; cbuf->head = newhead; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will get a character from the buffer requested. * * \param cbuf Pointer to buffer to get character from. * * \return retval Return character from buffer. */ uint8_t uart_get_from_circ_buf(tcirc_buf *cbuf) { /* Get char from buffer. */ /* Be sure to check first that there is a char in buffer. */ uint8_t newtail = cbuf->tail; uint8_t retval = cbuf->buf[newtail]; newtail++; if (newtail >= BUFSIZE){ /* Rollover */ newtail = 0; } cbuf->tail = newtail; return retval; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will clear the RX buffer. */ void uart_clear_rx_buf(void) { rxbuf.tail = rxbuf.head = 0; } /** * \brief This will check for a character in the requested buffer. * * \param cbuf Pointer to buffer to check for any characters. * * \return True if buffer empty. */ uint8_t uart_circ_buf_has_char(tcirc_buf *cbuf) { /* Return true if buffer empty */ return (cbuf->head != cbuf->tail); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will convert a nibble to a hex value. * * \param val Value to convert to hex. * * \return val Converted hex value */ uint8_t ntohex(uint8_t val) { /* Convert nibble to hex */ if (val > 9){ return val + 'A' - 10; } else{ return val + '0'; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Convert integer to hex value. * * \param val Value to convert to hex. * \param str Location to store converted value. */ void itohex(uint8_t val,char *str) { *str++ = ntohex(val >> 8); *str = ntohex(val & 0x0f); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will wait for a new character from the ATmega1284p and timeout * if no new character is received. * * \retval TIMEOUT Returns if timeout has occured. * \return retval Character returned upon seeing rx_char_ready() */ uint8_t uart_get_char_rx(void) { /* Gets a serial char, and waits for timeout */ uint32_t timex = 5000000; uint8_t retval; while (!rx_char_ready()){ if (!timex--){ /* Timeout, return timeout */ return TIMEOUT; } } retval = uart_get_from_circ_buf(&rxbuf); return retval; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Initialize UART to 38400 Baud Rate and only * enable UART for transmission. */ void uart_init(void) { /* For Mega3290P, enable the uart peripheral */ PRR &= ~(1 << PRUSART0); uart_clear_rx_buf(); /* 38400 baud @ 8 MHz internal RC oscillator (error = 0.2%) */ UBRR0 = BAUD_RATE_38400; /* 8 bit character size, 1 stop bit and no parity mode */ UCSR0C = ( 3 << UCSZ00); /* Enable RX,TX and RX interrupt on USART */ UCSR0B = (1 << RXEN0)|(1 << TXEN0)|(1 << RXCIE0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Turn off UART for sleep mode. */ void uart_deinit(void) { /* Disable RX,TX and RX interrupt on USART */ UCSR0B = 0; /* for Mega3290P, disable the uart peripheral */ PRR |= (1 << PRUSART0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Send one byte over the uart. This is called to send binary commands. * * \param byte The byte of data to send out the uart. */ void uart_send_byte(uint8_t byte) { /* Wait for last char to be gone... */ while(!(UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0))) ; UDR0 = byte; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This is the USART RX complete interrupt. */ ISR (USART_RX_vect) { /* Get byte from serial port, put in Rx Buffer. */ uint8_t retval; retval = UDR0; uart_add_to_circ_buf(&rxbuf, retval); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This function builds and sends a binary command frame to the * ATmega1284p. * * \param cmd Command to send. * \param payload_length Length of data to be sent with command. * \param payload Pointer to data to send. */ void uart_serial_send_frame(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t payload_length, uint8_t *payload) { /* Send a frame to 1284p */ int8_t i; uart_send_byte(SOF_CHAR); uart_send_byte(payload_length); uart_send_byte(cmd); for (i=0;i<=payload_length-1;i++){ uart_send_byte(payload[i]); } uart_send_byte(EOF_CHAR); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This displays a time out message to the user based on the parameter * reason x. * * \param x Reason for USART time out. */ void uart_timeout_msg(uint8_t x) { char str[20] = "TO "; dectoascii(x, str+3); lcd_puts(str); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief This will receive a frame from the ATmega1284p and parse the incoming * data. * * If the incoming data is a binary command acknowledgement, then this will not * parse any data. If the incoming data is test reports, the menu will store the * data for end of test metrics. * * \param wait_for_ack Flag used to wait for acknowledgement when receving a serial * frame. */ void uart_serial_rcv_frame(uint8_t wait_for_ack) { /* Gets a serial frame, if any, and displays data appropriately */ /* If wait_for_ack is true, this funtion will wait for serial chars. */ volatile uint8_t ch; volatile uint8_t length; volatile uint8_t cmd; volatile uint8_t payload[10]; uint16_t i; if (!wait_for_ack && !rx_char_ready()){ return; } /* Check for SOF */ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch != SOF_CHAR){ return uart_timeout_msg(1); } /* Turn on nose LED for activity indicator */ led_on(); /* Get length byte */ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch == TIMEOUT){ return uart_timeout_msg(2); } /* Check for ACK Frame */ if (ch >= 0x80){ /* This is an ack frame, just get it and go away. */ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch != EOF_CHAR){ uart_timeout_msg(3); } led_off(); return; } length = ch; if (length > 10){ /* invalid length */ return; } /* Get cmd byte */ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch == TIMEOUT){ return uart_timeout_msg(5); } cmd = ch; /* Get payload */ for (i=0;i<length;i++){ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch == TIMEOUT){ return uart_timeout_msg(i); } /* Save payload */ payload[i] = ch; } /* Get EOF */ ch = uart_get_char_rx(); if (ch != EOF_CHAR){ return uart_timeout_msg(7); } /* Now print something based on rx'd frame */ switch (cmd){ case REPORT_PING: /* * This will update the lcd with the current ping status. * Store the sequence number away. */ ping_response = payload[0]; if(ping_response == 1){ lcd_single_print_dig(ping_response, 3); } else if(ping_response == 2){ lcd_single_print_dig(ping_response, 2); } else if(ping_response == 3){ lcd_single_print_dig(ping_response, 1); } else if(ping_response == 4){ lcd_single_print_dig(ping_response, 0); } timeout_flag = false; /* Beep on successful ping response. */ lcd_symbol_set(LCD_SYMBOL_BELL); beep(); lcd_symbol_clr(LCD_SYMBOL_BELL); break; case REPORT_PING_BEEP: lcd_symbol_set(LCD_SYMBOL_BELL); beep(); lcd_symbol_clr(LCD_SYMBOL_BELL); break; case REPORT_TEXT_MSG: /* Get text message, print to lcd. */ lcd_puts((char *)payload); beep(); break; default: break; } led_off(); } /** \} */