# cc2538dk platform makefile ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS = . dev CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += leds.c leds-arch.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += contiki-main.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += sensors.c smartrf-sensors.c button-sensor.c TARGET_START_SOURCEFILES += startup-gcc.c TARGET_STARTFILES = ${addprefix $(OBJECTDIR)/,${call oname, $(TARGET_START_SOURCEFILES)}} CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES) CLEAN += *.cc2538dk ### Unless the example dictates otherwise, build with code size optimisations ifndef SMALL SMALL = 1 endif ### If the prject's Makefile specified IPv6, the pre-processor needs to know ifeq ($(UIP_CONF_IPV6),1) CFLAGS += -DUIP_CONF_IPV6=1 endif ### Define the CPU directory CONTIKI_CPU=$(CONTIKI)/cpu/cc2538 include $(CONTIKI_CPU)/Makefile.cc2538