/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Matthias Kovatsch and other contributors. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki operating system. */ /** * \file * Erbium (Er) REST Engine example (with CoAP-specific code) * \author * Matthias Kovatsch */ #include #include #include #include "contiki.h" #include "contiki-net.h" /* Define which resources to include to meet memory constraints. */ #define REST_RES_INFO 1 #define REST_RES_DS1820 1 #define REST_RES_DHT11 1 #define REST_RES_TEMPERATURE 1 #define REST_RES_CHUNKS 0 #define REST_RES_SEPARATE 0 #define REST_RES_PUSHING 0 #define REST_RES_EVENT 0 #define REST_RES_LEDS 0 #define REST_RES_TOGGLE 0 #define REST_RES_BATTERY 1 #if !UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL && !defined (CONTIKI_TARGET_MINIMAL_NET) && !defined (CONTIKI_TARGET_NATIVE) #warning "Compiling with static routing!" #include "static-routing.h" #endif #include "erbium.h" // todo OSD-Testboard move to platform/dev #include "dev/key.h" #include "dev/led.h" #if REST_RES_DS1820 #include "dev/ds1820.h" #endif #if REST_RES_DHT11 #include "dev/dht11.h" uint8_t dht11_temp=0, dht11_hum=0; #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) #include "dev/button-sensor.h" #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS) #include "dev/leds.h" #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_TEMPERATURE) #include "dev/temperature-sensor.h" #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BATTERY) #include "dev/battery-sensor.h" #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_SHT11) #include "dev/sht11-sensor.h" #endif /* For CoAP-specific example: not required for normal RESTful Web service. */ #if WITH_COAP == 3 #include "er-coap-03.h" #elif WITH_COAP == 7 #include "er-coap-07.h" #elif WITH_COAP == 12 #include "er-coap-12.h" #elif WITH_COAP == 13 #include "er-coap-13.h" #else #warning "Erbium example without CoAP-specifc functionality" #endif /* CoAP-specific example */ #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) PRINTF("[%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x]", ((uint8_t *)addr)[0], ((uint8_t *)addr)[1], ((uint8_t *)addr)[2], ((uint8_t *)addr)[3], ((uint8_t *)addr)[4], ((uint8_t *)addr)[5], ((uint8_t *)addr)[6], ((uint8_t *)addr)[7], ((uint8_t *)addr)[8], ((uint8_t *)addr)[9], ((uint8_t *)addr)[10], ((uint8_t *)addr)[11], ((uint8_t *)addr)[12], ((uint8_t *)addr)[13], ((uint8_t *)addr)[14], ((uint8_t *)addr)[15]) #define PRINTLLADDR(lladdr) PRINTF("[%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x]",(lladdr)->addr[0], (lladdr)->addr[1], (lladdr)->addr[2], (lladdr)->addr[3],(lladdr)->addr[4], (lladdr)->addr[5]) #else #define PRINTF(...) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) #define PRINTLLADDR(addr) #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_INFO /* * Resources are defined by the RESOURCE macro. * Signature: resource name, the RESTful methods it handles, and its URI path (omitting the leading slash). */ RESOURCE(info, METHOD_GET, "info", "title=\"Info\";rt=\"text\""); /* * A handler function named [resource name]_handler must be implemented for each RESOURCE. * A buffer for the response payload is provided through the buffer pointer. Simple resources can ignore * preferred_size and offset, but must respect the REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE limit for the buffer. * If a smaller block size is requested for CoAP, the REST framework automatically splits the data. */ void info_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { char message[100]; int index = 0; int length = 0; /* |<-------->| */ /* Some data that has the length up to REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE. For more, see the chunk resource. */ // jSON Format index += sprintf(message + index,"{\n \"version\" : \"V0.3\",\n"); index += sprintf(message + index," \"name\" : \"6lowpan-climate\"\n"); index += sprintf(message + index,"}\n"); length = strlen(message); memcpy(buffer, message,length ); REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, length); } #endif /*A simple actuator example, post variable mode, relay is activated or deactivated*/ RESOURCE(led1, METHOD_GET | METHOD_PUT , "actors/led1", "title=\"Led1\";rt=\"led\""); void led1_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { char mode[10]; static uint8_t led1 = 0; static char name[17]="led1"; int success = 1; char temp[100]; int index = 0; size_t len = 0; const char *pmode = NULL; const char *pname = NULL; switch(REST.get_method_type(request)){ case METHOD_GET: // jSON Format index += sprintf(temp + index,"{\n \"name\" : \"%s\",\n",name); if(led1 == 0) index += sprintf(temp + index," \"mode\" : \"off\"\n"); if(led1 == 1) index += sprintf(temp + index," \"mode\" : \"on\"\n"); index += sprintf(temp + index,"}\n"); len = strlen(temp); memcpy(buffer, temp,len ); REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, len); break; case METHOD_POST: success = 0; break; case METHOD_PUT: if (success && (len=REST.get_post_variable(request, "mode", &pmode))) { PRINTF("name %s\n", mode); memcpy(mode, pmode,len); mode[len]=0; if (!strcmp(mode, "on")) { led1_on(); led1 = 1; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "off")) { led1_off(); led1 = 0; } else { success = 0; } } else if (success && (len=REST.get_post_variable(request, "name", &pname))) { PRINTF("name %s\n", name); memcpy(name, pname,len); name[len]=0; } else { success = 0; } break; default: success = 0; } if (!success) { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.BAD_REQUEST); } } #if REST_RES_DS1820 /*A simple getter example. Returns the reading from ds1820 sensor*/ RESOURCE(ds1820, METHOD_GET, "sensors/temp", "title=\"Temperatur DS1820\";rt=\"temperature-c\""); void ds1820_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { char message[100]; int length = 0; /* |<-------->| */ int grad=0; int kgrad=0; if(ds1820_ok[0] & 0x01){ kgrad=5; } grad = (int)((ds1820_ok[1] << 8) | (ds1820_ok[0])) >> 1; const uint16_t *accept = NULL; int num = REST.get_header_accept(request, &accept); if ((num==0) || (num && accept[0]==REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); snprintf(message, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "%2d.%d C",grad,kgrad); length = strlen(message); memcpy(buffer, message,length ); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, length); } else if (num && (accept[0]==REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); snprintf(message, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{\"temp\":\"%d.%d\"}",grad,kgrad); length = strlen(message); memcpy(buffer, message,length ); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, length); } else { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)"Supporting content-types text/plain and application/json", 56); } } #endif //REST_RES_DS1820 #if REST_RES_DHT11 /*A simple getter example. Returns the reading from ds1820 sensor*/ RESOURCE(dht11, METHOD_GET, "sensors/hum", "title=\"Humidity DHT11\";rt=\"humidity-%\""); void dht11_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { char message[100]; int length = 0; /* |<-------->| */ const uint16_t *accept = NULL; int num = REST.get_header_accept(request, &accept); if ((num==0) || (num && accept[0]==REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); snprintf(message, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "%2d %2d",dht11_temp,dht11_hum); length = strlen(message); memcpy(buffer, message,length ); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, length); } else if (num && (accept[0]==REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); snprintf(message, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{\"temp\":\"%d\",\"hum\":\"%d\"}",dht11_temp,dht11_hum); length = strlen(message); memcpy(buffer, message,length ); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, length); } else { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)"Supporting content-types text/plain and application/json", 56); } } #endif //REST_RES_DHT11 /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_CHUNKS /* * For data larger than REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE (e.g., stored in flash) resources must be aware of the buffer limitation * and split their responses by themselves. To transfer the complete resource through a TCP stream or CoAP's blockwise transfer, * the byte offset where to continue is provided to the handler as int32_t pointer. * These chunk-wise resources must set the offset value to its new position or -1 of the end is reached. * (The offset for CoAP's blockwise transfer can go up to 2'147'481'600 = ~2047 M for block size 2048 (reduced to 1024 in observe-03.) */ RESOURCE(chunks, METHOD_GET, "test/chunks", "title=\"Blockwise demo\";rt=\"Data\""); #define CHUNKS_TOTAL 2050 void chunks_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { int32_t strpos = 0; /* Check the offset for boundaries of the resource data. */ if (*offset>=CHUNKS_TOTAL) { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.BAD_OPTION); /* A block error message should not exceed the minimum block size (16). */ const char *error_msg = "BlockOutOfScope"; REST.set_response_payload(response, error_msg, strlen(error_msg)); return; } /* Generate data until reaching CHUNKS_TOTAL. */ while (strpos preferred_size) { strpos = preferred_size; } /* Truncate if above CHUNKS_TOTAL bytes. */ if (*offset+(int32_t)strpos > CHUNKS_TOTAL) { strpos = CHUNKS_TOTAL - *offset; } REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strpos); /* IMPORTANT for chunk-wise resources: Signal chunk awareness to REST engine. */ *offset += strpos; /* Signal end of resource representation. */ if (*offset>=CHUNKS_TOTAL) { *offset = -1; } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_SEPARATE && defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) && WITH_COAP > 3 /* Required to manually (=not by the engine) handle the response transaction. */ #include "er-coap-07-separate.h" #include "er-coap-07-transactions.h" /* * CoAP-specific example for separate responses. * Note the call "rest_set_pre_handler(&resource_separate, coap_separate_handler);" in the main process. * The pre-handler takes care of the empty ACK and updates the MID and message type for CON requests. * The resource handler must store all information that required to finalize the response later. */ RESOURCE(separate, METHOD_GET, "test/separate", "title=\"Separate demo\""); /* A structure to store the required information */ typedef struct application_separate_store { /* Provided by Erbium to store generic request information such as remote address and token. */ coap_separate_t request_metadata; /* Add fields for addition information to be stored for finalizing, e.g.: */ char buffer[16]; } application_separate_store_t; static uint8_t separate_active = 0; static application_separate_store_t separate_store[1]; void separate_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { /* * Example allows only one open separate response. * For multiple, the application must manage the list of stores. */ if (separate_active) { coap_separate_reject(); } else { separate_active = 1; /* Take over and skip response by engine. */ coap_separate_accept(request, &separate_store->request_metadata); /* Be aware to respect the Block2 option, which is also stored in the coap_separate_t. */ /* * At the moment, only the minimal information is stored in the store (client address, port, token, MID, type, and Block2). * Extend the store, if the application requires additional information from this handler. * buffer is an example field for custom information. */ snprintf(separate_store->buffer, sizeof(separate_store->buffer), "StoredInfo"); } } void separate_finalize_handler() { if (separate_active) { coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL; if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(separate_store->request_metadata.mid, &separate_store->request_metadata.addr, separate_store->request_metadata.port)) ) { coap_packet_t response[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */ /* Restore the request information for the response. */ coap_separate_resume(response, &separate_store->request_metadata, CONTENT_2_05); coap_set_payload(response, separate_store->buffer, strlen(separate_store->buffer)); /* * Be aware to respect the Block2 option, which is also stored in the coap_separate_t. * As it is a critical option, this example resource pretends to handle it for compliance. */ coap_set_header_block2(response, separate_store->request_metadata.block2_num, 0, separate_store->request_metadata.block2_size); /* Warning: No check for serialization error. */ transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(response, transaction->packet); coap_send_transaction(transaction); /* The engine will clear the transaction (right after send for NON, after acked for CON). */ separate_active = 0; } else { /* * Set timer for retry, send error message, ... * The example simply waits for another button press. */ } } /* if (separate_active) */ } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_PUSHING /* * Example for a periodic resource. * It takes an additional period parameter, which defines the interval to call [name]_periodic_handler(). * A default post_handler takes care of subscriptions by managing a list of subscribers to notify. */ PERIODIC_RESOURCE(pushing, METHOD_GET, "test/push", "title=\"Periodic demo\";obs", 5*CLOCK_SECOND); void pushing_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); /* Usually, a CoAP server would response with the resource representation matching the periodic_handler. */ const char *msg = "It's periodic!"; REST.set_response_payload(response, msg, strlen(msg)); /* A post_handler that handles subscriptions will be called for periodic resources by the REST framework. */ } /* * Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_handler must be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE. * It will be called by the REST manager process with the defined period. */ void pushing_periodic_handler(resource_t *r) { static uint16_t obs_counter = 0; static char content[11]; ++obs_counter; PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", obs_counter, r->url); /* Build notification. */ coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */ coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, 0 ); coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "TICK %u", obs_counter)); /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */ REST.notify_subscribers(r, obs_counter, notification); } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_EVENT && defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) /* * Example for an event resource. * Additionally takes a period parameter that defines the interval to call [name]_periodic_handler(). * A default post_handler takes care of subscriptions and manages a list of subscribers to notify. */ EVENT_RESOURCE(event, METHOD_GET, "sensors/button", "title=\"Event demo\";obs"); void event_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); /* Usually, a CoAP server would response with the current resource representation. */ const char *msg = "It's eventful!"; REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg)); /* A post_handler that handles subscriptions/observing will be called for periodic resources by the framework. */ } /* Additionally, a handler function named [resource name]_event_handler must be implemented for each PERIODIC_RESOURCE defined. * It will be called by the REST manager process with the defined period. */ void event_event_handler(resource_t *r) { static uint16_t event_counter = 0; static char content[12]; ++event_counter; PRINTF("TICK %u for /%s\n", event_counter, r->url); /* Build notification. */ coap_packet_t notification[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */ coap_init_message(notification, COAP_TYPE_CON, CONTENT_2_05, 0 ); coap_set_payload(notification, content, snprintf(content, sizeof(content), "EVENT %u", event_counter)); /* Notify the registered observers with the given message type, observe option, and payload. */ REST.notify_subscribers(r, event_counter, notification); } #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON */ /******************************************************************************/ #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS) /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_LEDS /*A simple actuator example, depending on the color query parameter and post variable mode, corresponding led is activated or deactivated*/ RESOURCE(leds, METHOD_POST | METHOD_PUT , "actuators/leds", "title=\"LEDs: ?color=r|g|b, POST/PUT mode=on|off\";rt=\"Control\""); void leds_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { size_t len = 0; const char *color = NULL; const char *mode = NULL; uint8_t led = 0; int success = 1; if ((len=REST.get_query_variable(request, "color", &color))) { PRINTF("color %.*s\n", len, color); if (strncmp(color, "r", len)==0) { led = LEDS_RED; } else if(strncmp(color,"g", len)==0) { led = LEDS_GREEN; } else if (strncmp(color,"b", len)==0) { led = LEDS_BLUE; } else { success = 0; } } else { success = 0; } if (success && (len=REST.get_post_variable(request, "mode", &mode))) { PRINTF("mode %s\n", mode); if (strncmp(mode, "on", len)==0) { leds_on(led); } else if (strncmp(mode, "off", len)==0) { leds_off(led); } else { success = 0; } } else { success = 0; } if (!success) { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.BAD_REQUEST); } } #endif /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_TOGGLE /* A simple actuator example. Toggles the red led */ RESOURCE(toggle, METHOD_GET | METHOD_PUT | METHOD_POST, "actuators/toggle", "title=\"Red LED\";rt=\"Control\""); void toggle_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { leds_toggle(LEDS_RED); } #endif #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS */ /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_TEMPERATURE && defined (PLATFORM_HAS_TEMPERATURE) /* A simple getter example. Returns the reading from light sensor with a simple etag */ RESOURCE(temperature, METHOD_GET, "sensors/cputemp", "title=\"Temperature status\";rt=\"temperature-c\""); void temperature_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { int temperature = temperature_sensor.value(0); const uint16_t *accept = NULL; int num = REST.get_header_accept(request, &accept); if ((num==0) || (num && accept[0]==REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "%d", temperature); REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)buffer, strlen((char *)buffer)); } else if (num && (accept[0]==REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{'temperature':%d}", temperature); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strlen((char *)buffer)); } else { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); const char *msg = "Supporting content-types text/plain and application/json"; REST.set_response_payload(response, msg, strlen(msg)); } } #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_TEMPERATURE */ /******************************************************************************/ #if REST_RES_BATTERY && defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BATTERY) /* A simple getter example. Returns the reading from light sensor with a simple etag */ RESOURCE(battery, METHOD_GET, "sensors/battery", "title=\"Battery status\";rt=\"battery-mV\""); void battery_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset) { int battery = battery_sensor.value(0); const uint16_t *accept = NULL; int num = REST.get_header_accept(request, &accept); if ((num==0) || (num && accept[0]==REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN); snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "%d", battery); REST.set_response_payload(response, (uint8_t *)buffer, strlen((char *)buffer)); } else if (num && (accept[0]==REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON)) { REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.APPLICATION_JSON); snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, "{'battery':%d}", battery); REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strlen((char *)buffer)); } else { REST.set_response_status(response, REST.status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); const char *msg = "Supporting content-types text/plain and application/json"; REST.set_response_payload(response, msg, strlen(msg)); } } #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_BATTERY */ void hw_init() { led1_off(); #if REST_RES_DS1820 ds1820_temp(); #endif #if REST_RES_DHT11 dht11_temp=DHT_Read_Data(DHT_Temp); dht11_hum=DHT_Read_Data(DHT_RH); #endif } #define MESURE_INTERVAL (20 * CLOCK_SECOND) #define READ_TIME ( 2 * CLOCK_SECOND) PROCESS(rest_server_example, "Erbium Example Server"); AUTOSTART_PROCESSES(&rest_server_example); PROCESS_THREAD(rest_server_example, ev, data) { static struct etimer ds_periodic_timer; #if REST_RES_DS1820 static struct etimer ds_read_timer; #endif PROCESS_BEGIN(); PRINTF("Starting Erbium Example Server\n"); #ifdef RF_CHANNEL PRINTF("RF channel: %u\n", RF_CHANNEL); #endif #ifdef IEEE802154_PANID PRINTF("PAN ID: 0x%04X\n", IEEE802154_PANID); #endif PRINTF("uIP buffer: %u\n", UIP_BUFSIZE); PRINTF("LL header: %u\n", UIP_LLH_LEN); PRINTF("IP+UDP header: %u\n", UIP_IPUDPH_LEN); PRINTF("REST max chunk: %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE); /* if static routes are used rather than RPL */ #if !UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL && !defined (CONTIKI_TARGET_MINIMAL_NET) && !defined (CONTIKI_TARGET_NATIVE) set_global_address(); configure_routing(); #endif /* Initialize the OSD Hardware. */ hw_init(); /* Initialize the REST engine. */ rest_init_engine(); /* Activate the application-specific resources. */ rest_activate_resource(&resource_led1); /* Activate the application-specific resources. */ #if REST_RES_DS1820 rest_activate_resource(&resource_ds1820); #endif #if REST_RES_DHT11 rest_activate_resource(&resource_dht11); #endif #if REST_RES_INFO rest_activate_resource(&resource_info); #endif #if REST_RES_CHUNKS rest_activate_resource(&resource_chunks); #endif #if REST_RES_PUSHING rest_activate_periodic_resource(&periodic_resource_pushing); #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) && REST_RES_EVENT rest_activate_event_resource(&resource_event); #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) && REST_RES_SEPARATE && WITH_COAP > 3 /* No pre-handler anymore, user coap_separate_accept() and coap_separate_reject(). */ rest_activate_resource(&resource_separate); #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) && (REST_RES_EVENT || (REST_RES_SEPARATE && WITH_COAP > 3)) SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor); #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS) #if REST_RES_LEDS rest_activate_resource(&resource_leds); #endif #if REST_RES_TOGGLE rest_activate_resource(&resource_toggle); #endif #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_LEDS */ #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_TEMPERATURE) && REST_RES_TEMPERATURE SENSORS_ACTIVATE(temperature_sensor); rest_activate_resource(&resource_temperature); #endif #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BATTERY) && REST_RES_BATTERY SENSORS_ACTIVATE(battery_sensor); rest_activate_resource(&resource_battery); #endif /* Define application-specific events here. */ etimer_set(&ds_periodic_timer, MESURE_INTERVAL); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); #if defined (PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON) if (ev == sensors_event && data == &button_sensor) { PRINTF("BUTTON\n"); #if REST_RES_EVENT /* Call the event_handler for this application-specific event. */ event_event_handler(&resource_event); #endif #if REST_RES_SEPARATE && WITH_COAP>3 /* Also call the separate response example handler. */ separate_finalize_handler(); #endif } #endif /* PLATFORM_HAS_BUTTON */ if(etimer_expired(&ds_periodic_timer)) { PRINTF("Periodic\n"); etimer_reset(&ds_periodic_timer); #if REST_RES_DHT11 dht11_temp=DHT_Read_Data(DHT_Temp); dht11_hum=DHT_Read_Data(DHT_RH); #endif #if REST_RES_DS1820 if(ds1820_convert()){ etimer_set(&ds_read_timer, READ_TIME); } #endif } #if REST_RES_DS1820 if(etimer_expired(&ds_read_timer)) { PRINTF("DS1820_Read\n"); ds1820_read(); } #endif } /* while (1) */ PROCESS_END(); }