/* This file has been prepared for Doxygen automatic documentation generation.*/ /*! \file cdc_task.c ********************************************************** * * \brief * Manages the CDC-ACM Virtual Serial Port Dataclass for the USB Device * * \addtogroup usbstick * * \author * Colin O'Flynn <coflynn@newae.com> * ******************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2008 ATMEL Corporation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \ingroup usbstick \defgroup cdctask CDC Task @{ */ //_____ I N C L U D E S ___________________________________________________ #include "contiki.h" #include "usb_drv.h" #include "usb_descriptors.h" #include "usb_specific_request.h" #include "cdc_task.h" #include "serial/uart_usb_lib.h" #include "rndis/rndis_protocol.h" #include "rndis/rndis_task.h" #include "sicslow_ethernet.h" #if RF230BB #include "rf230bb.h" #else #include "radio.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "dev/watchdog.h" #include "rng.h" #include "bootloader.h" #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <avr/eeprom.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <util/delay.h> #if JACKDAW_CONF_USE_SETTINGS #include "settings.h" #endif #define BUF ((struct uip_eth_hdr *)&uip_buf[0]) #define PRINTF printf #define PRINTF_P printf_P //_____ M A C R O S ________________________________________________________ #define bzero(ptr,size) memset(ptr,0,size) //_____ D E F I N I T I O N S ______________________________________________ #define IAD_TIMEOUT_DETACH 300 #define IAD_TIMEOUT_ATTACH 600 //_____ D E C L A R A T I O N S ____________________________________________ void menu_print(void); void menu_process(char c); extern char usb_busy; //! Counter for USB Serial port extern U8 tx_counter; //! Timers for LEDs uint8_t led3_timer; //! previous configuration static uint8_t previous_uart_usb_control_line_state = 0; static uint8_t timer = 0; static struct etimer et; #define CONVERTTXPOWER 1 #if CONVERTTXPOWER //adds ~120 bytes to program flash size const char txonesdigit[16] PROGMEM = {'3','2','2','1','1','0','0','1','2','3','4','5','7','9','2','7'}; const char txtenthsdigit[16] PROGMEM = {'0','6','1','6','1','5','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2','2'}; static void printtxpower(void) { uint8_t power=rf230_get_txpower()&0xf; char sign=(power<6?'+':'-'); char tens=(power>14?'1':'0'); char ones=pgm_read_byte(&txonesdigit[power]); char tenths=pgm_read_byte(&txtenthsdigit[power]); if (tens=='0') {tens=sign;sign=' ';} PRINTF_P(PSTR("%c%c%c.%cdBm"),sign,tens,ones,tenths); } #endif PROCESS(cdc_process, "CDC serial process"); /** * \brief Communication Data Class (CDC) Process * * This is the link between USB and the "good stuff". In this routine data * is received and processed by CDC-ACM Class */ PROCESS_THREAD(cdc_process, ev, data_proc) { PROCESS_BEGIN(); #if USB_CONF_RS232 static FILE *rs232_stdout,*usb_stdout; rs232_stdout=stdout; #endif while(1) { // turn off LED's if necessary if (led3_timer) led3_timer--; else Led3_off(); if(Is_device_enumerated()) { // If the configuration is different than the last time we checked... if((uart_usb_get_control_line_state()&1)!=previous_uart_usb_control_line_state) { previous_uart_usb_control_line_state = uart_usb_get_control_line_state()&1; static FILE* previous_stdout; if(previous_uart_usb_control_line_state&1) { previous_stdout = stdout; uart_usb_init(); uart_usb_set_stdout(); // menu_print(); do this later } else { stdout = previous_stdout; } #if USB_CONF_RS232 usb_stdout=stdout; #endif } //Flush buffer if timeout if(timer >= 4 && tx_counter!=0 ){ timer = 0; uart_usb_flush(); } else { timer++; } #if USB_CONF_RS232 stdout=usb_stdout; #endif while (uart_usb_test_hit()){ menu_process(uart_usb_getchar()); // See what they want } #if USB_CONF_RS232 if (usbstick_mode.debugOn) { stdout=rs232_stdout; } else { stdout=NULL; } #endif }//if (Is_device_enumerated()) if (USB_CONFIG_HAS_DEBUG_PORT(usb_configuration_nb)) { etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND/80); } else { etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND); } PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&et)); } // while(1) PROCESS_END(); } /** \brief Print debug menu */ void menu_print(void) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r*********** Jackdaw Menu **********\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR(" [Built "__DATE__"] \n\r")); // PRINTF_P(PSTR("* *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* m Print current mode *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* s Set to sniffer mode *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* n Set to network mode *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* c Set RF channel *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* p Set RF power *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* 6 Toggle 6lowpan *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* r Toggle raw mode *\n\r")); #if USB_CONF_RS232 PRINTF_P(PSTR("* d Toggle RS232 output *\n\r")); #endif #if RF230BB && RF230_CONF_SNEEZER PRINTF_P(PSTR("* S Enable sneezer mode *\n\r")); #endif #if UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL PRINTF_P(PSTR("* N RPL Neighbors *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* G RPL Global Repair *\n\r")); #endif PRINTF_P(PSTR("* e Energy Scan *\n\r")); #if USB_CONF_STORAGE PRINTF_P(PSTR("* u Switch to mass-storage*\n\r")); #endif if(bootloader_is_present()) PRINTF_P(PSTR("* D Switch to DFU mode *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* R Reset (via WDT) *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* h,? Print this menu *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* Make selection at any time by *\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("* pressing your choice on keyboard*\n\r")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("***********************************\n\r")); } #if UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL static void ipaddr_add(const uip_ipaddr_t *addr) { uint16_t a; int8_t i, f; for(i = 0, f = 0; i < sizeof(uip_ipaddr_t); i += 2) { a = (addr->u8[i] << 8) + addr->u8[i + 1]; if(a == 0 && f >= 0) { if(f++ == 0) PRINTF_P(PSTR("::")); } else { if(f > 0) { f = -1; } else if(i > 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR(":")); } PRINTF_P(PSTR("%x"),a); } } } #endif /** \brief Process incomming char on debug port */ void menu_process(char c) { static enum menustate_enum /* Defines an enumeration type */ { normal, channel, txpower } menustate = normal; static char channel_string[3]; static uint8_t channel_string_i;// = 0; int tempchannel; if (menustate == channel) { switch(c) { case '\r': case '\n': if (channel_string_i) { channel_string[channel_string_i] = 0; tempchannel = atoi(channel_string); #if RF230BB if ((tempchannel < 11) || (tempchannel > 26)) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rInvalid input\n\r")); } else { rf230_set_channel(tempchannel); #else if(radio_set_operating_channel(tempchannel)!=RADIO_SUCCESS) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rInvalid input\n\r")); } else { #endif #if JACKDAW_CONF_USE_SETTINGS if(settings_set_uint8(SETTINGS_KEY_CHANNEL, tempchannel)==SETTINGS_STATUS_OK) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rChannel changed to %d and stored in EEPROM.\n\r"),tempchannel); } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rChannel changed to %d, but unable to store in EEPROM!\n\r"),tempchannel); } #else PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rChannel changed to %d.\n\r"),tempchannel); #endif } } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rChannel unchanged.\n\r")); } menustate = normal; break; case '\b': if (channel_string_i) { channel_string_i--; PRINTF_P(PSTR("\b \b")); } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (channel_string_i > 1) { // This time the user has gone too far. // Beep at them. putc('\a', stdout); //uart_usb_putchar('\a'); break; } putc(c, stdout); //uart_usb_putchar(c); channel_string[channel_string_i] = c; channel_string_i++; break; default: break; } } else if (menustate == txpower) { switch(c) { case '\r': case '\n': if (channel_string_i) { channel_string[channel_string_i] = 0; tempchannel = atoi(channel_string); #if RF230BB if ((tempchannel < 0) || (tempchannel > 15)) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rInvalid input\n\r")); } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR(" ")); //for some reason needs a print here to clear the string input... rf230_set_txpower(tempchannel); #else if(radio_set_tx_power_level(tempchannel)!=RADIO_SUCCESS) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rInvalid input\n\r")); } else { #endif #if JACKDAW_CONF_USE_SETTINGS if(settings_set_uint8(SETTINGS_KEY_TXPOWER, tempchannel)==SETTINGS_STATUS_OK) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rTransmit power changed to %d, and stored in EEPROM.\n\r"),tempchannel); } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rTransmit power changed to %d, but unable to store in EEPROM!\n\r"),tempchannel); } #else PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rTransmit power changed to %d.\n\r"),tempchannel); #endif } } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rTransmit power unchanged.\n\r")); } menustate = normal; break; case '\b': if (channel_string_i) { channel_string_i--; PRINTF_P(PSTR("\b \b")); } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (channel_string_i > 1) { // This time the user has gone too far. // Beep at them. putc('\a', stdout); //uart_usb_putchar('\a'); break; } putc(c, stdout); //uart_usb_putchar(c); channel_string[channel_string_i] = c; channel_string_i++; break; default: break; } } else { uint8_t i; /* Any attempt to read an RF230 register in sneeze mode (e.g. rssi) will hang the MCU */ /* So convert any command into a sneeze off */ if (usbstick_mode.sneeze) c='S'; switch(c) { case '\r': case '\n': break; case 'h': case '?': menu_print(); break; case '-': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Bringing interface down\n\r")); usb_eth_set_active(0); break; case '=': case '+': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Bringing interface up\n\r")); usb_eth_set_active(1); break; #if JACKDAW_CONF_RANDOM_MAC case 'T': // Test "strong" random number generator of R Quattlebaum // This can potentially reboot the stick! PRINTF_P(PSTR("RNG Output: ")); { uint8_t value = rng_get_uint8(); uint8_t i; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { uart_usb_putchar(((value>>(7-i))&1)?'1':'0'); } PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r")); uart_usb_flush(); watchdog_periodic(); } break; #endif case 's': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now in sniffer mode\n\r")); usbstick_mode.sendToRf = 0; usbstick_mode.translate = 0; #if RF230BB rf230_listen_channel(rf230_get_channel()); #else radio_set_trx_state(RX_ON); #endif break; #if RF230BB && RF230_CONF_SNEEZER case 'S': if (usbstick_mode.sneeze) { rf230_warm_reset(); PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now behaving itself.\n\r")); usbstick_mode.sneeze = 0; } else { if (rf230_get_txpower()<3) PRINTF_P(PSTR("*****WARNING Radio may overheat in this mode*******\n\r")); rf230_start_sneeze(); PRINTF_P(PSTR("********Jackdaw is continuously broadcasting*******\n\r")); #if CONVERTTXPOWER PRINTF_P(PSTR("*********on channel %2d with power "),rf230_get_channel()); printtxpower(); PRINTF_P(PSTR("*********\n\r")); #else PRINTF_P(PSTR("************on channel %2d with power %2d************\n\r"),rf230_get_channel(),rf230_get_txpower()); #endif PRINTF_P(PSTR("Press any key to stop.\n\r")); watchdog_periodic(); usbstick_mode.sneeze = 1; } break; #endif case 'n': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now in network mode\n\r")); usbstick_mode.sendToRf = 1; usbstick_mode.translate = 1; #if RF230BB rf230_set_channel(rf230_get_channel()); #else radio_set_trx_state(RX_AACK_ON); //TODO: Use startup state which may be RX_ON #endif break; case '6': if (usbstick_mode.sicslowpan) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw does not perform 6lowpan translation\n\r")); usbstick_mode.sicslowpan = 0; } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now performs 6lowpan translations\n\r")); usbstick_mode.sicslowpan = 1; } break; case 'r': if (usbstick_mode.raw) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw does not capture raw frames\n\r")); usbstick_mode.raw = 0; } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now captures raw frames\n\r")); usbstick_mode.raw = 1; } break; #if USB_CONF_RS232 case 'd': if (usbstick_mode.debugOn) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw does not output debug strings\n\r")); usbstick_mode.debugOn = 0; } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Jackdaw now outputs debug strings\n\r")); usbstick_mode.debugOn = 1; } break; #endif case 'c': #if RF230BB PRINTF_P(PSTR("\nSelect 802.15.4 Channel in range 11-26 [%d]: "), rf230_get_channel()); #else PRINTF_P(PSTR("\nSelect 802.15.4 Channel in range 11-26 [%d]: "), radio_get_operating_channel()); #endif menustate = channel; channel_string_i = 0; break; case 'p': #if RF230BB PRINTF_P(PSTR("\nSelect transmit power (0=+3dBm 15=-17.2dBm) [%d]: "), rf230_get_txpower()); #else // PRINTF_P(PSTR("\nSelect transmit power (0=+3dBm 15=-17.2dBm) [%d]: "), ?_power());; #endif menustate = txpower; channel_string_i = 0; break; #if UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL #include "rpl.h" extern uip_ds6_netif_t uip_ds6_if; case 'N': { uint8_t i,j; uip_ds6_nbr_t *nbr; PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rAddresses [%u max]\n\r"),UIP_DS6_ADDR_NB); for (i=0;i<UIP_DS6_ADDR_NB;i++) { if (uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].isused) { ipaddr_add(&uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].ipaddr); PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r")); } } PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rNeighbors [%u max]\n\r"),NBR_TABLE_MAX_NEIGHBORS); for(nbr = nbr_table_head(ds6_neighbors); nbr != NULL; nbr = nbr_table_next(ds6_neighbors, nbr)) { ipaddr_add(&nbr->ipaddr); PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r")); j=0; } if (j) PRINTF_P(PSTR(" <none>")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\rRoutes [%u max]\n\r"),UIP_DS6_ROUTE_NB); uip_ds6_route_t *route; for(route = uip_ds6_route_head(); route != NULL; route = uip_ds6_route_next(r)) { ipaddr_add(&route->ipaddr); PRINTF_P(PSTR("/%u (via "), route->length); ipaddr_add(uip_ds6_route_nexthop(route)); if(route->state.lifetime < 600) { PRINTF_P(PSTR(") %lus\n\r"), route->state.lifetime); } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR(")\n\r")); } j=0; } if (j) PRINTF_P(PSTR(" <none>")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r---------\n\r")); break; } case 'G': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Global repair returns %d\n\r"),rpl_repair_root(RPL_DEFAULT_INSTANCE)); break; case 'L': rpl_local_repair(rpl_get_any_dag()); PRINTF_P(PSTR("Local repair initiated\n\r")); break; case 'Z': //zap the routing table PRINTF_P(PSTR("Not implemented.\n\r")); break; #endif case 'm': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Currently Jackdaw:\n\r * Will ")); if (usbstick_mode.sendToRf == 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("not "));} PRINTF_P(PSTR("send data over RF\n\r * Will ")); if (usbstick_mode.translate == 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("not "));} PRINTF_P(PSTR("change link-local addresses inside IP messages\n\r * Will ")); if (usbstick_mode.sicslowpan == 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("not "));} PRINTF_P(PSTR("decompress 6lowpan headers\n\r * Will ")); if (usbstick_mode.raw == 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("not "));} #if USB_CONF_RS232 PRINTF_P(PSTR("Output raw 802.15.4 frames\n\r * Will ")); if (usbstick_mode.debugOn == 0) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("not "));} PRINTF_P(PSTR("Output RS232 debug strings\n\r")); #else PRINTF_P(PSTR("Output raw 802.15.4 frames\n\r")); #endif PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * USB Ethernet MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n"), ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[0], ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[1], ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[2], ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[3], ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[4], ((uint8_t *)&usb_ethernet_addr)[5] ); extern uint64_t macLongAddr; PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * 802.15.4 EUI-64: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n"), ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[0], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[1], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[2], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[3], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[4], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[5], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[6], ((uint8_t *)&macLongAddr)[7] ); #if RF230BB #if CONVERTTXPOWER PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Operates on channel %d with TX power "),rf230_get_channel()); printtxpower(); PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n\r")); #else //just show the raw value PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Operates on channel %d\n\r"), rf230_get_channel()); PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * TX Power(0=+3dBm, 15=-17.2dBm): %d\n\r"), rf230_get_txpower()); #endif if (rf230_smallest_rssi) { PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Current/Last/Smallest RSSI: %d/%d/%ddBm\n\r"), -91+(rf230_rssi()-1), -91+(rf230_last_rssi-1),-91+(rf230_smallest_rssi-1)); rf230_smallest_rssi=0; } else { PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Current/Last/Smallest RSSI: %d/%d/--dBm\n\r"), -91+(rf230_rssi()-1), -91+(rf230_last_rssi-1)); } #else /* RF230BB */ PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Operates on channel %d\n\r"), radio_get_operating_channel()); PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * TX Power Level: 0x%02X\n\r"), radio_get_tx_power_level()); { PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Current RSSI: ")); int8_t rssi = 0; if(radio_get_rssi_value(&rssi)==RADIO_SUCCESS) PRINTF_P(PSTR("%ddB\n\r"), -91+3*(rssi-1)); else PRINTF_P(PSTR("Unknown\n\r")); } #endif /* RF230BB */ PRINTF_P(PSTR(" * Configuration: %d, USB<->ETH is "), usb_configuration_nb); if (usb_eth_is_active == 0) PRINTF_P(PSTR("not ")); PRINTF_P(PSTR("active\n\r")); #if CONFIG_STACK_MONITOR /* See contiki-raven-main.c for initialization of the magic numbers */ { extern uint16_t __bss_end; uint16_t p=(uint16_t)&__bss_end; do { if (*(uint16_t *)p != 0x4242) { printf_P(PSTR(" * Never-used stack > %d bytes\n\r"),p-(uint16_t)&__bss_end); break; } p+=100; } while (p<RAMEND-100); } #endif break; case 'e': PRINTF_P(PSTR("Energy Scan:\n")); uart_usb_flush(); { uint8_t i; uint16_t j; #if RF230BB uint8_t previous_channel = rf230_get_channel(); #else // RF230BB uint8_t previous_channel = radio_get_operating_channel(); #endif int8_t RSSI, maxRSSI[17]; uint16_t accRSSI[17]; bzero((void*)accRSSI,sizeof(accRSSI)); bzero((void*)maxRSSI,sizeof(maxRSSI)); for(j=0;j<(1<<12);j++) { for(i=11;i<=26;i++) { #if RF230BB rf230_listen_channel(i); #else // RF230BB radio_set_operating_channel(i); #endif _delay_us(3*10); #if RF230BB RSSI = rf230_rssi(); //multiplies rssi register by 3 for consistency with energy-detect register #else // RF230BB radio_get_rssi_value(&RSSI); RSSI*=3; #endif maxRSSI[i-11]=Max(maxRSSI[i-11],RSSI); accRSSI[i-11]+=RSSI; } if(j&(1<<7)) { Led3_on(); if(!(j&((1<<7)-1))) { PRINTF_P(PSTR(".")); uart_usb_flush(); } } else Led3_off(); watchdog_periodic(); } #if RF230BB rf230_set_channel(previous_channel); #else // RF230BB radio_set_operating_channel(previous_channel); #endif PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n")); for(i=11;i<=26;i++) { uint8_t activity=Min(maxRSSI[i-11],accRSSI[i-11]/(1<<7)); PRINTF_P(PSTR(" %d: %02ddB "),i, -91+(maxRSSI[i-11]-1)); for(;activity--;maxRSSI[i-11]--) { PRINTF_P(PSTR("#")); } for(;maxRSSI[i-11]>0;maxRSSI[i-11]--) { PRINTF_P(PSTR(":")); } PRINTF_P(PSTR("\n")); uart_usb_flush(); } } PRINTF_P(PSTR("Done.\n")); uart_usb_flush(); break; case 'D': { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Entering DFU Mode...\n\r")); uart_usb_flush(); Leds_on(); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)_delay_ms(100); Leds_off(); Jump_To_Bootloader(); } break; case 'R': { PRINTF_P(PSTR("Resetting...\n\r")); uart_usb_flush(); Leds_on(); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)_delay_ms(100); Usb_detach(); for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)_delay_ms(100); watchdog_reboot(); } break; #if USB_CONF_STORAGE case 'u': //Mass storage mode usb_mode = mass_storage; //No more serial port stdout = NULL; #if USB_CONF_RS232 // usb_stdout = NULL; #endif //RNDIS is over rndis_state = rndis_uninitialized; Leds_off(); //Deatch USB Usb_detach(); //Wait a few seconds for(i = 0; i < 50; i++) watchdog_periodic(); _delay_ms(100); //Attach USB Usb_attach(); break; #endif default: PRINTF_P(PSTR("%c is not a valid option! h for menu\n\r"), c); break; } } return; } /** @brief This will enable the VCP_TRX_END LED for a period */ void vcptx_end_led(void) { Led3_on(); led3_timer = 5; } /** @} */