#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $oui; my $addr = "0x1e000"; my $iab; my $term = "/dev/ttyUSB1"; GetOptions ('iab=s' => \$iab, 'oui=s' => \$oui, 'term=s' => \$term, ) or die 'bad options'; my $bin = shift; my $address = shift; if (!defined($address) || !defined($bin)) { print "Usage: $0 [--iab=a8c | --oui=abcdef | --term device] flasher.bin address\n"; print " iab is 12-bit and address is 28-bit e.g. --iab=a8c 1234567\n"; print " oui is 24-bit and address is 40-bit e.g. --oui=abcdef 123456789a\n"; exit; } my $mac_h; my $mac_l; if(defined($iab)) { $iab = hex($iab); $address = hex($address); $mac_h = 0x0050C200 | ($iab >> 4); $mac_l = (($iab & 0xf) << 28) | $address; } else { $address =~ /(.*?)(.{0,8})$/; my ($addr_h, $addr_l) = ($1, $2); if(!$addr_h) { $addr_h = 0 }; $oui = hex($oui); $addr_l = hex($addr_l); $addr_h = hex($addr_h); $mac_h = ($oui << 8) | $addr_h; $mac_l = $addr_l; } printf("mach %x macl %x\n", $mac_h, $mac_l); my @words; for(my $i=0; $i<4; $i++) { push @words, ($mac_l >> ($i * 8)) & 0xff; } for(my $i=0; $i<4; $i++) { push @words, ($mac_h >> ($i * 8)) & 0xff; } reverse @words; #foreach my $byte (@words) { # printf("%02X",$byte); #} #print "\n"; my $word1 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",$words[4],$words[5],$words[6],$words[7]); my $word2 = sprintf("%02X%02X%02X%02X",$words[0],$words[1],$words[2],$words[3]); my $cmd = "mc1322x-load.pl -e -f $bin -z -t $term -c 'bbmc -l redbee-econotag reset' $addr,0x$word1,0x$word2 &"; print "$cmd\n"; system($cmd);