#include #include /*for atoi*/ #include #include "contiki.h" #include "http-server.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "rest-util.h" #if !UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL #include "static-routing.h" #endif #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #include #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) PRINTF(" %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x ", ((u8_t *)addr)[0], ((u8_t *)addr)[1], ((u8_t *)addr)[2], ((u8_t *)addr)[3], ((u8_t *)addr)[4], ((u8_t *)addr)[5], ((u8_t *)addr)[6], ((u8_t *)addr)[7], ((u8_t *)addr)[8], ((u8_t *)addr)[9], ((u8_t *)addr)[10], ((u8_t *)addr)[11], ((u8_t *)addr)[12], ((u8_t *)addr)[13], ((u8_t *)addr)[14], ((u8_t *)addr)[15]) #define PRINTLLADDR(lladdr) PRINTF(" %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ",(lladdr)->addr[0], (lladdr)->addr[1], (lladdr)->addr[2], (lladdr)->addr[3],(lladdr)->addr[4], (lladdr)->addr[5]) #else #define PRINTF(...) #define PRINT6ADDR(addr) #define PRINTLLADDR(addr) #endif static void init_response(http_response_t* response) { response->status_code = OK_200; response->status_string = NULL; response->headers = NULL; response->payload = NULL; response->payload_len = 0; } static void init_request(http_request_t* request) { request->request_type = 0; request->url = NULL; request->url_len = 0; request->query = NULL; request->query_len = 0; request->headers = NULL; request->payload = NULL; request->payload_len = 0; } /** * Initializes the connection state by clearing out the data structures */ static void init_connection(connection_state_t* conn_state) { conn_state->state = STATE_WAITING; init_request(&conn_state->request); init_response(&conn_state->response); } void http_set_status(http_response_t* response, status_code_t status) { response->status_code = status; } static http_header_t* allocate_header(uint16_t variable_len) { PRINTF("sizeof http_header_t %u variable size %u\n", sizeof(http_header_t), variable_len); uint8_t* buffer = allocate_buffer(sizeof(http_header_t) + variable_len); if (buffer) { http_header_t* option = (http_header_t*) buffer; option->next = NULL; option->name = NULL; option->value = buffer + sizeof(http_header_t); return option; } return NULL; } int http_set_res_header(http_response_t* response, const char* name, const char* value, int copy) { PRINTF("http_set_res_header (copy:%d) %s:%s\n", copy, name, value); uint16_t size = 0; http_header_t* current_header = NULL; http_header_t* head = NULL; if (copy) { size += strlen(value) + 1; } current_header = allocate_header(size); if (current_header) { current_header->name = (char*)name; if (copy) { strcpy(current_header->value, value); } else { current_header->value = (char*)value; } head = response->headers; response->headers = current_header; if (head) { current_header->next = head; } return 1; } return 0; } static const char* is_request_hdr_needed(const char* header_name) { const char* header = NULL; /*FIXME add needed headers here*/ if (strcmp(header_name, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_LENGTH) == 0) { header = HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_LENGTH; } else if (strcmp(header_name, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE) == 0) { header = HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE; } return header; } static service_callback service_cbk = NULL; void http_set_service_callback(service_callback callback) { service_cbk = callback; } const char* content_types[] = { "text/plain", "text/xml", "text/csv", "text/html", "application/xml", "application/exi", "application/json", "application/link-format", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }; const char* http_get_content_type_string(content_type_t content_type) { return content_types[content_type]; } char* get_default_status_string(status_code_t status_code) { char* value = NULL; switch(status_code) { case 200: value = "OK"; break; case 201: value = "Created"; break; case 202: value = "Accepted"; break; case 204: value = "No Content"; break; case 304: value = "Not Modified"; break; case 400: value = "Bad Request" ; break; case 404: value = "Not Found" ; break; case 405: value = "Method Not Allowed" ; break; case 406: value = "Not Acceptable" ; break; case 414: value = "Request-URI Too Long" ; break; case 415: value = "Unsupported Media Type" ; break; case 500: value = "Internal Server Error" ; break; case 501: value = "Not Implemented" ; break; case 503: value = "Service Unavailable" ; break; /*FIXME : will be removed later, put to catch the unhandled statuses.*/ default: value = "$$BUG$$"; break; } return value; } int http_get_query_variable(http_request_t* request, const char *name, char* output, uint16_t output_size) { if (request->query) { return get_variable(name, request->query, request->query_len, output, output_size, 0); } return 0; } int http_get_post_variable(http_request_t* request, const char *name, char* output, uint16_t output_size) { if (request->payload) { return get_variable(name, request->payload, request->payload_len, output, output_size, 1); } return 0; } static int is_method_handled(connection_state_t* conn_state, const char* method) { /*other method types can be added here if needed*/ if(strncmp(method, http_get_string, 3) == 0) { conn_state->request.request_type = HTTP_METHOD_GET; } else if(strncmp(method, http_head_string, 4) == 0) { conn_state->request.request_type = HTTP_METHOD_HEAD; } else if (strncmp(method, http_post_string, 4) == 0) { conn_state->request.request_type = HTTP_METHOD_POST; } else if (strncmp(method, http_put_string, 3) == 0) { conn_state->request.request_type = HTTP_METHOD_PUT; } else if (strncmp(method, http_delete_string, 3) == 0) { conn_state->request.request_type = HTTP_METHOD_DELETE; } else { PRINTF("No Method supported : %s\nstate : %d\n", conn_state->inputbuf, conn_state->state); return 0; } return 1; } static int parse_url(connection_state_t* conn_state, char* url) { int error = HTTP_NO_ERROR; int full_url_path = 0; /*even for default index.html there is / Ex: GET / HTTP/1.1*/ if (url[0] != '/') { /*if url is complete (http://...) rather than relative*/ if (strncmp(url, http_string, 4) != 0 ) { PRINTF("Url not valid : %s \n",url); error = HTTP_URL_INVALID; } else { full_url_path = 1; } } if (error == HTTP_NO_ERROR) { char* url_buffer = url; if (full_url_path) { unsigned char num_of_slash = 0; do { url_buffer = strchr( ++url_buffer, '/' ); PRINTF("Buffer : %s %d\n", url_buffer, num_of_slash); } while (url_buffer && ++num_of_slash < 3); } PRINTF("Url found :%s\n", url_buffer); /*Get rid of the first slash*/ if (url_buffer && ++url_buffer) { conn_state->request.url = (char*) copy_text_to_buffer(url_buffer); conn_state->request.url_len = strlen(url_buffer); if ((conn_state->request.query = strchr(conn_state->request.url, '?'))) { *(conn_state->request.query++) = 0; /*update url len - decrease the size of query*/ conn_state->request.url_len = strlen(conn_state->request.url); conn_state->request.query_len = strlen(conn_state->request.query); } PRINTF("url %s, url_len %u, query %s, query_len %u\n", conn_state->request.url, conn_state->request.url_len, conn_state->request.query, conn_state->request.query_len); /*FIXME url is not decoded - should be done here*/ } else { error = HTTP_URL_INVALID; } } return error; } static int parse_header(connection_state_t* conn_state, char* inputbuf) { PRINTF("parse_header --->\n"); const char* header_name = NULL; char* delimiter = strchr(inputbuf, ':'); if (delimiter) { *delimiter++ = 0; /*after increment delimiter will point space char*/ header_name = is_request_hdr_needed(inputbuf); if (header_name && delimiter) { char* buffer = delimiter; if (buffer[0] == ' ') { buffer++; } http_header_t* current_header = NULL; http_header_t* head = NULL; current_header = allocate_header(strlen(buffer)); if (current_header) { current_header->name = (char*)header_name; strcpy(current_header->value, buffer); } head = conn_state->request.headers; conn_state->request.headers = current_header; if (head) { current_header->next = head; } return 1; } } return 0; } int http_set_res_payload(http_response_t* response, uint8_t* payload, uint16_t size) { response->payload = copy_to_buffer(payload, size); if (response->payload) { response->payload_len = size; return 1; } return 0; } static const char* get_header(http_header_t* headers, const char* hdr_name) { for (;headers; headers = headers->next) { if (strcmp(headers->name, hdr_name) == 0) { return headers->value; } } return NULL; } const char* http_get_req_header(http_request_t* request, const char* name) { return get_header(request->headers, name); } content_type_t http_get_header_content_type(http_request_t* request) { const char* content_type_string = http_get_req_header(request, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_TYPE); if (content_type_string) { int i = 0; for(; i < sizeof(content_types)/sizeof(const char*) ; i++) { if (strcmp(content_types[i], content_type_string)) { return (content_type_t)i; } } } return UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE; } static PT_THREAD(handle_request(connection_state_t* conn_state)) { static int error; const char* content_len; PSOCK_BEGIN(&(conn_state->sin)); content_len = NULL; error = HTTP_NO_ERROR; /*always reinit static variables due to protothreads*/ PRINTF("Request--->\n"); //read method PSOCK_READTO(&(conn_state->sin), ' '); if (!is_method_handled(conn_state, conn_state->inputbuf)) { /*method not handled*/ http_set_status(&conn_state->response, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503); conn_state->state = STATE_OUTPUT; } else { /*read until the end of url*/ PSOCK_READTO(&(conn_state->sin), ' '); /*-1 is needed since it also includes space char*/ if (conn_state->inputbuf[PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin)) - 1] != ' ' ) { error = HTTP_URL_TOO_LONG; } conn_state->inputbuf[PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin)) - 1] = 0; PRINTF("Read URL:%s\n", conn_state->inputbuf); if (error == HTTP_NO_ERROR) { error = parse_url(conn_state, conn_state->inputbuf); } if (error != HTTP_NO_ERROR) { if (error == HTTP_URL_TOO_LONG) { http_set_status(&conn_state->response, REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG_414); } else { http_set_status(&conn_state->response, BAD_REQUEST_400); } conn_state->state = STATE_OUTPUT; } else { /*read until the end of HTTP version - not used yet*/ PSOCK_READTO(&(conn_state->sin), LINE_FEED_CHAR); PRINTF("After URL:%s\n", conn_state->inputbuf); /*FIXME : PSOCK_READTO takes just a single delimiter so I read till the end of line but now it may not fit in the buffer. If PSOCK_READTO would take two delimiters, we would have read until : and so it would not be blocked.*/ /*Read the headers and store the necessary ones*/ do { /*read the next line*/ PSOCK_READTO(&(conn_state->sin), LINE_FEED_CHAR); conn_state->inputbuf[ PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin)) - 1] = 0; /*if headers finished then stop the infinite loop*/ if (conn_state->inputbuf[0] == CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR || conn_state->inputbuf[0] == 0) { PRINTF("Finished Headers!\n\n"); break; } parse_header(conn_state, conn_state->inputbuf); } while(1); content_len = get_header(conn_state->request.headers, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONTENT_LENGTH); if (content_len) { conn_state->request.payload_len = atoi(content_len); PRINTF("Post Data Size string: %s int: %d\n", content_len, conn_state->request.payload_len); } if (conn_state->request.payload_len) { static uint16_t read_bytes = 0; /*init the static variable again*/ read_bytes = 0; conn_state->request.payload = allocate_buffer(conn_state->request.payload_len + 1); if (conn_state->request.payload) { do { PSOCK_READBUF(&(conn_state->sin)); /*null terminate the buffer in case it is a string.*/ conn_state->inputbuf[PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin))] = 0; memcpy(conn_state->request.payload + read_bytes, conn_state->inputbuf, PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin))); read_bytes += PSOCK_DATALEN(&(conn_state->sin)); } while (read_bytes < conn_state->request.payload_len); conn_state->request.payload[read_bytes++] = 0; PRINTF("PostData => %s \n", conn_state->request.payload); } else { error = HTTP_MEMORY_ALLOC_ERR; } } if (error == HTTP_NO_ERROR) { if (service_cbk) { service_cbk(&conn_state->request, &conn_state->response); } } else { PRINTF("Error:%d\n",error); http_set_status(&conn_state->response, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500); } conn_state->state = STATE_OUTPUT; } } PSOCK_END(&(conn_state->sin)); } static PT_THREAD(send_data(connection_state_t* conn_state)) { uint16_t index; http_response_t* response; http_header_t* header; uint8_t* buffer; PSOCK_BEGIN(&(conn_state->sout)); PRINTF("send_data -> \n"); index = 0; response = &conn_state->response; header = response->headers; buffer = allocate_buffer(200); /*FIXME: what is the best solution here to send the data. Right now, if buffer is not allocated, no data is sent!*/ if (buffer) { index += sprintf(buffer + index, "%s %d %s%s", httpv1_1, response->status_code, response->status_string, line_end); for (;header;header = header->next) { PRINTF("header %u \n", (uint16_t)header); index += sprintf(buffer + index, "%s%s%s%s", header->name, header_delimiter, header->value, line_end); } index += sprintf(buffer + index, "%s", line_end); memcpy(buffer + index, response->payload, response->payload_len); index += response->payload_len; PRINTF("Sending Data(size %d): %s \n", index, buffer); PSOCK_SEND(&(conn_state->sout), buffer, index); } else { PRINTF("BUFF ERROR: send_data!\n"); } PSOCK_END(&(conn_state->sout)); } static PT_THREAD(handle_response(connection_state_t* conn_state)) { PT_BEGIN(&(conn_state->outputpt)); PRINTF("handle_response ->\n"); http_set_res_header(&conn_state->response, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_CONNECTION, close, 0); http_set_res_header(&conn_state->response, HTTP_HEADER_NAME_SERVER, contiki, 0); if (!(conn_state->response.status_string)) { conn_state->response.status_string = get_default_status_string(conn_state->response.status_code); } PT_WAIT_THREAD(&(conn_state->outputpt), send_data(conn_state)); PRINTF("<-- handle_response\n\n\n"); PSOCK_CLOSE(&(conn_state->sout)); PT_END(&(conn_state->outputpt)); } static void handle_connection(connection_state_t* conn_state) { if (conn_state->state == STATE_WAITING) { handle_request(conn_state); } if (conn_state->state == STATE_OUTPUT) { handle_response(conn_state); } } PROCESS(http_server, "Httpd Process"); PROCESS_THREAD(http_server, ev, data) { connection_state_t *conn_state; PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* if static routes are used rather than RPL */ #if !UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL set_global_address(); configure_routing(); #endif /*!UIP_CONF_IPV6_RPL*/ #ifdef CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY PRINTF("##RF CHANNEL : %d##\n",RF_CHANNEL); #endif //CONTIKI_TARGET_SKY tcp_listen(uip_htons(HTTP_PORT)); /* * We loop for ever, accepting new connections. */ while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(ev == tcpip_event); conn_state = (connection_state_t *)data; if(uip_connected()) { PRINTF("##Connected##\n"); if(init_buffer(HTTP_DATA_BUFF_SIZE)) { conn_state = (connection_state_t*)allocate_buffer(sizeof(connection_state_t)); if (conn_state) { tcp_markconn(uip_conn, conn_state); /*initialize connection state*/ init_connection(conn_state); /*-1 is needed to be able to null terminate the strings in the buffer, especially good for debugging (to have null terminated strings)*/ PSOCK_INIT(&(conn_state->sin), (uint8_t*)conn_state->inputbuf, sizeof(conn_state->inputbuf) - 1); PSOCK_INIT(&(conn_state->sout), (uint8_t*)conn_state->inputbuf, sizeof(conn_state->inputbuf) - 1); PT_INIT(&(conn_state->outputpt)); handle_connection(conn_state); } else { PRINTF("Memory Alloc Error. Aborting!\n"); uip_abort(); } } } else if (uip_aborted() || uip_closed() || uip_timedout()) { if (conn_state) { delete_buffer(); /*Following 2 lines are needed since this part of code is somehow executed twice so it tries to free the same region twice. Potential bug in uip*/ conn_state = NULL; tcp_markconn(uip_conn, conn_state); } } else { handle_connection(conn_state); } } PROCESS_END(); }