set terminal postscript eps color font "Helvetica" 16 set xlabel "Time" set xdata time set timefmt "%s" #set datafile separator " " #set boxwidth 0.15 set style fill pattern 1 set style data lines set key top left Left #width -3 set output "plot-battery.eps" set ylabel "Battery level" plot [:] [0:] \ 'data' using 1:($9/4096 * 1.5) title "Battery level" set output "plot-energy.eps" set ylabel "Energy (mJ)" plot 'data' using 1:\ ((0.0545 * $13 + 1.8 * $14 + 20.0 * $15 + 17.7 * $16 + 4.6 * $17) / 4096) \ title "Red LED" with filledcurves x1, \ 'data' using 1:\ ((0.0545 * $13 + 1.8 * $14 + 20.0 * $15 + 17.7 * $16) / 4096) \ title "Radio TX" with filledcurves x1, \ 'data' using 1:\ ((0.0545 * $13 + 1.8 * $14 + 20.0 * $15) / 4096) \ title "Radio listen" with filledcurves x1, \ 'data' using 1:\ ((0.0545 * $13 + 1.8 * $14) / 4096) \ title "CPU active" with filledcurves x1, \ 'data' using 1:\ ((0.0545 * $13) / 4096) \ title "CPU LPM" with filledcurves x1 set output "plot-temperature.eps" set ylabel "Temperature (degrees Celcius)" plot [:] [-10:30] \ 'data' using 1:(-39.60 + 0.01*$7) title "Temperature" set output "plot-humidity.eps" set ylabel "Humidity" plot [:] [0:100] \ 'data' using 1:(-4 + 0.0405*$8 - 2.8e-6*($8*$8)) title "Humidity" set output "plot-sensors.eps" set ylabel "Sensed value" plot [:] [-10:200] \ 'data' using 1:(0.625 * 1000000 * 0.5 * $5/4096 / 100000 * 1000) title "Light 1", \ 'data' using 1:(0.769 * 100000 * 2.5 * $6/4096 / 100000 * 1000) title "Light 2", \ 'data' using 1:(-39.60 + 0.01*$7) title "Temperature", \ 'data' using 1:(-4 + 0.0405*$8 - 2.8e-6*($8*$8)) title "Humidity" set output "plot-light.eps" set ylabel "Light" plot [:] [0:] \ 'data' using 1:(0.625 * 1000000 * 0.5 * $5/4096 / 100000 * 1000) title "Light 1", \ 'data' using 1:(0.769 * 100000 * 2.5 * $6/4096 / 100000 * 1000) title "Light 2" set output "plot-ll-errors.eps" set ylabel "Errors per packet" plot [:] [0:1] \ 'data' using 1:($31 / $33) title "contentiondrop per tx", \ 'data' using 1:($32 / $33) title "sendingdrop per tx", \ 'data' using 1:($27 / $34) title "toolong per rx",\ 'data' using 1:($28 / $34)title "tooshort per rx",\ 'data' using 1:($29 / $34) title "badsynch per rx",\ 'data' using 1:($30 / $34) title "badcrc per rx" set output "plot-parent.eps" set ylabel "Node ID" plot [:] [0:100] \ 'data' using 1:10 title "Best parent" with points set output "plot-rtmetric.eps" set ylabel "Routing metric" plot [:] [0:] \ 'data' using 1:(($11 + $12) / 16) title "Routing metric" with steps, \ 'data' using 1:(($11) / 16) title "ETX to best neighbor" with steps, \ 'data' using 1:(($12) / 16) title "Rtmetric for best neighbor" with steps, \ 'lost' using 1:($2 * 0.5) title "Lost packet" with points set output "plot-rtx-stats.eps" set ylabel "Ratio" plot \ 'data' using 1:($20 / $18) title "reliabletx per tx",\ 'data' using 1:($21 / $19) title "reliablerx per rx",\ 'data' using 1:($22 / $20) title "rexmit per rtx",\ 'data' using 1:($23 / $21) title "acktx per rrx",\ 'data' using 1:($24 / $21) title "noacktx per rrx",\ 'data' using 1:($25 / $20) title "timedout per rtx",\ 'data' using 1:($26 / $20) title "badackrx per rtx" set output "plot-seqno.eps" set ylabel "Sequence number" plot [:] [0:256] \ 'data' using 1:3 title "Sequence number" with steps, \ 'lost' using 1:($2 * 128) title "Lost" with points, \ 'dup' using 1:($2 * 64) title "Duplicate" with points, \ 'parent' using 1:2 title "Best parent" with points set output "plot-hops.eps" set ylabel "Hops" plot [:] [-1:5] \ 'data' using 1:4 title "Hops" with steps