/** \defgroup quickref Function quick reference @{ \section sensors Sensor functions Each sensor has a set of functions for controlling it and query it for its state. Some sensors also generate an events when the sensors change. A sensor must be activated before it generates events or relevant values. - SENSORS_ACTIVATE(sensor) - activate the sensor - SENSORS_DEACTIVATE(sensor) - deactivate the sensor - sensor.value(0) - query the sensor for its last value - \ref sensors_event - event sent when a sensor has changed (the data argument will referer to the actual sensor) Example for querying the button: - \ref SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor) - activate the button sensor - \ref button_sensor.value(0) - the button has been pressed or not \subsection quickref-sensors Sensor on the ESB platform - \ref battery_sensor - query the battery voltage level - \ref button_sensor - query the on-board button - \ref pir_sensor - query the passive IR sensor (motion detector) - \ref radio_sensor - query the radio signal strength - \ref sound_sensor - query the microphone - \ref temperature_sensor - query the temperature sensor - \ref vib_sensor - query the vibration sensor \section quickref-leds LED functions - leds_on() - turn LEDs on - leds_off() - turn LEDs off - leds_invert() - invert LEDs - leds_blink() - blink all LEDs \section quickref-beeper Beeper functions - beep() - click the beeper - beep_beep() - beep - beep_down() - pitchbend down beep - beep_quick() - a number of quick beeps - beep_spinup() - pitchbend up beep \section quickref-timers Timer functions Contiki provides a set of timer libraries. Event timers generates an event when the timer expires and callback timers call a function when the timer expires. The simple timers on the other hand have to be actively queried to check when they have expired. \subsection quickref-etimer Event timers - etimer_expired() - check if an event timer has expired - etimer_set() - set an event timer - etimer_reset() - set an expired event timer to the next interval - etimer_restart() - restart an event timer from the current point in time \subsection quickref-ctimer Callback timers - ctimer_expired() - check if a callback timer has expired - ctimer_set() - set a callback timer - ctimer_reset() - set an expired callback timer to the next interval - ctimer_restart() - restart a callback timer from the current point in time \subsection quickref-timer Simple timers - timer_expired() - check if a simple timer has expired - timer_set() - set a simple timer - timer_reset() - set a simple event timer to the next interval - timer_restart() - restart a simple timer from the current point in time *//** @{ */