#define INLINE #define CONST const #define NETBUF char /* * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by egnite Software GmbH. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGNITE SOFTWARE GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL EGNITE * SOFTWARE GMBH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * For additional information see http://www.ethernut.de/ * */ /* * $Log: lanc111.c,v $ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/17 22:41:21 adamdunkels * Import of the contiki-2.x development code from the SICS internal CVS server * * Revision 1.1 2005/09/19 23:05:34 adam * AVR device drivers * * Revision 1.1 2005/05/19 09:06:25 adam * Very initial version of the LANC111 Ethernet driver, imported from Nut/OS code - does not work yet * * Revision 1.12 2005/02/02 19:55:34 haraldkipp * If no Ethernet link was available on the LAN91C111, each outgoing packet * took 15 seconds and, even worse, the ouput routine doesn't return an error. * Now the first attempt to send a packet without Ethernet link will wait for * 5 seconds and subsequent attempts take 0.5 seconds only, always returning * an error. * * Revision 1.11 2005/01/24 21:11:49 freckle * renamed NutEventPostFromIRQ into NutEventPostFromIrq * * Revision 1.10 2005/01/22 19:24:11 haraldkipp * Changed AVR port configuration names from PORTx to AVRPORTx. * * Revision 1.9 2005/01/21 16:49:45 freckle * Seperated calls to NutEventPostAsync between Threads and IRQs * * Revision 1.8 2004/09/22 08:14:48 haraldkipp * Made configurable * * Revision 1.7 2004/03/08 11:14:17 haraldkipp * Added quick hack for fixed mode. * * Revision 1.6 2004/02/25 16:22:33 haraldkipp * Do not initialize MAC with all zeros * * Revision 1.5 2004/01/14 19:31:43 drsung * Speed improvement to NicWrite applied. Thanks to Kolja Waschk * * Revision 1.4 2003/11/06 09:26:50 haraldkipp * Removed silly line with hardcoded MAC, left over from testing * * Revision 1.3 2003/11/04 17:54:47 haraldkipp * PHY configuration timing changed again for reliable linking * * Revision 1.2 2003/11/03 17:12:53 haraldkipp * Allow linking with RTL8019 driver. * Links more reliable to 10 MBit networks now. * Reset MMU on allocation failures. * Some optimizations. * * Revision 1.1 2003/10/13 10:13:49 haraldkipp * First release * */ #include "contiki.h" #include <string.h> #include <avr/io.h> /* * Determine ports, which had not been explicitely configured. */ #ifndef LANC111_BASE_ADDR #define LANC111_BASE_ADDR 0xC000 #endif #ifndef LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ #define LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ INT5 #endif #ifdef LANC111_RESET_BIT #if (LANC111_RESET_AVRPORT == AVRPORTB) #define LANC111_RESET_PORT PORTB #define LANC111_RESET_DDR DDRB #elif (LANC111_RESET_AVRPORT == AVRPORTD) #define LANC111_RESET_PORT PORTD #define LANC111_RESET_DDR DDRD #elif (LANC111_RESET_AVRPORT == AVRPORTE) #define LANC111_RESET_PORT PORTE #define LANC111_RESET_DDR DDRE #elif (LANC111_RESET_AVRPORT == AVRPORTF) #define LANC111_RESET_PORT PORTF #define LANC111_RESET_DDR DDRF #endif /* LANC111_RESET_AVRPORT */ #endif /* LANC111_RESET_BIT */ /* * Determine interrupt settings. */ #if (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT0) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT0 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRA, ISC00); sbi(EICRA, ISC01) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT1) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT1 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRA, ISC10); sbi(EICRA, ISC11) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT2) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT2 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRA, ISC20); sbi(EICRA, ISC21) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT3) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT3 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRA, ISC30); sbi(EICRA, ISC31) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT4) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT4 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRB, ISC40); sbi(EICRB, ISC41) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT6) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT6 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRB, ISC60); sbi(EICRB, ISC61) #elif (LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ == INT7) #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT7 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRB, ISC70); sbi(EICRB, ISC71) #else #define LANC111_SIGNAL sig_INTERRUPT5 #define LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE() sbi(EICRB, ISC50); sbi(EICRB, ISC51) #endif /*! * \addtogroup xgSmscRegs */ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Bank select register. */ #define NIC_BSR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0E) /*! * \brief Bank 0 - Transmit control register. */ #define NIC_TCR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00) #define TCR_SWFDUP 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables full duplex. */ #define TCR_EPH_LOOP 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables internal loopback. */ #define TCR_STP_SQET 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables transmission stop on SQET error. */ #define TCR_FDUPLX 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables receiving own frames. */ #define TCR_MON_CSN 0x0400 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables carrier monitoring. */ #define TCR_NOCRC 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, disables CRC transmission. */ #define TCR_PAD_EN 0x0080 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables automatic padding. */ #define TCR_FORCOL 0x0004 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, forces collision. */ #define TCR_LOOP 0x0002 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables PHY loopback. */ #define TCR_TXENA 0x0001 /*!< \ref NIC_TCR bit mask, enables transmitter. */ /*! * \brief Bank 0 - EPH status register. */ #define NIC_EPHSR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02) /*! * \brief Bank 0 - Receive control register. */ #define NIC_RCR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04) #define RCR_SOFT_RST 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, activates software reset. */ #define RCR_FILT_CAR 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, enables carrier filter. */ #define RCR_ABORT_ENB 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, enables receive abort on collision. */ #define RCR_STRIP_CRC 0x0200 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, strips CRC. */ #define RCR_RXEN 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, enables receiver. */ #define RCR_ALMUL 0x0004 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, multicast frames accepted when set. */ #define RCR_PRMS 0x0002 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, enables promiscuous mode. */ #define RCR_RX_ABORT 0x0001 /*!< \ref NIC_RCR bit mask, set when receive was aborted. */ /*! * \brief Bank 0 - Counter register. */ #define NIC_ECR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x06) /*! * \brief Bank 0 - Memory information register. */ #define NIC_MIR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08) /*! * \brief Bank 0 - Receive / PHY control register. */ #define NIC_RPCR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A) #define RPCR_SPEED 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_RPCR bit mask, PHY operates at 100 Mbps. */ #define RPCR_DPLX 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_RPCR bit mask, PHY operates at full duplex mode. */ #define RPCR_ANEG 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_RPCR bit mask, sets PHY in auto-negotiation mode. */ #define RPCR_LEDA_PAT 0x0000 /*!< \ref NIC_RPCR bit mask for LEDA mode. */ #define RPCR_LEDB_PAT 0x0010 /*!< \ref NIC_RPCR bit mask for LEDB mode. */ /*! * \brief Bank 1 - Configuration register. */ #define NIC_CR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00) #define CR_EPH_EN 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_CR bit mask, . */ /*! * \brief Bank 1 - Base address register. */ #define NIC_BAR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02) /*! * \brief Bank 1 - Individual address register. */ #define NIC_IAR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04) /*! * \brief Bank 1 - General purpose register. */ #define NIC_GPR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A) /*! * \brief Bank 1 - Control register. */ #define NIC_CTR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C) #define CTR_RCV_BAD 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_CTR bit mask. */ #define CTR_AUTO_RELEASE 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_CTR bit mask, transmit packets automatically released. */ /*! * \brief Bank 2 - MMU command register. */ #define NIC_MMUCR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00) #define MMUCR_BUSY 0x0001 #define MMU_NOP 0 #define MMU_ALO (1<<5) #define MMU_RST (2<<5) #define MMU_REM (3<<5) #define MMU_TOP (4<<5) #define MMU_PKT (5<<5) #define MMU_ENQ (6<<5) #define MMU_RTX (7<<5) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Packet number register. * * This byte register specifies the accessible transmit packet number. */ #define NIC_PNR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x02) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Allocation result register. * * This byte register is updated upon a \ref MMU_ALO command. */ #define NIC_ARR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x03) #define ARR_FAILED 0x80 /*! * \brief Bank 2 - FIFO ports register. */ #define NIC_FIFO (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x04) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Pointer register. */ #define NIC_PTR (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x06) #define PTR_RCV 0x8000 /*! \ref NIC_PTR bit mask, specifies receive or transmit buffer. */ #define PTR_AUTO_INCR 0x4000 /*! \ref NIC_PTR bit mask, enables automatic pointer increment. */ #define PTR_READ 0x2000 /*! \ref NIC_PTR bit mask, indicates type of access. */ #define PTR_ETEN 0x1000 /*! \ref NIC_PTR bit mask, enables early transmit underrun detection. */ #define PTR_NOT_EMPTY 0x0800 /*! \ref NIC_PTR bit mask, set when write data fifo is not empty. */ /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Data register. */ #define NIC_DATA (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Interrupt status register. */ #define NIC_IST (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Interrupt acknowledge register. */ #define NIC_ACK (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C) /*! * \brief Bank 2 - Interrupt mask register. */ #define NIC_MSK (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0D) #define INT_MD 0x80 /*!< \ref PHY state change interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_ERCV 0x40 /*!< \ref Early receive interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_EPH 0x20 /*!< \ref Ethernet protocol interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_RX_OVRN 0x10 /*!< \ref Receive overrun interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_ALLOC 0x08 /*!< \ref Transmit allocation interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_TX_EMPTY 0x04 /*!< \ref Transmitter empty interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_TX 0x02 /*!< \ref Transmit complete interrupt bit mask. */ #define INT_RCV 0x01 /*!< \ref Receive interrupt bit mask. */ /*! * \brief Bank 3 - Multicast table register. */ #define NIC_MT (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x00) /*! * \brief Bank 3 - Management interface register. */ #define NIC_MGMT (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x08) #define MGMT_MDOE 0x08 /*!< \ref NIC_MGMT bit mask, enables MDO pin. */ #define MGMT_MCLK 0x04 /*!< \ref NIC_MGMT bit mask, drives MDCLK pin. */ #define MGMT_MDI 0x02 /*!< \ref NIC_MGMT bit mask, reflects MDI pin status. */ #define MGMT_MDO 0x01 /*!< \ref NIC_MGMT bit mask, drives MDO pin. */ /*! * \brief Bank 3 - Revision register. */ #define NIC_REV (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0A) /*! * \brief Bank 3 - Early RCV register. */ #define NIC_ERCV (LANC111_BASE_ADDR + 0x0C) /*! * \brief PHY control register. */ #define NIC_PHYCR 0 #define PHYCR_RST 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, resets PHY. */ #define PHYCR_LPBK 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_SPEED 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_ANEG_EN 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_PDN 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_MII_DIS 0x0400 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_ANEG_RST 0x0200 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_DPLX 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ #define PHYCR_COLST 0x0080 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYCR bit mask, . */ /*! * \brief PHY status register. */ #define NIC_PHYSR 1 #define PHYSR_CAP_T4 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-T4 capability. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_TXF 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX full duplex capability. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_TXH 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX half duplex capability. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_TF 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T full duplex capability. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_TH 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T half duplex capability. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_SUPR 0x0040 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates preamble suppression capability. */ #define PHYSR_ANEG_ACK 0x0020 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, auto-negotiation completed. */ #define PHYSR_REM_FLT 0x0010 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, remote fault detected. */ #define PHYSR_CAP_ANEG 0x0008 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, indicates auto-negotiation capability. */ #define PHYSR_LINK 0x0004 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, valid link status. */ #define PHYSR_JAB 0x0002 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, jabber collision detected. */ #define PHYSR_EXREG 0x0001 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSR bit mask, extended capabilities available. */ /*! * \brief PHY identifier register 1. */ #define NIC_PHYID1 2 /*! * \brief PHY identifier register 1. */ #define NIC_PHYID2 3 /*! * \brief PHY auto-negotiation advertisement register. */ #define NIC_PHYANAD 4 #define PHYANAD_NP 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, exchanging next page information. */ #define PHYANAD_ACK 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, acknowledged. */ #define PHYANAD_RF 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, remote fault. */ #define PHYANAD_T4 0x0200 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-T4 capability. */ #define PHYANAD_TX_FDX 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX full duplex capability. */ #define PHYANAD_TX_HDX 0x0080 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 100BASE-TX half duplex capability. */ #define PHYANAD_10FDX 0x0040 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T full duplex capability. */ #define PHYANAD_10_HDX 0x0020 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 10BASE-T half duplex capability. */ #define PHYANAD_CSMA 0x0001 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYANAD bit mask, indicates 802.3 CSMA capability. */ /*! * \brief PHY auto-negotiation remote end capability register. */ #define NIC_PHYANRC 5 /*! * \brief PHY configuration register 1. */ #define NIC_PHYCFR1 16 /*! * \brief PHY configuration register 2. */ #define NIC_PHYCFR2 17 /*! * \brief PHY status output register. */ #define NIC_PHYSOR 18 #define PHYSOR_INT 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, interrupt bits changed. */ #define PHYSOR_LNKFAIL 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, link failure detected. */ #define PHYSOR_LOSSSYNC 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, descrambler sync lost detected. */ #define PHYSOR_CWRD 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, code word error detected. */ #define PHYSOR_SSD 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, start of stream error detected. */ #define PHYSOR_ESD 0x0400 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, end of stream error detected. */ #define PHYSOR_RPOL 0x0200 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, reverse polarity detected. */ #define PHYSOR_JAB 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, jabber detected. */ #define PHYSOR_SPDDET 0x0080 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, 100/10 speed detected. */ #define PHYSOR_DPLXDET 0x0040 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYSOR bit mask, duplex detected. */ /*! * \brief PHY mask register. */ #define NIC_PHYMSK 19 #define PHYMSK_MINT 0x8000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_INT interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MLNKFAIL 0x4000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_LNKFAIL interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MLOSSSYN 0x2000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_LOSSSYNC interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MCWRD 0x1000 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_CWRD interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MSSD 0x0800 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_SSD interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MESD 0x0400 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_ESD interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MRPOL 0x0200 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_RPOL interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MJAB 0x0100 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_JAB interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MSPDDT 0x0080 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_SPDDET interrupt. */ #define PHYMSK_MDPLDT 0x0040 /*!< \ref NIC_PHYMSK bit mask, enables \ref PHYSOR_DPLXDET interrupt. */ #define MSBV(bit) (1 << ((bit) - 8)) #define nic_outlb(addr, val) (*(volatile uint8_t *)(addr) = (val)) #define nic_outhb(addr, val) (*(volatile uint8_t *)((addr) + 1) = (val)) #define nic_outwx(addr, val) (*(volatile uint16_t *)(addr) = (val)) #define nic_outw(addr, val) { \ *(volatile uint8_t *)(addr) = (uint8_t)(val); \ *((volatile uint8_t *)(addr) + 1) = (uint8_t)((val) >> 8); \ } #define nic_inlb(addr) (*(volatile uint8_t *)(addr)) #define nic_inhb(addr) (*(volatile uint8_t *)((addr) + 1)) #define nic_inw(addr) (*(volatile uint16_t *)(addr)) #define nic_bs(bank) nic_outlb(NIC_BSR, bank) /*! * \struct _NICINFO lanc111.h dev/lanc111.h * \brief Network interface controller information structure. */ /*@}*/ /*! * \addtogroup xgNicLanc111 */ /*@{*/ /*! * \brief Select specified PHY register for reading or writing. * * \note NIC interrupts must have been disabled before calling this routine. * * \param reg PHY register number. * \param we Indicates type of access, 1 for write and 0 for read. * * \return Contents of the PHY interface rgister. */ static uint8_t NicPhyRegSelect(uint8_t reg, uint8_t we) { uint8_t rs; uint8_t msk; uint8_t i; nic_bs(3); rs = (nic_inlb(NIC_MGMT) & ~(MGMT_MCLK | MGMT_MDO)) | MGMT_MDOE; /* Send idle pattern. */ for (i = 0; i < 33; i++) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); } /* Send start sequence. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); /* Write or read mode. */ if (we) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); } else { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); } /* Send PHY address. Zero is used for the internal PHY. */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); } /* Send PHY register number. */ for (msk = 0x10; msk; msk >>= 1) { if (reg & msk) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); } else { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); } } nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); return rs; } /*! * \brief Read contents of PHY register. * * \note NIC interrupts must have been disabled before calling this routine. * * \param reg PHY register number. * * \return Contents of the specified register. */ static uint16_t NicPhyRead(uint8_t reg) { uint16_t rc = 0; uint8_t rs; uint8_t i; /* Select register for reading. */ rs = NicPhyRegSelect(reg, 0); /* Switch data direction. */ rs &= ~MGMT_MDOE; nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); /* Clock data in. */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); rc <<= 1; rc |= (nic_inlb(NIC_MGMT) & MGMT_MDI) != 0; } /* This will set the clock line to low. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); return rc; } /*! * \brief Write value to PHY register. * * \note NIC interrupts must have been disabled before calling this routine. * * \param reg PHY register number. * \param val Value to write. */ static void NicPhyWrite(uint8_t reg, uint16_t val) { uint16_t msk; uint8_t rs; /* Select register for writing. */ rs = NicPhyRegSelect(reg, 1); /* Switch data direction dummy. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); /* Clock data out. */ for (msk = 0x8000; msk; msk >>= 1) { if (val & msk) { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MDO | MGMT_MCLK); } else { nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs); nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs | MGMT_MCLK); } } /* Set clock line low and output line int z-state. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MGMT, rs & ~MGMT_MDOE); } /*! * \brief Configure the internal PHY. * * Reset the PHY and initiate auto-negotiation. */ static int NicPhyConfig(void) { uint16_t phy_sor; uint16_t phy_sr; uint16_t phy_to; uint16_t mode; /* * Reset the PHY and wait until this self clearing bit * becomes zero. We sleep 63 ms before each poll and * give up after 3 retries. */ //printf("Reset PHY.."); NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYCR, PHYCR_RST); for (phy_to = 0;; phy_to++) { NutSleep(63); if ((NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYCR) & PHYCR_RST) == 0) break; if (phy_to > 3) return -1; } //printf("OK\n"); /* Store PHY status output. */ phy_sor = NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYSOR); /* Enable PHY interrupts. */ NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYMSK, PHYMSK_MLOSSSYN | PHYMSK_MCWRD | PHYMSK_MSSD | PHYMSK_MESD | PHYMSK_MRPOL | PHYMSK_MJAB | PHYMSK_MSPDDT | PHYMSK_MDPLDT); /* Set RPC register. */ mode = RPCR_ANEG | RPCR_LEDA_PAT | RPCR_LEDB_PAT; nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_RPCR, mode); #ifdef NIC_FIXED /* Disable link. */ phy_sr = NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYCFR1); NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYCFR1, phy_sr | 0x8000); NutSleep(63); /* Set fixed capabilities. */ NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYCR, NIC_FIXED); nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_RPCR, mode); /* Enable link. */ phy_sr = NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYCFR1); NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYCFR1, phy_sr & ~0x8000); phy_sr = NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYCFR1); #else /* * Advertise our capabilities, initiate auto negotiation * and wait until this has been completed. */ //printf("Negotiate.."); NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYANAD, PHYANAD_TX_FDX | PHYANAD_TX_HDX | PHYANAD_10FDX | PHYANAD_10_HDX | PHYANAD_CSMA); NutSleep(63); for (phy_to = 0, phy_sr = 0;; phy_to++) { /* Give up after 10 seconds. */ if (phy_to >= 1024) return -1; /* Restart auto negotiation every 4 seconds or on failures. */ if ((phy_to & 127) == 0 /* || (phy_sr & PHYSR_REM_FLT) != 0 */ ) { NicPhyWrite(NIC_PHYCR, PHYCR_ANEG_EN | PHYCR_ANEG_RST); //printf("Restart.."); NutSleep(63); } /* Check if we are done. */ phy_sr = NicPhyRead(NIC_PHYSR); //printf("[SR %04X]", phy_sr); if (phy_sr & PHYSR_ANEG_ACK) break; NutSleep(63); } //printf("OK\n"); #endif return 0; } /*! * \brief Wait until MMU is ready. * * Poll the MMU command register until \ref MMUCR_BUSY * is cleared. * * \param tmo Timeout in milliseconds. * * \return 0 on success or -1 on timeout. */ static INLINE int NicMmuWait(uint16_t tmo) { while (tmo--) { if ((nic_inlb(NIC_MMUCR) & MMUCR_BUSY) == 0) break; NutDelay(1); } return tmo ? 0 : -1; } /*! * \brief Reset the Ethernet controller. * * \return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static int NicReset(void) { #ifdef LANC111_RESET_BIT sbi(LANC111_RESET_DDR, LANC111_RESET_BIT); sbi(LANC111_RESET_PORT, LANC111_RESET_BIT); NutDelay(WAIT100); cbi(LANC111_RESET_PORT, LANC111_RESET_BIT); NutDelay(WAIT250); NutDelay(WAIT250); #endif /* Disable all interrupts. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, 0); /* MAC and PHY software reset. */ nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_RCR, RCR_SOFT_RST); /* Enable Ethernet protocol handler. */ nic_bs(1); nic_outw(NIC_CR, CR_EPH_EN); NutDelay(10); /* Disable transmit and receive. */ nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_RCR, 0); nic_outw(NIC_TCR, 0); /* Enable auto release. */ nic_bs(1); nic_outw(NIC_CTR, CTR_AUTO_RELEASE); /* Reset MMU. */ nic_bs(2); nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_RST); if (NicMmuWait(1000)) return -1; return 0; } /* * Fires up the network interface. NIC interrupts * should have been disabled when calling this * function. * * \param mac Six byte unique MAC address. */ static int NicStart(CONST uint8_t * mac) { uint8_t i; if (NicReset()) return -1; /* Enable receiver. */ nic_bs(3); nic_outlb(NIC_ERCV, 7); nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_RCR, RCR_RXEN); /* Enable transmitter and padding. */ nic_outw(NIC_TCR, TCR_PAD_EN | TCR_TXENA); /* Configure the PHY. */ if (NicPhyConfig()) return -1; /* Set MAC address. */ //printf("Set MAC %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); nic_bs(1); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) nic_outlb(NIC_IAR + i, mac[i]); //printf("OK\n"); /* Enable interrupts. */ nic_bs(2); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, INT_ERCV | INT_RCV | INT_RX_OVRN); return 0; } /* * NIC interrupt entry. */ #if 0 static void NicInterrupt(void *arg) { uint8_t isr; uint8_t imr; NICINFO *ni = (NICINFO *) ((NUTDEVICE *) arg)->dev_dcb; ni->ni_interrupts++; /* Read the interrupt mask and disable all interrupts. */ nic_bs(2); imr = nic_inlb(NIC_MSK); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, 0); /* Read the interrupt status and acknowledge all interrupts. */ isr = nic_inlb(NIC_IST); //printf("\n!%02X-%02X ", isr, imr); isr &= imr; /* * If this is a transmit interrupt, then a packet has been sent. * So we can clear the transmitter busy flag and wake up the * transmitter thread. */ if (isr & INT_TX_EMPTY) { nic_outlb(NIC_ACK, INT_TX_EMPTY); imr &= ~INT_TX_EMPTY; NutEventPostFromIrq(&ni->ni_tx_rdy); } /* Transmit error. */ else if (isr & INT_TX) { /* re-enable transmit */ nic_bs(0); nic_outw(NIC_TCR, nic_inlb(NIC_TCR) | TCR_TXENA); nic_bs(2); nic_outlb(NIC_ACK, INT_TX); /* kill the packet */ nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_PKT); NutEventPostFromIrq(&ni->ni_tx_rdy); } /* * If this is a receive interrupt, then wake up the receiver * thread. */ if (isr & INT_RX_OVRN) { nic_outlb(NIC_ACK, INT_RX_OVRN); //nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_TOP); } if (isr & INT_ERCV) { nic_outlb(NIC_ACK, INT_ERCV); NutEventPostFromIrq(&ni->ni_rx_rdy); } if (isr & INT_RCV) { nic_outlb(NIC_ACK, INT_RCV); imr &= ~INT_RCV; NutEventPostFromIrq(&ni->ni_rx_rdy); } if (isr & INT_ALLOC) { imr &= ~INT_ALLOC; NutEventPostFromIrq(&maq); } //printf(" -%02X-%02X- ", nic_inlb(NIC_IST), inb(PINE) & 0x20); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, imr); } #endif /* 0 */ /* * Write data block to the NIC. */ static void NicWrite(uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len) { register uint16_t l = len - 1; register uint8_t ih = (uint16_t) l >> 8; register uint8_t il = (uint8_t) l; if (!len) return; do { do { nic_outlb(NIC_DATA, *buf++); } while (il-- != 0); } while (ih-- != 0); } /* * Read data block from the NIC. */ static void NicRead(uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len) { register uint16_t l = len - 1; register uint8_t ih = (uint16_t) l >> 8; register uint8_t il = (uint8_t) l; if (!len) return; do { do { *buf++ = nic_inlb(NIC_DATA); } while (il-- != 0); } while (ih-- != 0); } /*! * \brief Fetch the next packet out of the receive ring buffer. * * Nic interrupts must be disabled when calling this funtion. * * \return Pointer to an allocated ::NETBUF. If there is no * no data available, then the function returns a * null pointer. If the NIC's buffer seems to be * corrupted, a pointer to 0xFFFF is returned. */ static NETBUF *NicGetPacket(void) { NETBUF *nb = 0; //uint8_t *buf; uint16_t fsw; uint16_t fbc; /* Check the fifo empty bit. If it is set, then there is nothing in the receiver fifo. */ nic_bs(2); if (nic_inw(NIC_FIFO) & 0x8000) { return 0; } /* Inialize pointer register. */ nic_outw(NIC_PTR, PTR_READ | PTR_RCV | PTR_AUTO_INCR); _NOP(); _NOP(); _NOP(); _NOP(); /* Read status word and byte count. */ fsw = nic_inw(NIC_DATA); fbc = nic_inw(NIC_DATA); //printf("[SW=%04X,BC=%04X]", fsw, fbc); /* Check for frame errors. */ if (fsw & 0xAC00) { nb = (NETBUF *) 0xFFFF; } /* Check the byte count. */ else if (fbc < 66 || fbc > 1524) { nb = (NETBUF *) 0xFFFF; } else { /* * Allocate a NETBUF. * Hack alert: Rev A chips never set the odd frame indicator. */ fbc -= 3; /* nb = NutNetBufAlloc(0, NBAF_DATALINK, fbc);*/ /* Perform the read. */ /* if (nb) NicRead(nb->nb_dl.vp, fbc);*/ } /* Release the packet. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_TOP); return nb; } /*! * \brief Load a packet into the nic's transmit ring buffer. * * Interupts must have been disabled when calling this function. * * \param nb Network buffer structure containing the packet to be sent. * The structure must have been allocated by a previous * call NutNetBufAlloc(). This routine will automatically * release the buffer in case of an error. * * \return 0 on success, -1 in case of any errors. Errors * will automatically release the network buffer * structure. */ #if 0 static int NicPutPacket(NETBUF * nb) { uint16_t sz; uint8_t odd = 0; uint8_t imsk; //printf("[P]"); /* * Calculate the number of bytes to be send. Do not send packets * larger than the Ethernet maximum transfer unit. The MTU * consist of 1500 data bytes plus the 14 byte Ethernet header * plus 4 bytes CRC. We check the data bytes only. */ if ((sz = nb->nb_nw.sz + nb->nb_tp.sz + nb->nb_ap.sz) > ETHERMTU) return -1; /* Disable all interrupts. */ imsk = nic_inlb(NIC_MSK); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, 0); /* Allocate packet buffer space. */ nic_bs(2); nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_ALO); if (NicMmuWait(100)) return -1; /* Enable interrupts including allocation success. */ nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, imsk | INT_ALLOC); /* The MMU needs some time. Use it to calculate the byte count. */ sz += nb->nb_dl.sz; sz += 6; if (sz & 1) { sz++; odd++; } /* Wait for allocation success. */ while ((nic_inlb(NIC_IST) & INT_ALLOC) == 0) { if (NutEventWait(&maq, 125)) { nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_RST); NicMmuWait(1000); nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_ALO); if (NicMmuWait(100) || (nic_inlb(NIC_IST) & INT_ALLOC) == 0) { if (NutEventWait(&maq, 125)) { return -1; } } } } /* Disable interrupts. */ imsk = nic_inlb(NIC_MSK); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, 0); nic_outlb(NIC_PNR, nic_inhb(NIC_PNR)); nic_outw(NIC_PTR, 0x4000); /* Transfer control word. */ nic_outlb(NIC_DATA, 0); nic_outlb(NIC_DATA, 0); /* Transfer the byte count. */ nic_outw(NIC_DATA, sz); /* Transfer the Ethernet frame. */ NicWrite(nb->nb_dl.vp, nb->nb_dl.sz); NicWrite(nb->nb_nw.vp, nb->nb_nw.sz); NicWrite(nb->nb_tp.vp, nb->nb_tp.sz); NicWrite(nb->nb_ap.vp, nb->nb_ap.sz); if (odd) nic_outlb(NIC_DATA, 0); /* Transfer the control word. */ nic_outw(NIC_DATA, 0); /* Enqueue packet. */ if (NicMmuWait(100)) return -1; nic_outlb(NIC_MMUCR, MMU_ENQ); /* Enable interrupts. */ imsk |= INT_TX | INT_TX_EMPTY; nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, imsk); return 0; } #endif /*! \fn NicRxLanc(void *arg) * \brief NIC receiver thread. * */ #if 1 PROCESS_THREAD(lanc111_process, ev, data) /*THREAD(NicRxLanc, arg)*/ { /* NUTDEVICE *dev; IFNET *ifn; NICINFO *ni; NETBUF *nb;*/ uint8_t imsk; static struct etimer et; /* dev = arg; ifn = (IFNET *) dev->dev_icb; ni = (NICINFO *) dev->dev_dcb;*/ /* * This is a temporary hack. Due to a change in initialization, * we may not have got a MAC address yet. Wait until one has been * set. */ PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* while(*((u_long *) (ifn->if_mac)) && *((u_long *) (ifn->if_mac)) != 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {*/ while(0) { etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND / 8); PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&et)); } /* * Do not continue unless we managed to start the NIC. We are * trapped here if the Ethernet link cannot be established. * This happens, for example, if no Ethernet cable is plugged * in. */ /* while(NicStart(ifn->if_mac)) {*/ while(0) { /*NutSleep(1000);*/ etimer_set(&et, CLOCK_SECOND); PROCESS_WAIT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&et)); } LANC111_SIGNAL_MODE(); sbi(EIMSK, LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ); /* NutEventPost(&mutex);*/ /* Run at high priority. */ /* NutThreadSetPriority(9);*/ for (;;) { /* * Wait for the arrival of new packets or * check the receiver every two second. */ /* NutEventWait(&ni->ni_rx_rdy, 2000);*/ PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); /* * Fetch all packets from the NIC's internal * buffer and pass them to the registered handler. */ imsk = nic_inlb(NIC_MSK); nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, 0); /* while ((nb = NicGetPacket()) != 0) { if (nb != (NETBUF *) 0xFFFF) { ni->ni_rx_packets++; (*ifn->if_recv) (dev, nb); } }*/ nic_outlb(NIC_MSK, imsk | INT_RCV | INT_ERCV); } PROCESS_END(); } #endif /* 0 */ /*! * \brief Send Ethernet packet. * * \param dev Identifies the device to use. * \param nb Network buffer structure containing the packet to be sent. * The structure must have been allocated by a previous * call NutNetBufAlloc(). * * \return 0 on success, -1 in case of any errors. */ #if 0 int LancOutput(NUTDEVICE * dev, NETBUF * nb) { static u_long mx_wait = 5000; int rc = -1; NICINFO *ni; /* * After initialization we are waiting for a long time to give * the PHY a chance to establish an Ethernet link. */ if (NutEventWait(&mutex, mx_wait) == 0) { ni = (NICINFO *) dev->dev_dcb; if (NicPutPacket(nb) == 0) { ni->ni_tx_packets++; rc = 0; /* Ethernet works. Set a long waiting time in case we temporarly lose the link next time. */ mx_wait = 5000; } NutEventPost(&mutex); } /* * Probably no Ethernet link. Significantly reduce the waiting * time, so following transmission will soon return an error. */ else { mx_wait = 500; } return rc; } #endif #if 0 /*! * \brief Initialize Ethernet hardware. * * Resets the LAN91C111 Ethernet controller, initializes all required * hardware registers and starts a background thread for incoming * Ethernet traffic. * * Applications should do not directly call this function. It is * automatically executed during during device registration by * NutRegisterDevice(). * * If the network configuration hasn't been set by the application * before registering the specified device, this function will * call NutNetLoadConfig() to get the MAC address. * * \param dev Identifies the device to initialize. */ int LancInit(NUTDEVICE * dev) { /* Disable NIC interrupt and clear NICINFO structure. */ cbi(EIMSK, LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ); memset(dev->dev_dcb, 0, sizeof(NICINFO)); /* Register interrupt handler and enable interrupts. */ if (NutRegisterIrqHandler(&LANC111_SIGNAL, NicInterrupt, dev)) return -1; /* * Start the receiver thread. */ NutThreadCreate("rxi5", NicRxLanc, dev, 640); //NutSleep(500); return 0; } /*@}*/ /*! * \addtogroup xgSmscDev */ /*@{*/ static NICINFO dcb_eth0; /*! * \brief Network interface information structure. * * Used to call. */ static IFNET ifn_eth0 = { IFT_ETHER, /*!< \brief Interface type. */ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /*!< \brief Hardware net address. */ 0, /*!< \brief IP address. */ 0, /*!< \brief Remote IP address for point to point. */ 0, /*!< \brief IP network mask. */ ETHERMTU, /*!< \brief Maximum size of a transmission unit. */ 0, /*!< \brief Packet identifier. */ 0, /*!< \brief Linked list of arp entries. */ NutEtherInput, /*!< \brief Routine to pass received data to, if_recv(). */ LancOutput, /*!< \brief Driver output routine, if_send(). */ NutEtherOutput /*!< \brief Media output routine, if_output(). */ }; /*! * \brief Device information structure. * * A pointer to this structure must be passed to NutRegisterDevice() * to bind this Ethernet device driver to the Nut/OS kernel. * An application may then call NutNetIfConfig() with the name \em eth0 * of this driver to initialize the network interface. * */ NUTDEVICE devSmsc111 = { 0, /* Pointer to next device. */ {'e', 't', 'h', '0', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, /* Unique device name. */ IFTYP_NET, /* Type of device. */ 0, /* Base address. */ 0, /* First interrupt number. */ &ifn_eth0, /* Interface control block. */ &dcb_eth0, /* Driver control block. */ LancInit, /* Driver initialization routine. */ 0, /* Driver specific control function. */ 0, /* Read from device. */ 0, /* Write to device. */ 0, /* Write from program space data to device. */ 0, /* Open a device or file. */ 0, /* Close a device or file. */ 0 /* Request file size. */ }; /*@}*/ #endif int lanc111_init(void) { /* Disable NIC interrupt and clear NICINFO structure. */ cbi(EIMSK, LANC111_SIGNAL_IRQ); /* Register interrupt handler and enable interrupts. */ /* if (NutRegisterIrqHandler(&LANC111_SIGNAL, NicInterrupt, dev)) return -1;*/ /* * Start the receiver thread. */ /* NutThreadCreate("rxi5", NicRxLanc, dev, 640);*/ //NutSleep(500); return 0; }