
This commit is contained in:
Maxim Salov 2014-01-04 17:27:24 -05:00 committed by Ian Martin
parent f576489c6e
commit 096ff72bd9
3 changed files with 118 additions and 119 deletions

View file

@ -5,57 +5,56 @@ volatile unsigned char ticks = 0;
volatile unsigned char flag_1hz = 0;
void wdti_handler(void)
void it_handler(void)
LED1 ^= 1;
if (0 == (0x07 & ticks))
flag_1hz = 1;
LED1 ^= 1;
if(0 == (0x07 & ticks)) {
flag_1hz = 1;
int main(void)
/* Setup LEDs */
LED1 = 1;
LED2 = 1;
LED1_PIN = 0;
LED2_PIN = 0;
/* Setup clocks */
CMC.cmc = 0x11U; /* Enable XT1, disable X1 */
CSC.csc = 0x80U; /* Start XT1 and HOCO, stop X1 */
CKC.ckc = 0x00U;
/* Delay 1 second */
register unsigned long int i;
for (i = 0x000FFFFFUL; i; --i)
OSMC.osmc = 0x00; /* Supply fsub to peripherals, including Interval Timer */
/* Setup 12-bit interval timer */
RTCEN = 1; /* Enable 12-bit interval timer and RTC */
ITMK = 1; /* Disable IT interrupt */
ITPR0 = 0; /* Set interrupt priority - highest */
ITPR1 = 0;
ITMC.itmc = 0x8FFFU; /* Set maximum period 4096/32768Hz = 1/8 s, and start timer */
ITIF = 0; /* Clear interrupt request flag */
ITMK = 0; /* Enable IT interrupt */
asm ("ei"); /* Enable interrupts */
if (flag_1hz)
LED2 = 0;
flag_1hz = 0;
uart0_puts("Hello, RL78! [:");
LED2 = 1;
asm ("di");
/* Setup LEDs */
LED1 = 1;
LED2 = 1;
LED1_PIN = 0;
LED2_PIN = 0;
/* Setup clocks */
CMC.cmc = 0x11U; /* Enable XT1, disable X1 */
CSC.csc = 0x80U; /* Start XT1 and HOCO, stop X1 */
CKC.ckc = 0x00U;
/* Delay 1 second */
register unsigned long int i;
for(i = 0x000FFFFFUL; i; --i) {
asm ("nop");
OSMC.osmc = 0x00; /* Supply fsub to peripherals, including Interval Timer */
/* Setup 12-bit interval timer */
RTCEN = 1; /* Enable 12-bit interval timer and RTC */
ITMK = 1; /* Disable IT interrupt */
ITPR0 = 0; /* Set interrupt priority - highest */
ITPR1 = 0;
ITMC.itmc = 0x8FFFU; /* Set maximum period 4096/32768Hz = 1/8 s, and start timer */
ITIF = 0; /* Clear interrupt request flag */
ITMK = 0; /* Enable IT interrupt */
asm ("ei"); /* Enable interrupts */
for(;;) {
if(flag_1hz) {
LED2 = 0;
flag_1hz = 0;
uart0_puts("Hello, RL78! [:");
LED2 = 1;
asm ("halt");

View file

@ -2,115 +2,115 @@
#include <iodefine.h>
#include <iodefine_ext.h>
void uart0_init(void)
/* Reference R01AN0459EJ0100 or hardware manual for details */
PIOR.pior = 0U; /* Disable IO redirection */
PM1.pm1 |= 0x06U; /* Set P11 and P12 as inputs */
SAU0EN = 1; /* Supply clock to serial array unit 0 */
SPS0.sps0 = 0x44U; /* Set input clock (CK00 and CK01) to fclk/16 = 2MHz */
ST0.st0 = 0x03U; /* Stop operation of channel 0 and 1 */
/* Setup interrupts (disable) */
STMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTST0 interrupt */
STIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTST0 interrupt request flag */
STPR10 = 1; /* Set INTST0 priority: lowest */
STPR00 = 1;
SRMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTSR0 interrupt */
SRIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTSR0 interrupt request flag */
SRPR10 = 1; /* Set INTSR0 priority: lowest */
SRPR00 = 1;
SREMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTSRE0 interrupt */
SREIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTSRE0 interrupt request flag */
SREPR10 = 1; /* Set INTSRE0 priority: lowest */
SREPR00 = 1;
/* Setup operation mode for transmitter (channel 0) */
SMR00.smr00 = 0x0023U; /* Operation clock : CK00,
/* Reference R01AN0459EJ0100 or hardware manual for details */
PIOR.pior = 0U; /* Disable IO redirection */
PM1.pm1 |= 0x06U; /* Set P11 and P12 as inputs */
SAU0EN = 1; /* Supply clock to serial array unit 0 */
SPS0.sps0 = 0x44U; /* Set input clock (CK00 and CK01) to fclk/16 = 2MHz */
ST0.st0 = 0x03U; /* Stop operation of channel 0 and 1 */
/* Setup interrupts (disable) */
STMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTST0 interrupt */
STIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTST0 interrupt request flag */
STPR10 = 1; /* Set INTST0 priority: lowest */
STPR00 = 1;
SRMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTSR0 interrupt */
SRIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTSR0 interrupt request flag */
SRPR10 = 1; /* Set INTSR0 priority: lowest */
SRPR00 = 1;
SREMK0 = 1; /* Disable INTSRE0 interrupt */
SREIF0 = 0; /* Clear INTSRE0 interrupt request flag */
SREPR10 = 1; /* Set INTSRE0 priority: lowest */
SREPR00 = 1;
/* Setup operation mode for transmitter (channel 0) */
SMR00.smr00 = 0x0023U; /* Operation clock : CK00,
Transfer clock : division of CK00
Start trigger : software
Detect falling edge as start bit
Operation mode : UART
Interrupt source : buffer empty
SCR00.scr00 = 0x8097U; /* Transmission only
SCR00.scr00 = 0x8097U; /* Transmission only
Reception error interrupt masked
Phase clock : type 1
No parity
LSB first
1 stop bit
8-bit data length
SDR00.sdr00 = 0xCE00U; /* transfer clock : operation clock divided by 208
SDR00.sdr00 = 0xCE00U; /* transfer clock : operation clock divided by 208
2 MHz / 208 = ~9600 bps
/* Setup operation mode for receiver (channel 1) */
NFEN0.nfen0 |= 1; /* Enable noise filter on RxD0 pin */
SIR01.sir01 = 0x0007U; /* Clear error flags */
SMR01.smr01 = 0x0122U; /* Operation clock : CK00
/* Setup operation mode for receiver (channel 1) */
NFEN0.nfen0 |= 1; /* Enable noise filter on RxD0 pin */
SIR01.sir01 = 0x0007U; /* Clear error flags */
SMR01.smr01 = 0x0122U; /* Operation clock : CK00
Transfer clock : division of CK00
Start trigger : valid edge on RxD pin
Detect falling edge as start bit
Operation mode : UART
Interrupt source : transfer end
SCR01.scr01 = 0x4097U; /* Reception only
SCR01.scr01 = 0x4097U; /* Reception only
Reception error interrupt masked
Phase clock : type 1
No parity
LSB first
1 stop bit
8-bit data length
SDR01.sdr01 = 0xCE00U; /* transfer clock : operation clock divided by 208
SDR01.sdr01 = 0xCE00U; /* transfer clock : operation clock divided by 208
2 MHz / 208 = ~9600 bps
SO0.so0 |= 1; /* Prepare for use of channel 0 */
SOE0.soe0 |= 1;
P1.p1 |= (1 << 2); /* Set TxD0 high */
PM1.pm1 &= ~(1 << 2); /* Set output mode for TxD0 */
PM1.pm1 |= (1 << 1); /* Set input mode for RxD0 */
SS0.ss0 |= 0x03U; /* Enable UART0 operation (both channels) */
STIF0 = 1; /* Set buffer empty interrupt request flag */
SO0.so0 |= 1; /* Prepare for use of channel 0 */
SOE0.soe0 |= 1;
P1.p1 |= (1 << 2); /* Set TxD0 high */
PM1.pm1 &= ~(1 << 2); /* Set output mode for TxD0 */
PM1.pm1 |= (1 << 1); /* Set input mode for RxD0 */
SS0.ss0 |= 0x03U; /* Enable UART0 operation (both channels) */
STIF0 = 1; /* Set buffer empty interrupt request flag */
int uart0_puts(const char __far * s)
uart0_puts(const char __far *s)
int len = 0;
SMR00.smr00 |= 0x0001U; /* Set buffer empty interrupt */
while ('\0' != *s)
while (0 == STIF0);
STIF0 = 0;
SDR00.sdr00 = *s++;
#if 0
while (0 == STIF0);
int len = 0;
SMR00.smr00 |= 0x0001U; /* Set buffer empty interrupt */
while('\0' != *s) {
while(0 == STIF0) ;
STIF0 = 0;
SDR00.sdr00 = '\r';
while (0 == STIF0);
STIF0 = 0;
SMR00.smr00 &= ~0x0001U;
SDR00.sdr00 = '\n';
while (0 == STIF0);
SDR00.sdr00 = *s++;
#if 0
while (0 != SSR00.BIT.bit6); /* Wait until TSF00 == 0 */
while(0 == STIF0) ;
STIF0 = 0;
SDR00.sdr00 = '\r';
return len;
while(0 == STIF0) ;
STIF0 = 0;
SMR00.smr00 &= ~0x0001U;
SDR00.sdr00 = '\n';
while(0 == STIF0) ;
#if 0
while(0 != SSR00.BIT.bit6) ; /* Wait until TSF00 == 0 */
return len;
void st0_handler(void)
void sr0_handler(void)
/* This is actually INTSRE0 interrupt handler */
void tm01h_handler(void)

View file

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
#define UART0_H__
void uart0_init(void);
int uart0_puts(const char __far * s);
int uart0_puts(const char __far *s);
#endif // UART0_H__
#endif /* UART0_H__ */