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2010-08-24 15:48:20 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# $Id: motelist-z1,v 1.1 2010/08/24 15:48:20 joxe Exp $
# @author Cory Sharp <cory@moteiv.com>
# @author Joe Polastre
my $help = <<'EOF';
usage: motelist [options]
$Revision: 1.1 $
-h display this help
-c compact format, not pretty but easier for parsing
-f specify the usb-serial file (for smote.cs)
-k kernel version: 2.4, 2.6, auto (default)
-m method to scan usb: procfs, sysfs, auto (default)
-dev_prefix force the device prefix for the serial device
-usb display extra usb information
my %Opt = (
compact => 0,
usb => 0,
method => "auto",
kernel => "auto",
dev_prefix => [ "/dev/usb/tts/", "/dev/ttyUSB", "/dev/tts/USB" ],
usbserial => "sudo cat /proc/tty/driver/usbserial |",
while (@ARGV) {
last unless $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/;
my $opt = shift @ARGV;
if( $opt eq "-h" ) { print "$help\n"; exit 0; }
elsif( $opt eq "-c" ) { $Opt{compact} = 1; }
elsif( $opt eq "-f" ) { $Opt{usbserial} = shift @ARGV; }
elsif( $opt eq "-k" ) { $Opt{kernel} = shift @ARGV; }
elsif( $opt eq "-m" ) { $Opt{method} = shift @ARGV; }
elsif( $opt eq "-dev_prefix" ) { $Opt{dev_prefix} = shift @ARGV; }
elsif( $opt eq "-usb" ) { $Opt{usb} = 1; }
else { print STDERR "$help\nerror, unknown command line option $opt\n"; exit 1; }
if( $Opt{kernel} eq "auto" ) {
$Opt{kernel} = "unknown";
$Opt{kernel} = $1 if snarf("/proc/version") =~ /\bLinux version (\d+\.\d+)/;
if( $Opt{method} eq "auto" ) {
$Opt{method} = ($Opt{kernel} eq "2.4") ? "procfs" : "sysfs";
my @devs = $Opt{method} eq "procfs" ? scan_procfs() : scan_sysfs();
print_motelist( sort { cmp_usbdev($a,$b) } @devs );
# SysFS
sub scan_sysfs {
# Scan /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb for FTDI devices
my @ftdidevs =
grep { ($_->{UsbVendor}||"") eq "10c4" && ($_->{UsbProduct}||"") eq "ea60" && ($_->{ProductString}||"") eq "Zolertia Z1" }
map { {
SysPath => $_,
UsbVendor => snarf("$_/idVendor",1),
UsbProduct => snarf("$_/idProduct",1),
ProductString => snarf("$_/product",1),
} }
# Gather information about each FTDI device
for my $f (@ftdidevs) {
my $syspath = $f->{SysPath};
$f->{InfoManufacturer} = snarf("$syspath/manufacturer",1);
$f->{InfoProduct} = snarf("$syspath/product",1);
$f->{InfoSerial} = snarf("$syspath/serial",1);
$f->{UsbDevNum} = snarf("$syspath/devnum",1);
my $devstr = readlink($syspath);
if( $devstr =~ m{([^/]+)/usb(\d+)/.*-([^/]+)$} ) {
$f->{UsbPath} = "usb-$1-$3";
$f->{UsbBusNum} = $2;
($f->{SysDev} = $syspath) =~ s{^.*/}{};
my $port = "$syspath/$f->{SysDev}:1.0";
($f->{DriverName} = readlink("$port/driver")) =~ s{^.*/}{} if -l "$port/driver";
($f->{SerialDevName} = (glob("$port/tty*"),undef)[0]) =~ s{^.*/}{};
$f->{SerialDevNum} = $1 if $f->{SerialDevName} =~ /(\d+)/;
$f->{SerialDevName} = getSerialDevName( $f->{SerialDevNum} ) || " (none)";
return @ftdidevs;
# Scan Procfs
sub scan_procfs {
my $text_devs = snarf("< /proc/bus/usb/devices");
my $text_serial = snarf($Opt{usbserial});
my @usbdevs = map { {parse_usb_devices_text($_)} }
grep { !/^\s*$/ } split /\n+(?=T:)/, $text_devs;
my %usbtree = build_usb_tree( @usbdevs );
my %usbserialtree = build_usbserial_tree( $text_serial );
for my $tts ( values %usbserialtree ) {
$usbtree{usbkey($tts->{path})}{usbserial} = $tts if defined $tts->{path};
my @ftdidevs = map { {
UsbVendor => $_->{Vendor},
UsbProduct => $_->{ProdID},
InfoManufacturer => $_->{Manufacturer},
InfoProduct => $_->{Product},
InfoSerial => $_->{SerialNumber},
UsbBusNum => $_->{nbus},
UsbDevNum => $_->{ndev},
UsbPath => (($Opt{kernel} eq "2.4") ? $_->{usbserial}{path} : $_->{usbpath}),
DriverName => $_->{driver},
SerialDevNum => $_->{usbserial}{tts},
SerialDevName => getSerialDevName($_->{usbserial}{tts}) || " (none)",
} }
grep { ($_->{Vendor}||"") eq "0403" && ($_->{ProdID}||"") eq "6001" }
values %usbtree;
return @ftdidevs;
sub build_usb_tree {
my @devs = @_;
my %tree = ();
for my $dev (sort { $a->{Lev} <=> $b->{Lev} } @devs) {
my ($bus,$lev,$prnt) = ( $dev->{Bus}+0, $dev->{Lev}+0, $dev->{Prnt}+0 );
my $devnum = $dev->{"Dev#"}+0;
$dev->{nbus} = $bus;
$dev->{ndev} = $devnum;
$tree{"bus$bus"} = {} unless exists $tree{"bus$bus"};
$tree{"bus$bus"}{"dev$devnum"} = $dev;
if( $lev == 0 ) {
$dev->{usbpath} = "usb-$dev->{SerialNumber}";
} else {
my $sep = ($lev==1) ? "-" : ".";
$dev->{parent} = $tree{"bus$bus"}{"dev$prnt"};
$dev->{usbpath} = $dev->{parent}{usbpath} . $sep . ($dev->{Port}+1);
$tree{usbkey($dev->{usbpath})} = $dev;
return %tree;
sub parse_usb_devices_text {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/^\S+\s*//gm;
return ($text =~ m/([^\s=]+)=\s*(.*?\S)\s*(?=[^\s=]+=|$)/mg);
sub build_usbserial_tree {
my $text = shift;
my %tree = ();
while( $text =~ /^([^:]+):(.*)/mg ) {
my ($tts,$params) = ($1,$2);
$tree{$tts} = { tts => $tts };
while ($params =~ m/\s+([^:]+):(?:"([^"]*)"|(\S+))/g) {
$tree{$tts}{$1} = $2||$3;
return %tree;
sub usbkey {
if( $Opt{kernel} eq "2.4" ) {
(my $key = $_[0]) =~ s/^.*-//;
return $key;
return $_[0];
# getSerialDevName
# For each device, force to use dev_prefix if it's not an array. Otherwise,
# assume it's a list of candidate prefixes. Check them and commit to the
# first one that actually exists.
sub getSerialDevName {
my $devnum = shift;
my $devname = undef;
if( defined $devnum ) {
if( ref($Opt{dev_prefix}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
$devname = $devnum;
for my $prefix (@{$Opt{dev_prefix}}) {
my $file = $prefix . $devnum;
if( -e $file ) { $devname = $file; last; }
} else {
$devname = $Opt{dev_prefix} . $devnum;
return $devname;
# Print motelist
sub print_motelist {
my @devs = @_;
# If none were found, quit
if( @devs == 0 ) {
print "No devices found.\n";
# Print a header
if( !$Opt{compact} ) {
if( $Opt{usb} ) {
print << "EOF" unless $Opt{compact};
Bus Dev USB Path Reference Device Description
--- --- ------------------------ ---------- ---------------- -------------------------------------
} else {
print << "EOF" unless $Opt{compact};
Reference Device Description
---------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------
# Print the usb information
for my $dev (sort { cmp_usbdev($a,$b) } @devs) {
my $desc = join( " ", $dev->{InfoManufacturer}||"", $dev->{InfoProduct}||"" ) || " (none)";
my @output = ( $dev->{InfoSerial}||" (none)", $dev->{SerialDevName}, $desc );
@output = ( $dev->{UsbBusNum}, $dev->{UsbDevNum}, $dev->{UsbPath}, @output ) if $Opt{usb};
if( $Opt{compact} ) {
print join(",",@output) . "\n";
} else {
printf( ($Opt{usb}?"%3d %3d %-24s ":"")."%-10s %-16s %s\n", @output );
# Cmp Usbdev's
sub cmp_usbdev {
my ($a,$b) = @_;
if( defined $a->{SerialDevNum} ) {
if( defined $b->{SerialDevNum} ) {
return $a->{SerialDevNum} <=> $b->{SerialDevNum};
return -1;
return 1 if defined $b->{SerialDevNum};
return ($a->{InfoSerial}||"") cmp ($b->{InfoSerial}||"");
# Read a file in
sub snarf {
open my $fh, $_[0] or return undef;
my $text = do{local $/;<$fh>};
close $fh;
$text =~ s/\s+$// if $_[1];
return $text;