(($) -> timestr = (t) -> digits = (x, n, c) -> c = if c then c else '0' x = '' + Math.floor( x) x = c + x while n > x.length x "#{digits(t/3600,2,'0')}:#{digits((t/60)%60,2,'0')}:#{digits(t%60,2,'0')}" strtime = (t) -> if t and t = t.match /^(\d?\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/ 3600*Math.floor( t[1])+60*Math.floor( t[2])+Math.floor( t[3]) netcastscroll = (a = $('#netcast')) -> if a.is( '*') and (t = location.hash.match( /^#(\d?\d:\d\d:\d\d)$/)) a[0].currentTime = strtime t[1] undefined $ -> $(window).on 'hashchange', -> a = $ '#netcast' if a.is '*' netcastscroll a a[0].play() undefined netcastscroll() $('nc-ts').replaceWith -> $this = $ this ts = $this.text() $ '' .text ts .attr class: $this.attr( 'class'), href: "\##{ts}", 'netcast-timestamp': strtime(ts) $('#netcast').on 'timeupdate', (e) -> ts = @currentTime cel = [-1] for el in $ '[netcast-timestamp]' el = $ el pcts = parseInt el.attr( 'netcast-timestamp') cel = [pcts, el] if cel[0] < pcts and pcts <= ts if cel[1] and not cel[1].is( '.netcast-current') $('.netcast-current[netcast-timestamp]').removeClass 'netcast-current' cel[1].addClass 'netcast-current' undefined undefined )(jQuery)