This allows users to use proxy directly instead of page to create dynamic pages, and improves performance of dynamic pages for sites that create many proxies. It also allows people to use locals instead of instance variables, which are better for partials and reduce the risk of overwriting Middleman settings.
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Feature: Proxy Pages (using proxy rather than page)
In order to use a single view to generate multiple output files
Scenario: Checking built folder for content
Given a successfully built app at "proxy-pages-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| fake.html |
| fake2.html |
| fake3.html |
| fake4.html |
| fake/one.html |
| fake/two.html |
| fake2/one.html |
| fake2/two.html |
| fake3/one.html |
| fake3/two.html |
| fake4/one.html |
| fake4/two.html |
| target_ignore.html |
| target_ignore2.html |
| target_ignore3.html |
| target_ignore4.html |
| 明日がある.html |
Then the following files should not exist:
| should_be_ignored6.html |
| should_be_ignored7.html |
| should_be_ignored8.html |
Scenario: Preview basic proxy
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake2.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake3.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
When I go to "/fake4.html"
Then I should see "I am real"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable one
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
When I go to "/fake2/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
When I go to "/fake3/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
When I go to "/fake4/one.html"
Then I should see "I am real: one"
Scenario: Preview proxy with variable two
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/fake/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
When I go to "/fake2/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
When I go to "/fake3/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
When I go to "/fake4/two.html"
Then I should see "I am real: two"
Scenario: Build proxy with variable one
Given a successfully built app at "proxy-pages-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the file "fake/one.html" should contain "I am real: one"
Then the file "fake2/one.html" should contain "I am real: one"
Then the file "fake3/one.html" should contain "I am real: one"
Scenario: Target ignore
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/target_ignore.html"
Then I should see "Ignore me! 3"
When I go to "/target_ignore2.html"
Then I should see "Ignore me! 6"
When I go to "/target_ignore3.html"
Then I should see "Ignore me! 7"
When I go to "/target_ignore4.html"
Then I should see "Ignore me! 8"
Scenario: Preview ignored paths
Given the Server is running at "proxy-pages-app"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored6.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored7.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found"
When I go to "/should_be_ignored8.html"
Then I should see "File Not Found" |