This allows manually changing the filename so that fiel header changes can be reflected on the CDN. E.g. if you turn on crossOrigin serving (CORS) the asset hash doesn't change, but the CDN cache needs to be broken in order to pickup the new header.
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Feature: Assets get file hashes appended to them and references to them are updated
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are produced, and HTML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript gets rewritten to reference the new files
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| apple-touch-icon.png |
| favicon.ico |
| images/100px-1242c368.png |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| images/200px-c11eb203.jpg |
| images/300px-59adce76.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css |
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
| api.json |
| subdir/api.json |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px.png |
| images/100px.jpg |
| images/100px.gif |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
And the file "javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js" should contain "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
And the file "stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css" should contain:
background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg")
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="apple-touch-icon.png"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-1242c368.png"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'href="../stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "other/index.html" should contain 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "api.json" should contain 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And the file "api.json" should contain 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
And the file "api.json" should contain 'images/100px-1242c368.png'
And the file "subdir/api.json" should contain 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And the file "subdir/api.json" should contain 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
And the file "subdir/api.json" should contain 'images/100px-1242c368.png'
Scenario: Hashed fonts assets work with woff and woff2 extension
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| fonts/fontawesome-webfont-56ce13e7.woff |
| fonts/fontawesome-webfont-10752316.woff2 |
And the file "stylesheets/uses_fonts-88aa3e2b.css" should contain "src: url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont-10752316.woff2')"
And the file "stylesheets/uses_fonts-88aa3e2b.css" should contain "url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont-56ce13e7.woff')"
Scenario: Hashed assets work in preview server
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href="apple-touch-icon.png"'
And I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
And I should see 'href="stylesheets/fragment-99b76247.css"'
And I should see 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test"'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"'
And I should see 'src="../javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test"'
And I should see 'src="../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test"'
When I go to "/javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"
Then I should see "img.src = '/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'"
When I go to "/stylesheets/site-d1a750ca.css"
Then I should see 'background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg");'
When I go to "/api.json"
Then I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
And I should see 'images/100px-1242c368.png'
When I go to "/subdir/api.json"
Then I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif'
And I should see 'images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg'
And I should see 'images/100px-1242c368.png'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-99b76247.css"
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?test");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg?#test");'
And I should see 'url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg#test");'
Scenario: Hashed assets work with Slim
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/slim.html"
And I should see 'src="images/300px-59adce76.jpg"'
And I should see 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And I should see 'srcset="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg 1x, images/200px-c11eb203.jpg 2x, images/300px-59adce76.jpg 3x"'
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references (hash first)
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :sass_source_maps, false
activate :asset_hash
activate :directory_indexes
activate :asset_host, host: ''
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-host-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-2902933e.css"
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
And I should see 'url("");'
Scenario: Enabling an asset host still produces hashed files and references (host first)
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-host-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
set :sass_source_maps, false
activate :asset_host, host: ''
activate :directory_indexes
activate :asset_hash
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-host-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/subdir/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/other/"
Then I should see 'href=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
And I should see 'src=""'
When I go to "/stylesheets/fragment-2902933e.css"
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
And I should see 'url("")'
Scenario: The asset hash should change when a SASS partial changes
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
And the file "source/stylesheets/_partial.sass" has the contents
font-size: 14px
When I go to "/partials/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-4d4e34e6.css'
And the file "source/stylesheets/_partial.sass" has the contents
font-size: 18px !important
When I go to "/partials/"
Then I should see 'href="../stylesheets/uses_partials-ec347271.css'
Scenario: The asset hash should change when a Rack-based filter changes
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
activate :asset_hash
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
require 'lib/middleware.rb'
use ::Middleware
Given the Server is running at "asset-hash-app"
When I go to "/"
Then I should see 'href="stylesheets/site-5ad7def0.css'
When I go to "stylesheets/site-5ad7def0.css"
Then I should see 'background-image: url("../images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg")'
Then I should see 'Added by Rack filter'
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are not produced for ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
is_stylesheet = proc { |path| path.start_with? 'stylesheets' }
activate :asset_hash, ignore: [
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
And a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| apple-touch-icon.png |
| favicon.ico |
| images/100px.png |
| images/100px.jpg |
| images/100px.gif |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| other/index.html |
| api.json |
| subdir/api.json |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px-1242c368.png |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.gif |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-7474cadd.css |
Scenario: Hashed-asset files are not replaced for rewrite ignored paths
Given a fixture app "asset-hash-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
is_stylesheet = proc { |path| path.start_with? '/stylesheets' }
activate :asset_hash, rewrite_ignore: [
activate :relative_assets
activate :directory_indexes
And a successfully built app at "asset-hash-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| subdir/index.html |
| images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg |
| javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js |
| stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css |
And the following files should not exist:
| images/100px.jpg |
| javascripts/application.js |
| stylesheets/site.css |
And the file "javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js" should contain "img.src = '/images/100px.jpg'"
And the file "stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css" should contain:
background-image: url("../images/100px.jpg")
And the file "index.html" should contain 'href="stylesheets/site-8bc55985.css"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="javascripts/application-1d8d5276.js"'
And the file "index.html" should contain 'src="images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg"'
And the file "subdir/index.html" should contain:
<h2>Image url3:</h2>
<p><img src="../images/100px.jpg"></p>
Scenario: Already minified files should still be hashed
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-minified-app"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| javascripts/jquery.min-276c87ff.js |
| stylesheets/test-7de2ad06.css |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/jquery.min.js |
And the file "stylesheets/test-7de2ad06.css" should contain:
.no-bug{content:""; background-image:url(/images/100px-5fd6fb90.jpg)}
Scenario: Source map paths include the hash
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-source-map"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| javascripts/application-4553338c.js |
| javascripts/ |
| index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/application.js |
| javascripts/ |
And the file "javascripts/application-4553338c.js" should contain "//#"
Scenario: Hashes can contain a prefix
Given a successfully built app at "asset-hash-prefix"
When I cd to "build"
Then the following files should exist:
| index.html |
| javascripts/application-myprefix-4553338c.js |
| javascripts/ |
| index.html |
And the following files should not exist:
| javascripts/application.js |
| javascripts/ |
And the file "javascripts/application-myprefix-4553338c.js" should contain "//#"