2014-05-26 18:44:11 -07:00

347 lines
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Executable file

<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A simple application showing the use of the web storage portability layer
code and cache pattern for offline web application.
<title>SimpleNotes Demo</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="../global_functions.js" language="javascript"
<script src="../dbwrapperapi.js" language="javascript"
<script src="../dbwrapper_html5.js" language="javascript"
<script src="../databasefactory.js" language="javascript"
<script src="template.js" language="javascript"
<script src="simplenotes.js" language="javascript"
<div id="list-note" class="screen list-note-screen" >
<div class="title-bar">Note List</div>
<div class="top command-bar">
<button id="view-note-new">New</button>
<div class="status-bar">status bar</div>
<div class="list-note-container-empty" style="display:none;"></div>
<div class="list-note-container" style="display:none;">
<div class="list-note-item">
<a href="javascript:showNote(%noteKey%);">%subject%</a>
<div class="top command-bar">
<button id="view-note-new">New</button>
<div id="view-note" class="screen view-note-screen" style="display:none;">
<div class="title-bar">View Note</div>
<div class="top command-bar">
<button id="view-note-back">Back</button>
<button id="view-note-edit">Edit Note</button>
<div class="status-bar">status bar</div>
<div class="view-note-container" style="display:none;">
<div class="subject">%subject%</div>
<div class="body">%body%</div>
<div class="bottom command-bar">
<button id="view-note-back">Back</button>
<button id="view-note-edit">Edit Note</button>
<div id="edit-note" class="screen edit-note-screen" style="display:none;">
<div class="title-bar">Edit Note</div>
<div class="top command-bar">
<button id="edit-back-save">Save Note</button>
<button id="edit-back-revert">Revert Note</button>
<div class="status-bar">status bar</div>
<textarea rows="1" style="width:100%;" id="edit-note-subject"></textarea>
<textarea rows="20" style="width:100%;" id="edit-note-body"></textarea>
<div class="bottom command-bar">
<button id="edit-back-save">Save Note</button>
<button id="edit-back-revert">Revert Note</button>
* Tests the given DOM element for a specific CSS class.
* @param {Object} e A DOM element.
* @param {string} css A CSS class identifier to match.
* @return {boolean} true if the element has the CSS class.
function hasCssClass(e, css) {
return e && e.className && e.className.search(css + '( |$)') > -1;
* Finds the parent element of a given element that has
* the specified CSS class.
* @param {Object} e A DOM element.
* @param {string} css A CSS class identifier to match.
* @param {Object} opt_stop A parent DOM element to stop at.
* @return {Object} A DOM element parent of e or null.
function findParentOfClass(e, css, opt_stop) {
var stop = opt_stop || document;
while (e && e != stop && !hasCssClass(e, css)) {
e = e.parentElement;
return hasCssClass(e, css) ? e : null;
* Navigates to the note creation screen.
function editNote(event) {
google.logger('editNote: <' + currentNote.subject + '>');
hideBlock('#edit-note .status-bar');
var subject = document.getElementById('edit-note-subject');
var body = document.getElementById('edit-note-body');
subject.value = currentNote.subject;
body.value = currentNote.body;
google.logger('end of editNote');
* Saves a note.
function saveNote(event) {
google.logger('saveNote: do database or other activity here');
// Copy contents from fields and save.
var subject = document.getElementById('edit-note-subject');
var body = document.getElementById('edit-note-body');
cache.applyUiChange(currentNote.noteKey, subject.value,
body.value, showNote);
* Abandons the note.
function abandonNote(event) {
google.logger('abandonNote: do database or other activity here');
* Prepares to edit a new note.
function newNote(event) {
google.logger('newNote: do database or other activity here');
alert('not implemented');
// grab the contents and inject into the database.
var subject = document.getElementById('edit-note-subject');
var body = document.getElementById('edit-note-body');
subject.value = '';
body.value = '';
* Maps button names to customizer functions.
var buttonHandlerSpecification = {
'view-note-new': ['edit-note', newNote],
'view-note-back': ['list-note', showNoteList],
'view-note-edit': ['edit-note', editNote],
'edit-back-save': ['view-note', saveNote],
'edit-back-revert': ['view-note', abandonNote]
* Hides a block specified by a CSS selector and parent node.
* @param {string} selector A CSS selector string.
* @param {Object} opt_el A DOM element.
function hideBlock(selector, opt_el) {
var el = opt_el || document;
var targetEl = el.querySelector(selector);
targetEl.style.display = 'none';
* Shows a block specified by a CSS selector and parent node, inserting
* the specified string as the innerHTML property of the selected block.
* @param {string} selector A CSS selector
* @param {string} html String to assign to the innerHTML property.
* @param {Object} opt_el A DOM element.
function showBlock(selector, html, opt_el) {
var el = opt_el || document;
var targetEl = el.querySelector(selector);
if (html) targetEl.innerHTML = html;
targetEl.style.display = 'block';
* Handles all button events.
function buttonHandler(event) {
google.logger('clicked on: ' + event.target.id);
var currentScreen = findParentOfClass(event.target, 'screen');
var nextScreen = document.getElementById(
var helperFunction = buttonHandlerSpecification[event.target.id][1];
// All button handlers have a common implementation.
// 1. hide current screen
currentScreen.style.display = 'none';
// 2. show new screen
nextScreen.style.display = 'block';
// 3. Activate status
showBlock('.status-bar', 'Working...', nextScreen);
// 4. Call customizer function (which will probably query the model
// stored in the cache.
// 5. A (possibly asynchronous) callback from the customizer will
// finish the action by running the appropriate view function.
google.logger('end of button Handler');
* Call back from a specific JavaScript url to show a specific
* note.
* @param {number} noteKey
* @return {boolean}
function showNote(noteKey) {
showBlock('#view-note .status-bar', 'Working...');
cache.getValues('fullnote', [noteKey], renderFullNote);
return false;
* Generates HTML for a note and display it.
* @param {Object} oneNote
* @param {boolean} complete True if the note has been provided or
* if an updated note is arriving. (Necessary for future support for
* sub-note updates.)
function renderFullNote(oneNote, complete) {
showBlock('.view-note-container', noteViewTemplate.process(oneNote));
if (complete) {
hideBlock('#view-note .status-bar');
currentNote = oneNote;
google.logger('done renderFullNote');
* Generates HTML for a note list and display it.
* @param {Array.<Object>} noteHeaders
* @param {boolean} complete True if all in-existence notes that lie
* in the query range have been provided even if less than what was
* requested.
function renderNoteList(noteHeaders, complete) {
google.logger('renderNoteList: ' + noteHeaders.length);
if (noteHeaders.length == 0) {
showBlock('.list-note-container-empty', 'No notes');
} else {
var notes = noteHeaders.map(function(n) {
return noteListTemplate.process(n);
showBlock('.list-note-container', notes.join());
if (complete) {
hideBlock('#list-note .status-bar');
google.logger('done renderNoteList');
* Query for an updated note list.
function showNoteList() {
cache.getValues('list', [0,20], renderNoteList);
currentNote = undefined;
google.logger('end of showNoteList');
* A constructor for the controller. Sets up the UI and
* queries the cache for initial notelist contents.
function createController() {
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.command-bar button');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(buttons, function(b) {
b.addEventListener('click', buttonHandler);
google.logger('controller is live');
google.logger('about to fetch the template');
var currentNote = undefined;
var noteListTemplate = new google.wspl.simplenotes.Template(
var noteViewTemplate = new google.wspl.simplenotes.Template(
// var noteEditTemplate = new google.wspl.simplenotes.Template();
google.logger('created the template');
// debugging code... tear out...
// test the template construction...
// showBlock('.list-note-container', noteListTemplate.process(
// {noteKey: 123, subject: 'hi rob'}));
google.logger('loaded database');
var cache = new google.wspl.simplenotes.Cache();
google.logger('finished loading page');