2016-03-12 13:55:25 -08:00

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require 'middleman-core/extension'
module Middleman
# The Extensions module is used to handle global registration and loading of Middleman Extensions.
# The application-facing extension API ({Middleman::CoreExtensions::Extensions#activate activate}, etc) is in {Middleman::CoreExtensions::Extensions} in
# `middleman-core/core_extensions/extensions.rb`.
module Extensions
@registered = {}
@auto_activate = {
# Activate before the Sitemap is instantiated
before_sitemap: Set.new,
# Activate the extension before `config.rb` and the `:before_configuration` hook.
before_configuration: Set.new
AutoActivation = Struct.new(:name, :modes)
class << self
# @api private
# A hash of all registered extensions. Registered extensions are not necessarily active - this
# is the set of all extensions that are known to Middleman.
# @return [Hash{Symbol => Class<Middleman::Extension>, Proc}] A directory of known extensions indexed by the name they were registered under. The value may be a Proc, which can be lazily called to return an extension class.
attr_reader :registered
# Register a new extension. Choose a name which will be
# used to activate the extension in `config.rb`, like this:
# activate :my_extension
# Provide your extension class either as the second parameter:
# Middleman::Extensions.register(:my_extension, MyExtension)
# Or better, return it from a block, which allows you to lazily require the implementation:
# Middleman::Extensions.register :my_extension do
# require 'my_extension'
# MyExtension
# end
# @param [Symbol] name The name of the extension
# @param [Class<Middleman::Extension>] extension_class The extension class (Must inherit from {Middleman::Extension})
# @option options [Boolean] :auto_activate If this is set to a lifecycle event (:before_configuration or :before_sitemap), this extension will be automatically activated at that point.
# This is intended for use with built-in Middleman extensions and should not be used by third-party extensions.
# @yield Instead of passing a module in namespace, you can provide
# a block which returns your extension class. This gives
# you the ability to require other files only when the
# extension is first activated.
# @return [void]
def register(name, extension_class=nil, options={}, &block)
raise 'Extension name must be a symbol' unless name.is_a?(Symbol)
# If we've already got an extension registered under this name, bail out
# raise "There is a already an extension registered with the name '#{name}'" if registered.key?(name)
# If the extension is defined with a block, grab options out of the "extension_class" parameter.
if extension_class && block_given? && options.empty? && extension_class.is_a?(Hash)
options = extension_class
extension_class = nil
registered[name] = if block_given?
elsif extension_class && extension_class.ancestors.include?(::Middleman::Extension)
raise 'You must provide a Middleman::Extension or a block that returns a Middleman::Extension'
return unless options[:auto_activate]
descriptor = AutoActivation.new(name, options[:modes] || :all)
@auto_activate[options[:auto_activate]] << descriptor
# @api private
# Load an extension by name, lazily evaluating the block provided to {#register} if necessary.
# @param [Symbol] name The name of the extension
# @return [Class<Middleman::Extension>] A {Middleman::Extension} class implementing the extension
def load(name)
raise 'Extension name must be a symbol' unless name.is_a?(Symbol)
unless registered.key?(name)
raise "Unknown Extension: #{name}. Check the name and make sure you have referenced the extension's gem in your Gemfile."
extension_class = registered[name]
if extension_class.is_a?(Proc)
extension_class = extension_class.call
registered[name] = extension_class
unless extension_class.ancestors.include?(::Middleman::Extension)
raise "Tried to activate old-style extension: #{name}. They are no longer supported."
# Set the extension's name to whatever it was registered as.
extension_class.ext_name = name
# @api private
# A flattened list of all extensions which are automatically activated
# @return [Array<Symbol>] A list of extension names which are automatically activated.
def auto_activated
# @api private
# Load autoactivatable extensions for the given env.
# @param [Symbol] group The name of the auto_activation group.
# @param [Middleman::Application] app An instance of the app.
def auto_activate(group, app)
@auto_activate[group].each do |descriptor|
next unless descriptor[:modes] == :all || descriptor[:modes].include?(app.config[:mode])
app.extensions.activate descriptor[:name]
def load_settings(app)
registered.each do |name, _|
ext = load(name)
unless ext.global_config.all_settings.empty?
rescue LoadError