2013-06-18 11:12:41 -07:00

16 lines
610 B

Feature: content_tag helper
Scenario: content_tag doesn't escape content from either block or string
Given a fixture app "empty-app"
And an empty file named "config.rb"
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<%= content_tag :div, "<hello>world</hello>", :class => 'one' %>
<% content_tag :where, :class => 'the hell is' do %>
<my>damn croissant</my>
<% end %>
And the Server is running
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should see '<div class="one"><hello>world</hello>'
And I should see '<where class="the hell is"><my>damn croissant</my>'