require 'rubygems' require 'haml' require 'compass' #must be loaded before sinatra require 'sinatra/base' class Middleman < Sinatra::Base set :app_file, __FILE__ def!(options={}, &block) set options handler = detect_rack_handler handler_name =*::/, '') puts "== The Middleman is standing watch on port #{port}" self, :Host => host, :Port => port do |server| trap(:INT) do ## Use thins' hard #stop! if available, otherwise just #stop server.respond_to?(:stop!) ? server.stop! : server.stop puts "\n== The Middleman has ended his patrol" end if block_given? ## Use thins' hard #stop! if available, otherwise just #stop server.respond_to?(:stop!) ? server.stop! : server.stop end end rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => e puts "== The Middleman is already standing watch on port #{port}!" end configure do Compass.configuration do |config| config.project_path = Dir.pwd config.sass_dir = File.join(File.expand_path(self.views), "stylesheets") config.output_style = :nested config.images_dir = File.join(File.expand_path(self.public), "images") config.http_images_path = "/images/" end end def render_haml_or_sass(path) if path.match /.html$/ haml(path.gsub('.html', '').to_sym) elsif path.match /.css$/ content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' sass(path.gsub('.css', '').to_sym, Compass.sass_engine_options) end end get /(.*)/ do |path| path = path.gsub(%r{^/}, '') path = "index.html" if path == '' if path.match /.html$/ haml(path.gsub('.html', '').to_sym) elsif path.match /.css$/ content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8' sass(path.gsub('.css', '').to_sym, Compass.sass_engine_options) else pass end end end