require 'rubygems' unless defined?(Gem) require 'rake' require File.expand_path('../middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/version.rb', __FILE__) ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) GEM_NAME = 'middleman' middleman_gems = %w(middleman-core middleman) GEM_PATHS = middleman_gems.freeze def sh_rake(command) sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake #{command}", verbose: true end desc 'Displays the current version' task :version do puts "Current version: #{Middleman::VERSION}" end desc 'Pushes repository to GitHub' task :push do puts 'Pushing to github...' sh "git tag v#{Middleman::VERSION}" sh 'git push origin master' sh "git push origin v#{Middleman::VERSION}" end desc 'Release all middleman gems' task publish: :push do puts 'Pushing to rubygems...' GEM_PATHS.each do |dir| Dir.chdir(dir) { sh_rake('release') } end end desc 'Generate documentation for all middleman gems' task :doc do GEM_PATHS.each do |g| Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake yard" } end end desc 'Run tests for all middleman gems' task :test do Rake::Task['rubocop'].invoke GEM_PATHS.each do |g| Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake test" } end end desc 'Run specs for all middleman gems' task :spec do GEM_PATHS.each do |g| Dir.chdir("#{File.join(ROOT, g)}") { sh "#{Gem.ruby} -S rake spec" } end end require 'rubocop/rake_task' desc 'Run RuboCop to check code consistency' do |task| task.fail_on_error = false end desc 'Run tests for all middleman gems' task default: :test