require 'rack' require 'rack/file' require 'rack/lint' require 'rack/head' require 'middleman-core/util' require 'middleman-core/logger' require 'middleman-core/template_renderer' # CSSPIE HTC File ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.htc'] = 'text/x-component' # Let's serve all HTML as UTF-8 ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.html'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.htm'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' # Sourcemap format ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.map'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' # Create a MIME type for PHP files (for detection by extensions) ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.php'] = 'text/php' module Middleman class Rack extend Forwardable def to_app app = app.use ::Rack::Lint app.use ::Rack::Head @middleman.middleware.each do |middleware| app.use(middleware[:class], *middleware[:options], &middleware[:block]) end inner_app = self'/') { run inner_app } @middleman.mappings.each do |mapping|[:path], &mapping[:block]) end app end def_delegator :"::Middleman::Logger", :singleton, :logger def initialize(middleman) @middleman = middleman end # Rack Interface # # @param env Rack environment def call(env) # Store environment, request and response for later req = res = logger.debug "== Request: #{env['PATH_INFO']}" # Catch :halt exceptions and use that response if given catch(:halt) do process_request(env, req, res) res.status = 404 res.finish end end # Halt the current request and return a response # # @param [String] response Response value def halt(response) throw :halt, response end # Core response method. We process the request, check with # the sitemap, and return the correct file, response or status # message. # # @param env # @param [Rack::Request] req # @param [Rack::Response] res def process_request(env, req, res) start_time = request_path = URI.decode(env['PATH_INFO'].dup) if request_path.respond_to? :force_encoding request_path.force_encoding('UTF-8') end request_path = ::Middleman::Util.full_path(request_path, @middleman) full_request_path = File.join(env['SCRIPT_NAME'], request_path) # Path including rack mount # Run before callbacks @middleman.execute_callbacks(:before) # Get the resource object for this path resource = @middleman.sitemap.find_resource_by_destination_path(request_path.gsub(' ', '%20')) # Return 404 if not in sitemap return not_found(res, full_request_path) unless resource && !resource.ignored? # If this path is a binary file, send it immediately return send_file(resource, env) if resource.binary? res['Content-Type'] = resource.content_type || 'text/plain' begin # Write out the contents of the page res.write resource.render({}, rack: { request: req }) # Valid content is a 200 status res.status = 200 rescue Middleman::TemplateRenderer::TemplateNotFound => e res.write "Error: #{e.message}" res.status = 500 end # End the request logger.debug "== Finishing Request: #{resource.destination_path} (#{( - start_time).round(2)}s)" halt res.finish end # Halt request and return 404 def not_found(res, path) res.status = 404 res.write "

File Not Found


" res.finish end # Immediately send static file def send_file(resource, env) file = nil file.path = resource.file_descriptor[:full_path] response = file.serving(env) status = response[0] response[1]['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip' if %w(.svgz .gz).include?(resource.ext) # Do not set Content-Type if status is 1xx, 204, 205 or 304, otherwise # Rack will throw an error (500) if !(100..199).include?(status) && ![204, 205, 304].include?(status) response[1]['Content-Type'] = resource.content_type || 'application/octet-stream' end halt response end end end