# Routing extension module Middleman module CoreExtensions class Routing < ConfigExtension # This should always run late, but not as late as :directory_indexes, # so it can add metadata to any pages generated by other extensions self.resource_list_manipulator_priority = [10, 130] # Expose the `page` method to config. expose_to_config :page PageDescriptor = Struct.new(:path, :metadata) do def execute_descriptor(app, resources) normalized_path = path.dup if normalized_path.is_a?(String) && !normalized_path.include?('*') # Normalize path normalized_path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(normalized_path) if normalized_path.end_with?('/') || app.files.by_type(:source).watchers.any? { |w| (w.directory + Pathname(normalized_path)).directory? } normalized_path = ::File.join(normalized_path, app.config[:index_file]) end end normalized_path = '/' + ::Middleman::Util.strip_leading_slash(normalized_path) if normalized_path.is_a?(String) resources .select { |r| ::Middleman::Util.path_match(normalized_path, "/#{r.path}") } .each { |r| r.add_metadata(metadata, true) } resources end end # The page method allows options to be set for a given source path, regex, or glob. # Options that may be set include layout, locals, andx ignore. # # @example # page '/about.html', layout: false # @example # page '/index.html', layout: :homepage_layout # @example # page '/foo.html', locals: { foo: 'bar' } # # @param [String, Regexp] path A source path, or a Regexp/glob that can match multiple resources. # @params [Hash] opts Options to apply to all matching resources. Undocumented options are passed on as page metadata to be used by extensions. # @option opts [Symbol, Boolean, String] layout The layout name to use (e.g. `:article`) or `false` to disable layout. # @option opts [Boolean] directory_indexes Whether or not the `:directory_indexes` extension applies to these paths. # @option opts [Hash] locals Local variables for the template. These will be available when the template renders. # @option opts [Hash] data Extra metadata to add to the page. This is the same as frontmatter, though frontmatter will take precedence over metadata defined here. Available via {Resource#data}. # @return [void] Contract Or[String, Regexp], Hash => PageDescriptor def page(path, opts={}) options = opts.dup page_data = options.delete(:data) || {} page_data[:id] = options.delete(:id) if options.key?(:id) # Default layout metadata = { locals: options.delete(:locals) || {}, page: page_data, options: options } PageDescriptor.new(path, metadata) end end end end