class Middleman::CoreExtensions::Internationalization < ::Middleman::Extension option :no_fallbacks, false, "Disable I18n fallbacks" option :langs, nil, "List of langs, will autodiscover by default" option :lang_map, {}, "Language shortname map" option :path, "/:locale/", "URL prefix path" option :templates_dir, "localizable", "Location of templates to be localized" option :mount_at_root, nil, "Mount a specific language at the root of the site" option :data, "locales", "The directory holding your locale configurations" def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super # See unless options[:no_fallbacks] require "i18n/backend/fallbacks" ::I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, ::I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) end app.config.define_setting :locales_dir, "locales", 'The directory holding your locale configurations' app.send :include, LocaleHelpers end def after_configuration app.files.reload_path(app.config[:locals_dir] || options[:data]) @locales_glob = File.join(app.config[:locals_dir] || options[:data], "**", "*.{rb,yml,yaml}") @locales_regex = convert_glob_to_regex(@locales_glob) @maps = {} @mount_at_root = options[:mount_at_root].nil? ? langs.first : options[:mount_at_root] configure_i18n if ! "== Locales: #{langs.join(", ")} (Default #{@mount_at_root})" end # Don't output localizable files app.ignore File.join(options[:templates_dir], "**") app.sitemap.provides_metadata_for_path(&method(:metadata_for_path)) app.files.changed(&method(:on_file_changed)) app.files.deleted(&method(:on_file_changed)) end helpers do def t(*args) ::I18n.t(*args) end end delegate :logger, :to => :app def langs @_langs ||= get_known_languages end # Update the main sitemap resource list # @return [void] def manipulate_resource_list(resources) @_localization_data = {} new_resources = [] resources.each do |resource| # If it's a "localizable template" if File.fnmatch?(File.join(options[:templates_dir], "**"), resource.path) page_id = File.basename(resource.path, File.extname(resource.path)) langs.each do |lang| # Remove folder name path = resource.path.sub(options[:templates_dir], "") new_resources << build_resource(path, resource.path, page_id, lang) end elsif result = parse_locale_extension(resource.path) lang, path, page_id = result new_resources << build_resource(path, resource.path, page_id, lang) end end resources + new_resources end private def on_file_changed(file) if @locales_regex =~ file @_langs = nil # Clear langs cache ::I18n.reload! end end def convert_glob_to_regex(glob) # File.fnmatch doesn't support brackets: {rb,yml,yaml} regex = @locales_glob.sub(/\./, '\.').sub(File.join("**", "*"), ".*").sub(/\//, '\/').sub("{rb,yml,yaml}", "(rb|ya?ml)") %r{^#{regex}} end def configure_i18n ::I18n.load_path += Dir[File.join(app.root, @locales_glob)] ::I18n.reload! ::I18n.default_locale = @mount_at_root # Reset fallbacks to fall back to our new default if ::I18n.respond_to? :fallbacks ::I18n.fallbacks = end end def metadata_for_path(url) if d = get_localization_data(url) lang, page_id = d else # Default to the @mount_at_root lang page_id = nil lang = @mount_at_root end instance_vars = do @lang = lang @page_id = page_id end locals = { :lang => lang, :page_id => page_id } { :blocks => [instance_vars], :locals => locals, :options => { :lang => lang } } end def get_known_languages if options[:langs] Array(options[:langs]).map(&:to_sym) else known_langs = do |p| p.to_s.match(@locales_regex) && (p.to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR).length === 2) { |p| File.basename(p.to_s).sub(/\.ya?ml$/, "").sub(/\.rb$/, "") } end end def get_localization_data(path) @_localization_data ||= {} @_localization_data[path] end # Parse locale extension filename # @return [lang, path, basename] # will return +nil+ if no locale extension def parse_locale_extension(path) path_bits = path.split('.') return nil if path_bits.size < 3 lang = path_bits.delete_at(-2).to_sym return nil unless langs.include?(lang) path = path_bits.join('.') basename = File.basename(path_bits[0..-2].join('.')) [lang, path, basename] end def build_resource(path, source_path, page_id, lang) old_locale = ::I18n.locale ::I18n.locale = lang localized_page_id = ::I18n.t("paths.#{page_id}", :default => page_id, :fallback => []) prefix = if @mount_at_root == lang "/" else replacement = options[:lang_map].fetch(lang, lang) options[:path].sub(":locale", replacement.to_s) end path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path( File.join(prefix, path.sub(page_id, localized_page_id)) ) @_localization_data[path] = [lang, path, localized_page_id] p =, path) p.proxy_to(source_path) ::I18n.locale = old_locale p end module LocaleHelpers # Access the list of languages supported by this Middleman application # @return [Array] def langs extensions[:i18n].langs end end end