require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/simple') describe "SimpleReloader" do context 'for simple reset functionality' do should 'reset routes' do mock_app do (1..10).each do |i| get("/#{i}") { "Foo #{i}" } end end (1..10).each do |i| get "/#{i}" assert_equal "Foo #{i}", body end @app.reset_routes! (1..10).each do |i| get "/#{i}" assert_equal 404, status end end should 'keep sinatra routes on development' do mock_app do set :environment, :development get("/"){ "ok" } end assert_equal :development, @app.environment get "/" assert_equal 200, status get "/__sinatra__/404.png" assert_equal 200, status assert_match /image\/png/, response["Content-Type"] @app.reset_routes! get "/" assert_equal 404, status get "/__sinatra__/404.png" assert_equal 200, status assert_match /image\/png/, response["Content-Type"] end end context 'for simple reload functionality' do should 'correctly instantiate SimpleDemo fixture' do Padrino.clear! Padrino.mount("simple_demo").to("/") assert_equal ["simple_demo"], assert SimpleDemo.reload? assert_match %r{fixtures/apps/simple.rb}, SimpleDemo.app_file end should_eventually 'correctly reload SimpleDemo fixture' do # TODO fix this test @app = SimpleDemo get "/" assert ok? new_phrase = "The magick number is: #{rand(2**255)}!" buffer = new_buffer = buffer.gsub(/The magick number is: \d+!/, new_phrase), "w") { |f| f.write(new_buffer) } sleep 2 # We need at least a cooldown of 1 sec. get "/" assert_equal new_phrase, body # Now we need to prevent to commit a new changed file so we revert it, "w") { |f| f.write(buffer) } Padrino.reload! end should 'correctly reset SimpleDemo fixture' do @app = SimpleDemo @app.reload! get "/rand" assert ok? last_body = body assert_equal 2, @app.filters[:before].size # one is ours the other is default_filter for content type assert_equal 1, @app.errors.size assert_equal 2, @app.filters[:after].size # app + content-type + padrino-flash assert_equal 0, @app.middleware.size assert_equal 4, @app.routes.size # GET+HEAD of "/" + GET+HEAD of "/rand" = 4 assert_equal 3, @app.extensions.size # [Padrino::Routing, Padrino::Rendering, Padrino::Flash] assert_equal 0, @app.templates.size @app.reload! get "/rand" assert_not_equal last_body, body assert_equal 2, @app.filters[:before].size # one is ours the other is default_filter for content type assert_equal 1, @app.errors.size assert_equal 2, @app.filters[:after].size assert_equal 0, @app.middleware.size assert_equal 4, @app.routes.size # GET+HEAD of "/" = 2 assert_equal 3, @app.extensions.size # [Padrino::Routing, Padrino::Rendering, Padrino::Flash] assert_equal 0, @app.templates.size end end end