# HTML5 Boilerplate template class Middleman::Templates::Html5 < Middleman::Templates::Base # Slightly different paths class_option :css_dir, default: 'css', desc: 'The path to the css files' class_option :js_dir, default: 'js', desc: 'The path to the javascript files' class_option :images_dir, default: 'img', desc: 'The path to the image files' # Template files are relative to this file # @return [String] def self.source_root File.dirname(__FILE__) end # Output the files # @return [void] def build_scaffold! template 'shared/config.tt', File.join(location, 'config.rb') directory 'html5/source', File.join(location, 'source') end end # Register this template Middleman::Templates.register(:html5, Middleman::Templates::Html5)