# Watcher Library require 'listen' require 'middleman-core/contracts' # Monkey patch Listen silencer so `only` works on directories too module Listen class Silencer # TODO: switch type and path places - and verify def silenced?(relative_path, _type) path = relative_path.to_s # if only_patterns && type == :file # return true unless only_patterns.any? { |pattern| path =~ pattern } # end return !only_patterns.any? { |pattern| path =~ pattern } if only_patterns ignore_patterns.any? { |pattern| path =~ pattern } end end end module Middleman # The default source watcher implementation. Watches a directory on disk # and responds to events on changes. class SourceWatcher extend Forwardable include Contracts # References to parent `Sources` app and `globally_ignored?` check. def_delegators :@parent, :app, :globally_ignored? # Reference to the singleton logger def_delegator :app, :logger # The type this watcher is representing Contract Symbol attr_reader :type # The directory that is being watched Contract Pathname attr_reader :directory # Options for configuring the watcher Contract Hash attr_reader :options # Reference to lower level listener attr_reader :listener # Construct a new SourceWatcher # # @param [Middleman::Sources] parent The parent collection. # @param [Symbol] type The watcher type. # @param [String] directory The on-disk path to watch. # @param [Hash] options Configuration options. Contract IsA['Middleman::Sources'], Symbol, String, Hash => Any def initialize(parent, type, directory, options={}) @parent = parent @options = options @type = type @directory = Pathname(directory) @files = {} @extensionless_files = {} @validator = options.fetch(:validator, proc { true }) @ignored = options.fetch(:ignored, proc { false }) @only = Array(options.fetch(:only, [])) @disable_watcher = app.build? || @parent.options.fetch(:disable_watcher, false) @force_polling = @parent.options.fetch(:force_polling, false) @latency = @parent.options.fetch(:latency, nil) @listener = nil @callbacks = ::Middleman::CallbackManager.new @callbacks.install_methods!(self, [:on_change]) @waiting_for_existence = !@directory.exist? end # Change the path of the watcher (if config values upstream change). # # @param [String] directory The new path. # @return [void] Contract String => Any def update_path(directory) @directory = Pathname(directory) stop_listener! if @listener update([], @files.values) poll_once! listen! unless @disable_watcher end # Stop watching. # # @return [void] Contract Any def unwatch stop_listener! end # All the known files in this watcher. # # @return [Array] Contract ArrayOf[IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']] def files @files.values end # Find a specific file in this watcher. # # @param [String, Pathname] path The search path. # @param [Boolean] glob If the path contains wildcard characters. # @return [Middleman::SourceFile, nil] Contract Or[String, Pathname], Maybe[Bool] => Maybe[IsA['Middleman::SourceFile']] def find(path, glob=false) path = path.to_s.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8-MAC') if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ p = Pathname(path) return nil if p.absolute? && !p.to_s.start_with?(@directory.to_s) p = @directory + p if p.relative? if glob @extensionless_files[p] else @files[p] end end # Check if a file simply exists in this watcher. # # @param [String, Pathname] path The search path. # @return [Boolean] Contract Or[String, Pathname] => Bool def exists?(path) !find(path).nil? end # Start the `listen` gem Listener. # # @return [void] Contract Any def listen! return if @disable_watcher || @listener || @waiting_for_existence config = { force_polling: @force_polling, wait_for_delay: 0.5 } config[:latency] = @latency if @latency @listener = ::Listen.to(@directory.to_s, config, &method(:on_listener_change)) @listener.ignore(/^\.sass-cache/) # @listener.only(@only) unless @only.empty? @listener.start end # Stop the listener. # # @return [void] Contract Any def stop_listener! return unless @listener @listener.stop @listener = nil end # Manually trigger update events. # # @return [void] Contract Any def poll_once! updated = ::Middleman::Util.all_files_under(@directory.to_s) removed = @files.keys.reject { |p| updated.include?(p) } update(updated, removed) return unless @waiting_for_existence && @directory.exist? @waiting_for_existence = false listen! end # Work around this bug: http://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/4521 # where Ruby will call to_s/inspect while printing exception # messages, which can take a long time (minutes at full CPU) # if the object is huge or has cyclic references, like this. def to_s "#" end alias_method :inspect, :to_s # Ruby 2.0 calls inspect for NoMethodError instead of to_s protected # The `listen` gem callback. # # @param [Array] modified List of modified files. # @param [Array] added List of added files. # @param [Array] removed List of removed files. # @return [void] Contract Array, Array, Array => Any def on_listener_change(modified, added, removed) updated = (modified + added) return if updated.empty? && removed.empty? update(updated.map { |s| Pathname(s) }, removed.map { |s| Pathname(s) }) end # Update our internal list of files on a change. # # @param [String, Pathname] path The updated file path. # @return [void] Contract ArrayOf[Pathname], ArrayOf[Pathname] => Any def update(updated_paths, removed_paths) valid_updates = updated_paths .map { |p| ::Middleman::Util.path_to_source_file(p, @directory, @type) } .select(&method(:valid?)) valid_updates.each do |f| add_file_to_cache(f) logger.debug "== Change (#{f[:types].inspect}): #{f[:relative_path]}" end related_updates = ::Middleman::Util.find_related_files(app, (updated_paths + removed_paths)).select(&method(:valid?)) related_updates.each do |f| logger.debug "== Possible Change (#{f[:types].inspect}): #{f[:relative_path]}" end valid_updates |= related_updates valid_removes = removed_paths .lazy .select(&@files.method(:key?)) .map(&@files.method(:[])) .select(&method(:valid?)) .to_a .each do |f| remove_file_from_cache(f) logger.debug "== Deletion (#{f[:types].inspect}): #{f[:relative_path]}" end execute_callbacks(:on_change, [ valid_updates, valid_removes, self ]) unless valid_updates.empty? && valid_removes.empty? end def add_file_to_cache(f) @files[f[:full_path]] = f @extensionless_files[strip_extensions(f[:full_path])] = f end def remove_file_from_cache(f) @files.delete(f[:full_path]) @extensionless_files.delete(strip_extensions(f[:full_path])) end Contract Pathname => Pathname def strip_extensions(p) p = p.sub_ext('') while ::Tilt[p.to_s] || p.extname == '.html' Pathname(p.to_s + '.*') end # Check if this watcher should care about a file. # # @param [Middleman::SourceFile] file The file. # @return [Boolean] Contract IsA['Middleman::SourceFile'] => Bool def valid?(file) return false unless @validator.call(file) && !globally_ignored?(file) if @only.empty? !@ignored.call(file) else @only.any? { |reg| reg.match(file[:relative_path].to_s) } end end end end