module Middleman module Sitemap module Extensions # Manages the list of proxy configurations and manipulates the sitemap # to include new resources based on those configurations class Proxies def initialize(app) @app = app @app.add_to_config_context :proxy, &method(:create_proxy) @app.define_singleton_method(:proxy, &method(:create_proxy)) @proxy_configs = ::Middleman::Sitemap::Resource.send :include, ProxyResourceInstanceMethods end # Setup a proxy from a path to a target # @param [String] path The new, proxied path to create # @param [String] target The existing path that should be proxied to. This must be a real resource, not another proxy. # @option opts [Boolean] ignore Ignore the target from the sitemap (so only the new, proxy resource ends up in the output) # @option opts [Symbol, Boolean, String] layout The layout name to use (e.g. `:article`) or `false` to disable layout. # @option opts [Boolean] directory_indexes Whether or not the `:directory_indexes` extension applies to these paths. # @option opts [Hash] locals Local variables for the template. These will be available when the template renders. # @option opts [Hash] data Extra metadata to add to the page. This is the same as frontmatter, though frontmatter will take precedence over metadata defined here. Available via {Resource#data}. # @return [void] def create_proxy(path, target, opts={}) options = opts.dup @app.ignore(target) if options.delete(:ignore) metadata = { options: options, locals: options.delete(:locals) || {}, page: options.delete(:data) || {} } @proxy_configs << path, target: target, metadata: metadata) @app.sitemap.rebuild_resource_list!(:added_proxy) end # Update the main sitemap resource list # @return [void] def manipulate_resource_list(resources) resources + do |config| p = @app.sitemap, config.path ) p.proxy_to( p.add_metadata(config.metadata) p end end end # Configuration for a proxy instance class ProxyConfiguration # The path that this proxy will appear at in the sitemap attr_reader :path def path=(p) @path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(p) end # The existing sitemap path that this will proxy to attr_reader :target def target=(t) @target = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(t) end # Additional metadata like locals to apply to the proxy attr_accessor :metadata # Create a new proxy configuration from hash options def initialize(options={}) options.each do |key, value| send "#{key}=", value end end # Two configurations are equal if they reference the same path def eql?(other) other.path == path end # Two configurations are equal if they reference the same path def hash path.hash end end module ProxyResourceInstanceMethods # Whether this page is a proxy # @return [Boolean] def proxy? @proxied_to end # Set this page to proxy to a target path # @param [String] target # @return [void] def proxy_to(target) target = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(target) raise "You can't proxy #{path} to itself!" if target == path @proxied_to = target end # The path of the page this page is proxied to, or nil if it's not proxied. # @return [String] attr_reader :proxied_to # The resource for the page this page is proxied to. Throws an exception # if there is no resource. # @return [Sitemap::Resource] def proxied_to_resource proxy_resource = @store.find_resource_by_path(proxied_to) unless proxy_resource raise "Path #{path} proxies to unknown file #{proxied_to}:#{}" end if proxy_resource.proxy? raise "You can't proxy #{path} to #{proxied_to} which is itself a proxy." end proxy_resource end # rubocop:disable AccessorMethodName def get_source_file if proxy? proxied_to_resource.source_file else super end end def content_type mime_type = super return mime_type if mime_type if proxy? proxied_to_resource.content_type else nil end end end end end end