require 'digest/sha1' module Middleman::Extensions module AssetHash class << self def registered(app, options) exts = options[:exts] || %w(.ico .manifest .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .js .css) app.after_configuration do sitemap.reroute do |destination, page| if exts.include? page.ext # figure out the path Sprockets would use for this asset if page.ext == '.js' sprockets_path = page.path.sub(js_dir,'').sub(/^\//,'') elsif page.ext == '.css' sprockets_path = page.path.sub(css_dir,'').sub(/^\//,'') end # See if Sprockets knows about the file asset = sprockets.find_asset(sprockets_path) if sprockets_path if asset # if it's a Sprockets asset, ask sprockets for its digest digest = asset.digest[0..7] elsif page.template? # if it's a template, render it out digest = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(page.render)[0..7] else # if it's a static file, just hash it digest = Digest::SHA1.file(page.source_file).hexdigest[0..7] end destination.sub(/\.(\w+)$/) { |ext| "-#{digest}#{ext}" } else destination end end use Middleware, :exts => exts, :middleman_app => self end end alias :included :registered end class Middleware def initialize(app, options={}) @rack_app = app @exts = options[:exts] @exts_regex_text = {|e| Regexp.escape(e) }.join('|') @middleman_app = options[:middleman_app] end def call(env) status, headers, response = path = @middleman_app.full_path(env["PATH_INFO"]) dirpath = if path =~ /(^\/$)|(\.(htm|html|php|css|js)$)/ body = extract_response_text(response) if body # TODO: This regex will change some paths in plan HTML (not in a tag) - is that OK? body.gsub! /([=\'\"\(]\s*)([^\s\'\"\)]+(#{@exts_regex_text}))/ do |match| asset_path = $2 relative_path = asset_path = dirpath.join(asset_path).to_s if relative_path if asset_page = @middleman_app.sitemap.find_page_by_path(asset_path) replacement_path = "/#{asset_page.destination_path}" replacement_path = if relative_path "#{$1}#{replacement_path}" else match end end status, headers, response =, status, headers).finish end end [status, headers, response] end private def extract_response_text(response) case(response) when String response when Array response.join when Rack::Response response.body.join when Rack::File else response.to_s end end end end register :asset_hash, AssetHash end # =================Temp Generate Test data============================== # ["jpg", "png", "gif"].each do |ext| # [["

", "

"], ["

"], ["

background-image:url(", ");

"]].each do |outer| # [["",""], ["'", "'"], ['"','"']].each do |inner| # [["", ""], ["/", ""], ["../", ""], ["../../", ""], ["../../../", ""], ["", ""], ["a","a"], ["1","1"], [".", "."], ["-","-"], ["_","_"]].each do |path_parts| # name = 'images/100px.' # puts outer[0] + inner[0] + path_parts[0] + name + ext + path_parts[1] + inner[1] + outer[1] # end # end # end # puts "

" # end