module Middleman::Sitemap::Extensions class OnDisk attr_accessor :sitemap attr_accessor :waiting_for_ready def initialize(sitemap) @sitemap = sitemap @app = @file_paths_on_disk = [] # Cleanup paths # static_path = @app.source_dir.sub(@app.root, "").sub(/^\//, "") # sitemap_regex = static_path.empty? ? // : (%r{^#{static_path + "/"}}) scoped_self = self @waiting_for_ready = true # Register file change callback @app.files.changed do |file| scoped_self.touch_file(file, !scoped_self.waiting_for_ready) end # Register file delete callback @app.files.deleted do |file| scoped_self.remove_file(file, !scoped_self.waiting_for_ready) end @app.ready do scoped_self.waiting_for_ready = false scoped_self.sitemap.rebuild_resource_list!(:on_disk_ready) end end # Update or add an on-disk file path # @param [String] file # @return [Boolean] def touch_file(file, rebuild=true) return false if file == @app.source_dir || path = file_to_path(file) return false unless path return false if @app.ignored_sitemap_matchers.any? do |name, callback|, path) end if !@file_paths_on_disk.include?(file) @file_paths_on_disk << file @sitemap.rebuild_resource_list!(:added_file) if rebuild end end # Remove a file from the store # @param [String] file # @return [void] def remove_file(file, rebuild=true) if @file_paths_on_disk.include?(file) @file_paths_on_disk.delete(file) @sitemap.rebuild_resource_list!(:removed_file) if rebuild end end # Update the main sitemap resource list # @return [void] def manipulate_resource_list(resources) resources + do |file| @sitemap, file_to_path(file), File.expand_path(file, @app.root) ) end end # Get the URL path for an on-disk file # @param [String] file # @return [String] def file_to_path(file) file = File.expand_path(file, @app.root) prefix = @app.source_dir.sub(/\/$/, "") + "/" return false unless file.include?(prefix) path = file.sub(prefix, "") extensionless_path(path) end # Get a path without templating extensions # @param [String] file # @return [String] def extensionless_path(file) path = file.dup end_of_the_line = false while !end_of_the_line if !::Tilt[path].nil? path = path.sub(File.extname(path), "") else end_of_the_line = true end end # If there is no extension, look for one if File.extname(path).empty? input_ext = File.extname(file) if !input_ext.empty? input_ext = input_ext.split(".").last.to_sym if @app.template_extensions.has_key?(input_ext) path << ".#{@app.template_extensions[input_ext]}" end end end path end end end