require 'kramdown' module Middleman module Renderers # Our own Kramdown Tilt template that simply uses our custom renderer. class KramdownTemplate < ::Tilt::KramdownTemplate def initialize(*args, &block) super @context = @options[:context] if @options.key?(:context) end def evaluate(context, *) MiddlemanKramdownHTML.scope = @context || context @output ||= begin output, warnings = MiddlemanKramdownHTML.convert(@engine.root, @engine.options) @engine.warnings.concat(warnings) output end end end # Custom Kramdown renderer that uses our helpers for images and links class MiddlemanKramdownHTML < ::Kramdown::Converter::Html cattr_accessor :scope def convert_img(el, _) attrs = el.attr.dup link = attrs.delete('src') scope.image_tag(link, attrs) end def convert_a(el, indent) content = inner(el, indent) if el.attr['href'].start_with?('mailto:') mail_addr = el.attr['href'].sub(/\Amailto:/, '') href = obfuscate('mailto') << ':' << obfuscate(mail_addr) content = obfuscate(content) if content == mail_addr return %(#{content}) end attr = el.attr.dup link = attr.delete('href') scope.link_to(content, link, attr) end end end end