Feature: Describe which files get layouts Background: Given an empty app And a file named "config.rb" with: """ page "/about.html", layout: :layout2 """ And a file named "source/layouts/layout.erb" with: """ In Layout <%= yield %> """ And a file named "source/layouts/layout2.erb" with: """ <root> <title>Second Layout</title> <%= yield %> </root> """ And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with: """ In Index """ And a file named "source/about.html.erb" with: """ In About """ And a file named "source/style.css.scss" with: """ html { border: 1; } """ And a file named "source/style2.scss" with: """ html { border: 2; } """ And a file named "source/data.json" with: """ { "hello": "world" } """ And a file named "source/script.js" with: """ helloWorld(); """ And a file named "source/test.xml.erb" with: """ --- layout: layout2 --- <test>Hi</test> """ And the Server is running at "empty_app" Scenario: Normal Template When I go to "/index.html" Then I should see "In Index" And I should see "In Layout" Scenario: Normal Template with override When I go to "/about.html" Then I should see "In About" And I should see "Second Layout" And I should not see "In Layout" Scenario: Sass When I go to "/style.css" Then I should see "border: 1" And I should not see "In Layout" Scenario: Sass with extension When I go to "/style2" Then I should see "border: 2" And I should not see "In Layout" Scenario: JSON When I go to "/data.json" Then I should see "hello" And I should not see "In Layout" Scenario: JS When I go to "/script.js" Then I should see "helloWorld()" And I should not see "In Layout" Scenario: XML When I go to "/test.xml" Then I should see "<test>Hi</test>" And I should see "<title>Second Layout</title>"