require 'padrino-helpers' # Don't fail on invalid locale, that's not what our current # users expect. ::I18n.enforce_available_locales = false class Padrino::Helpers::OutputHelpers::ErbHandler # Force Erb capture not to use safebuffer def capture_from_template(*args, &block) self.output_buffer = '' buf_was = output_buffer raw = yield(*args) captured = template.instance_variable_get(:@_out_buf) self.output_buffer = buf_was engine_matches?(block) && !captured.empty? ? captured : raw end end class Middleman::CoreExtensions::DefaultHelpers < ::Middleman::Extension define_setting :relative_links, false, 'Whether to generate relative links instead of absolute ones' def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query' ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::OutputHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::TagHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::AssetTagHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::FormHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::FormatHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::RenderHelpers ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::NumberHelpers # ::Middleman::TemplateContext.send :include, ::Padrino::Helpers::TranslationHelpers end # The helpers helpers do # Make all block content html_safe def content_tag(name, content=nil, options=nil, &block) # safe_content_tag(name, content, options, &block) if block_given? options = content if content.is_a?(Hash) content = capture_html(&block) end options = parse_data_options(name, options) attributes = tag_attributes(options) output = output.safe_concat "<#{name}#{attributes}>" if content.respond_to?(:each) && !content.is_a?(String) content.each do |c| output.safe_concat c output.safe_concat ::Padrino::Helpers::TagHelpers::NEWLINE end else output.safe_concat content.to_s end output.safe_concat "" block_is_template?(block) ? concat_content(output) : output end def capture_html(*args, &block) result = if handler = auto_find_proper_handler(&block) handler.capture_from_template(*args, &block) else yield(*args) end end def auto_find_proper_handler(&block) if block_given? engine = File.extname(block.source_location[0])[1..-1].to_sym { |e, _| e == engine } { |h| }.find { |h| h.engine_matches?(block) } else find_proper_handler end end # Disable Padrino cache buster def asset_stamp false end # Output a stylesheet link tag based on the current path # # @return [String] def auto_stylesheet_link_tag auto_tag(:css) do |path| stylesheet_link_tag path end end # Output a javascript tag based on the current path # # @return [String] def auto_javascript_include_tag auto_tag(:js) do |path| javascript_include_tag path end end # Override helper to add `relative` opt-out. def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources) options = { rel: 'stylesheet' }.update(sources.extract_options!.symbolize_keys) path_options = {} path_options[:relative] = options.delete(:relative) if options.key?(:relative) sources.flatten.reduce( do |all, source| all << tag(:link, { href: asset_path(:css, source, path_options) }.update(options)) end end # Override helper to add `relative` opt-out. def javascript_include_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options!.symbolize_keys path_options = {} path_options[:relative] = options.delete(:relative) if options.key?(:relative) sources.flatten.reduce( do |all, source| all << content_tag(:script, nil, { src: asset_path(:js, source, path_options) }.update(options)) end end # Output a stylesheet link tag based on the current path # # @param [Symbol] asset_ext The type of asset # @param [String] asset_dir Where to look for assets # @return [void] def auto_tag(asset_ext, asset_dir=nil) if asset_dir.nil? asset_dir = case asset_ext when :js config[:js_dir] when :css config[:css_dir] end end # If the basename of the request as no extension, assume we are serving a # directory and join index_file to the path. path = File.join(asset_dir, current_resource.path) path = path[0..-(File.extname(path).length + 1)] + ".#{asset_ext}" yield path if sitemap.find_resource_by_path(path) end # Generate body css classes based on the current path # # @return [String] def page_classes(path=current_path.dup, options={}) if path.is_a? Hash options = path path = current_path.dup end path << index_file if path.end_with?('/') path = ::Middleman::Util.strip_leading_slash(path) classes = parts = path.split('.').first.split('/') parts.each_with_index { |_, i| classes << parts.first(i + 1).join('_') } prefix = options[:numeric_prefix] || 'x' do |c| # Replace weird class name characters c = c.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]/, '-') # Class names can't start with a digit c = "#{prefix}#{c}" if c =~ /\A\d/ c end.join(' ') end # Get the path of a file of a given type # # @param [Symbol] kind The type of file # @param [String] source The path to the file # @param [Hash] options Data to pass through. # @return [String] def asset_path(kind, source, options={}) options_with_resource = {}.merge!(options).merge!(current_resource: current_resource) ::Middleman::Util.asset_path(app, kind, source, options_with_resource) end # Get the URL of an asset given a type/prefix # # @param [String] path The path (such as "photo.jpg") # @param [String] prefix The type prefix (such as "images") # @param [Hash] options Additional options. # @return [String] The fully qualified asset url def asset_url(path, prefix='', options={}) options_with_resource = {}.merge!(options).merge!(current_resource: current_resource) ::Middleman::Util.asset_url(app, path, prefix, options_with_resource) end # Given a source path (referenced either absolutely or relatively) # or a Resource, this will produce the nice URL configured for that # path, respecting :relative_links, directory indexes, etc. def url_for(path_or_resource, options={}) options_with_resource = {}.merge!(options).merge!(current_resource: current_resource) ::Middleman::Util.url_for(app, path_or_resource, options_with_resource) end # Overload the regular link_to to be sitemap-aware - if you # reference a source path, either absolutely or relatively, # you'll get that resource's nice URL. Also, there is a # :relative option which, if set to true, will produce # relative URLs instead of absolute URLs. You can also add # # config[:relative_links] = true # # to config.rb to have all links default to relative. # # There is also a :query option that can be used to append a # query string, which can be expressed as either a String, # or a Hash which will be turned into URL parameters. def link_to(*args, &block) url_arg_index = block_given? ? 0 : 1 options_index = block_given? ? 1 : 2 if block_given? && args.size > 2 raise ArgumentError, 'Too many arguments to link_to(url, options={}, &block)' end if url = args[url_arg_index] options = args[options_index] || {} raise ArgumentError, 'Options must be a hash' unless options.is_a?(Hash) # Transform the url through our magic url_for method args[url_arg_index] = url_for(url, options) # Cleanup before passing to Padrino options.except!(:relative, :current_resource, :find_resource, :query, :anchor, :fragment) end super(*args, &block) end # Modified Padrino form_for that uses Middleman's url_for # to transform the URL. def form_tag(url, options={}, &block) url = url_for(url, options) super end # Modified Padrino image_tag so that it finds the paths for srcset # using asset_path for the images listed in the srcset param def image_tag(path, params={}) params.symbolize_keys! if params.key?(:srcset) images_sources = params[:srcset].split(',').map do |src_def| if src_def.include?('//') src_def else image_def, size_def = src_def.strip.split(/\s+/) asset_path(:images, image_def) + ' ' + size_def end end params[:srcset] = images_sources.join(', ') end super(path, params) end end end