require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'pathname' require 'middleman-core/util' require 'middleman-core/contracts' require 'backports/2.1.0/array/to_h' module Middleman module Util module Data include Contracts module_function # Get the frontmatter and plain content from a file # @param [String] path # @return [Array] Contract Pathname, Maybe[Symbol] => [Hash, Maybe[String]] def parse(full_path, frontmatter_delims, known_type=nil) return [{}, nil] if Middleman::Util.binary?(full_path) # Avoid weird race condition when a file is renamed begin content = rescue EOFError, IOError, Errno::ENOENT return [{}, nil] end start_delims, stop_delims = frontmatter_delims .values .flatten(1) .transpose .map(&Regexp.method(:union)) match = / \A(?:[^\r\n]*coding:[^\r\n]*\r?\n)? (?#{start_delims})[ ]*\r?\n (?.*?)[ ]*\r?\n? ^(?#{stop_delims})[ ]*\r?\n? \r?\n? (?.*) /mx.match(content) || {} unless match[:frontmatter] case known_type when :yaml return [parse_yaml(content, full_path), nil] when :json return [parse_json(content, full_path), nil] end end case [match[:start], match[:stop]] when *frontmatter_delims[:yaml] [ parse_yaml(match[:frontmatter], full_path), match[:additional_content] ] when *frontmatter_delims[:json] [ parse_json("{#{match[:frontmatter]}}", full_path), match[:additional_content] ] else [ {}, content ] end end # Parse YAML frontmatter out of a string # @param [String] content # @return [Hash] Contract String, Pathname, Bool => Hash def parse_yaml(content, full_path) symbolize_recursive(YAML.load(content) || {}) rescue StandardError, Psych::SyntaxError => error warn "YAML Exception parsing #{full_path}: #{error.message}" {} end # Parse JSON frontmatter out of a string # @param [String] content # @return [Hash] Contract String, Pathname => Hash def parse_json(content, full_path) symbolize_recursive(JSON.parse(content) || {}) rescue StandardError => error warn "JSON Exception parsing #{full_path}: #{error.message}" {} end def symbolize_recursive(value) case value when Hash { |k, v| [k.to_sym, symbolize_recursive(v)] }.to_h when Array { |v| symbolize_recursive(v) } else value end end end end end