3.0.pre ==== * Split into 3 gems (middleman-core, middleman-more and middleman which simply includes both) * Rewritten to work directly with Rack (Sinatra apps can still be mounted) * Sitemap maintains own state * New Extension Registration API * Remove old 1.x mm- binaries and messaging * New default layout functionality: https://github.com/middleman/middleman/issues/165 * Enable chained templates outside of sprockets (file.html.markdown.erb) * Finally support Compass in Sprockets! Thanks to @xdite and @petebrowne * Sitemap object representing the known world * FileWatcher proxies file change events * Unified callback solution * Removed Slim from base install. Will need to be installed and required by the user (in - config.rb) * Activate mobile html5boilerplate template * Update to Redcarpet for Markdown (breaks Haml :markdown filter) * Return correct exit codes (0 for success, 1 for failure) from CLI * Yard code docs: http://rubydoc.info/github/middleman/middleman * config.rb and extensions can add command-line commands * Nested layouts using `wrap_layout` helper * Support for placekitten.com * Added MM_ROOT environmental variable * activating extensions can now take an options hash * Don't re-minify files with ".min" in their name * Serve purely static folders directly (without source/ and config.rb) * Set ignored files and disable directory_indexes from YAML frontmatter * Automatically load helper modules in helpers/ directory * Add pid for cleanup * Use guard/listen for file watching * Merge full i18n support * Implied file extensions (style.scss => style.css) * Padrino 0.10.6 2.0.14 ==== * Minor fix for i18n ==== * Update Windows eventmachine dep ==== * build --clean shouldn't remove dotfiles 2.0.13 ==== * middleman build --clean keeps the build directory clean of leftover files * Padrino 0.10.5 and Rack 1.3.5 2.0.12 ==== * Sinatra 1.3.1 and Padrino 0.10.4 2.0.11 ===== * Lock Padrino and Sinatra versions (for now) 2.0.9 ===== * Added --glob option to build which only builds matching files * Allow data/ files to be in JSON format as well * Enabled Liquid {% include %} tag * RubyInstaller-specific gem * Allow access to data/ in config.rb * Add mobile html5boilerplate template 2.0.8 ===== * Support accessing variables and data objects in ERb Sprockets files (library.js.coffee.erb) * Make :markdown_engine support simple symbol names (:maruku instead of ::Tilt::MarkukuTemplate) * Update Padrino deps to 0.10.2 * Include therubyracer on *nix * Enable frontmatter for Liquid templates 2.0.7 ===== * Updated HTML5 Boilerplate to v2 * Make Rails 3.1 javascript gems available to Sprockets 2.0.6 ===== * Pulled out livereload feature into its own extension, still installed by default. 2.0.5 ===== * Vendored Padrino 0.10.0 2.0.4 ===== * Pulled out undocumented remote data feature into its own extension 2.0.3 ===== * Pulled out undocumented Blog feature into its own extension 2.0.2 ===== * Fixed Sprockets circular error * Added auto-requiring extensions 2.0.0 ===== * Guard-powered auto-reloading of config.rb * Guard LiveReload * Sprockets JS * Refactored Dynamically Reloadable Core * Combine views/ and public/ into a single source/ folder. * Support YAML front-matter * Added callback to run code after Compass is configured * Added support for a compass.config file which is passed directly to Compass * Blog-aware Feature (and project template) * Thor-based, unified `middleman` binary * :directory_indexes feature