class Middleman::CoreExtensions::Internationalization < ::Middleman::Extension option :no_fallbacks, false, 'Disable I18n fallbacks' option :locales, nil, 'List of locales, will autodiscover by default' option :langs, nil, 'Backwards compatibility if old option name. Use `locales` instead.' option :locale_map, {}, 'Locale shortname map' option :lang_map, nil, 'Backwards compatibility if old option name. Use `locale_map` instead.' option :path, '/:locale/', 'URL prefix path' option :templates_dir, 'localizable', 'Location of templates to be localized' option :mount_at_root, nil, 'Mount a specific locale at the root of the site' option :data, 'locales', 'The directory holding your locale configurations' # Exposes `locales` to templates expose_to_template :locales, :langs def initialize(*) super require 'i18n' if !options[:langs].nil? options[:locales] = options[:langs] end if !options[:lang_map].nil? options[:locale_map] = options[:lang_map] end # Don't fail on invalid locale, that's not what our current # users expect. ::I18n.enforce_available_locales = false # This is for making the tests work - since the tests # don't completely reload middleman, I18n.load_path can get # polluted with paths from other test app directories that don't # exist anymore. app.after_configuration_eval do ::I18n.load_path.delete_if { |path| path =~ %r{tmp/aruba} } ::I18n.reload! end if ENV['TEST'] end def after_configuration # See unless options[:no_fallbacks] require 'i18n/backend/fallbacks' ::I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, ::I18n::Backend::Fallbacks) end locales_file_path = options[:data] # Tell the file watcher to observe the :data_dir :locales, path: File.join(app.root, locales_file_path), only: /.*(rb|yml|yaml)$/ # Setup data files before anything else so they are available when # parsing config.rb app.files.on_change(:locales, &method(:on_file_changed)) @maps = {} @mount_at_root = options[:mount_at_root].nil? ? locales.first : options[:mount_at_root] configure_i18n "== Locales: #{locales.join(', ')} (Default #{@mount_at_root})" end helpers do def t(*args) ::I18n.t(*args) end def url_for(path_or_resource, options={}) locale = options.delete(:locale) || ::I18n.locale opts = options.dup should_relativize = opts.key?(:relative) ? opts[:relative] : config[:relative_links] opts[:relative] = false href = super(path_or_resource, opts) final_path = if result = extensions[:i18n].localized_path(href, locale) result else # Should we log the missing file? href end opts[:relative] = should_relativize begin super(final_path, opts) rescue RuntimeError super(path_or_resource, options) end end def locate_partial(partial_name, try_static=false) locals_dir = extensions[:i18n].options[:templates_dir] # Try /localizable partials_path = File.join(locals_dir, partial_name) locale_suffix = ::I18n.locale extname = File.extname(partial_name) maybe_static = extname.length > 0 suffixed_partial_name = if maybe_static partial_name.sub(extname, ".#{locale_suffix}#{extname}") else "#{partial_name}.#{locale_suffix}" end if locale_suffix super(suffixed_partial_name, maybe_static) || super(File.join(locals_dir, suffixed_partial_name), maybe_static) || super(partials_path, try_static) || super else super(partials_path, try_static) || super end end end Contract ArrayOf[Symbol] def locales @locales ||= known_locales end # Backwards API compat alias_method :langs, :locales # Update the main sitemap resource list # @return Array Contract ResourceList => ResourceList def manipulate_resource_list(resources) new_resources = [] file_extension_resources = do |resource| parse_locale_extension(resource.path) end localizable_folder_resources = do |resource| !file_extension_resources.include?(resource) && File.fnmatch?(File.join(options[:templates_dir], '**'), resource.path) end # If it's a "localizable template" localizable_folder_resources.each do |resource| page_id = File.basename(resource.path, File.extname(resource.path)) locales.each do |locale| # Remove folder name path = resource.path.sub(options[:templates_dir], '') new_resources << build_resource(path, resource.path, page_id, locale) end resource.ignore! # This is for backwards compatibility with the old provides_metadata-based code # that used to be in this extension, but I don't know how much sense it makes. # next if resource.options[:locale] # $stderr.puts "Defaulting #{resource.path} to #{@mount_at_root}" # resource.add_metadata options: { locale: @mount_at_root }, locals: { locale: @mount_at_root } end # If it uses file extension localization file_extension_resources.each do |resource| result = parse_locale_extension(resource.path) ext_locale, path, page_id = result new_resources << build_resource(path, resource.path, page_id, ext_locale) resource.ignore! end @lookup = new_resources.each_with_object({}) do |desc, sum| abs_path = desc.source_path.sub(options[:templates_dir], '') sum[abs_path] ||= {} sum[abs_path][desc.locale] = '/' + desc.path end resources + { |r| r.to_resource(app) } end Contract String, Symbol => String def localized_path(path, locale) lookup_path = path.dup lookup_path << app.config[:index_file] if lookup_path.end_with?('/') @lookup[lookup_path] && @lookup[lookup_path][locale] end private def on_file_changed(_updated_files, _removed_files) ::I18n.load_path |= app.files.by_type(:locales) { |p| p[:full_path].to_s } ::I18n.reload! end def configure_i18n ::I18n.load_path |= app.files.by_type(:locales) { |p| p[:full_path].to_s } ::I18n.reload! ::I18n.default_locale = @mount_at_root # Reset fallbacks to fall back to our new default ::I18n.fallbacks = if ::I18n.respond_to?(:fallbacks) end Contract ArrayOf[Symbol] def known_locales if options[:locales] Array(options[:locales]).map(&:to_sym) else known_locales = app.files.by_type(:locales) do |p| p[:relative_path].to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR).length == 1 end do |p| File.basename(p[:relative_path].to_s).sub(/\.ya?ml$/, '').sub(/\.rb$/, '') end end # Parse locale extension filename # @return [locale, path, basename] # will return +nil+ if no locale extension Contract String => Maybe[[Symbol, String, String]] def parse_locale_extension(path) path_bits = path.split('.') return nil if path_bits.size < 3 locale = path_bits.delete_at(-2).to_sym return nil unless locales.include?(locale) path = path_bits.join('.') basename = File.basename(path_bits[0..-2].join('.')) [locale, path, basename] end LocalizedPageDescriptor =, :source_path, :locale) do def to_resource(app) r =, path, source_path) r.add_metadata options: { locale: locale } r end end Contract String, String, String, Symbol => LocalizedPageDescriptor def build_resource(path, source_path, page_id, locale) old_locale = ::I18n.locale ::I18n.locale = locale localized_page_id = ::I18n.t("paths.#{page_id}", default: page_id, fallback: []) partially_localized_path = '' File.dirname(path).split('/').each do |path_sub| next if path_sub == '' partially_localized_path = "#{partially_localized_path}/#{(::I18n.t("paths.#{path_sub}", default: path_sub).to_s)}" end path = "#{partially_localized_path}/#{File.basename(path)}" prefix = if (options[:mount_at_root] == locale) || (options[:mount_at_root].nil? && locales[0] == locale) '/' else replacement = options[:locale_map].fetch(locale, locale) options[:path].sub(':locale', replacement.to_s).sub(':lang', replacement.to_s) # Backward compat end # path needs to be changed if file has a localizable extension. (options[mount_at_root] == locale) path = ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path( File.join(prefix, path.sub(page_id, localized_page_id)) ) path = path.sub(options[:templates_dir] + '/', '') ::I18n.locale = old_locale, source_path, locale) end end