require "rbconfig" # Setup our load paths libdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(libdir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(libdir) # Top-level Middleman object module Middleman WINDOWS = !!(RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(mingw|bccwin|wince|mswin32)/i) JRUBY = !!(RbConfig::CONFIG["RUBY_INSTALL_NAME"] =~ /^jruby/i) # Auto-load modules on-demand autoload :Base, "middleman/base" autoload :Cache, "middleman/cache" autoload :Templates, "middleman/templates" autoload :Guard, "middleman/guard" module Cli autoload :Base, "middleman/cli" autoload :Build, "middleman/cli/build" autoload :Init, "middleman/cli/init" autoload :Server, "middleman/cli/server" end # Custom Renderers module Renderers autoload :Haml, "middleman/renderers/haml" autoload :Sass, "middleman/renderers/sass" autoload :Markdown, "middleman/renderers/markdown" autoload :ERb, "middleman/renderers/erb" autoload :Liquid, "middleman/renderers/liquid" end module Sitemap autoload :Store, "middleman/sitemap/store" autoload :Page, "middleman/sitemap/page" autoload :Template, "middleman/sitemap/template" end module CoreExtensions # File Change Notifier autoload :FileWatcher, "middleman/core_extensions/file_watcher" # In-memory Sitemap autoload :Sitemap, "middleman/core_extensions/sitemap" # Add Builder callbacks autoload :Builder, "middleman/core_extensions/builder" # Custom Feature API autoload :Extensions, "middleman/core_extensions/extensions" # Asset Path Pipeline autoload :Assets, "middleman/core_extensions/assets" # DefaultHelpers are the built-in dynamic template helpers. autoload :DefaultHelpers, "middleman/core_extensions/default_helpers" # Data looks at the data/ folder for YAML files and makes them available # to dynamic requests. autoload :Data, "middleman/core_extensions/data" # Parse YAML from templates autoload :FrontMatter, "middleman/core_extensions/front_matter" # Extended version of Padrino's rendering autoload :Rendering, "middleman/core_extensions/rendering" # Compass framework for Sass autoload :Compass, "middleman/core_extensions/compass" # Sprockets 2 autoload :Sprockets, "middleman/core_extensions/sprockets" # Pass custom options to views autoload :Routing, "middleman/core_extensions/routing" # Catch and show exceptions at the Rack level autoload :ShowExceptions, "middleman/core_extensions/show_exceptions" end module Extensions # RelativeAssets allow any asset path in dynamic templates to be either # relative to the root of the project or use an absolute URL. autoload :RelativeAssets, "middleman/extensions/relative_assets" # AssetHost allows you to setup multiple domains to host your static # assets. Calls to asset paths in dynamic templates will then rotate # through each of the asset servers to better spread the load. autoload :AssetHost, "middleman/extensions/asset_host" # CacheBuster adds a query string to assets in dynamic templates to avoid # browser caches failing to update to your new content. autoload :CacheBuster, "middleman/extensions/cache_buster" # AutomaticImageSizes inspects the images used in your dynamic templates # and automatically adds width and height attributes to their HTML # elements. autoload :AutomaticImageSizes, "middleman/extensions/automatic_image_sizes" # MinifyCss uses the YUI compressor to shrink CSS files autoload :MinifyCss, "middleman/extensions/minify_css" # MinifyJavascript uses the YUI compressor to shrink JS files autoload :MinifyJavascript, "middleman/extensions/minify_javascript" # Lorem provides a handful of helpful prototyping methods to generate # words, paragraphs, fake images, names and email addresses. autoload :Lorem, "middleman/extensions/lorem" # Automatically convert filename.html files into filename/index.html autoload :DirectoryIndexes, "middleman/extensions/directory_indexes" # Organize the sitemap as a tree autoload :SitemapTree, "middleman/extensions/sitemap_tree" class << self def registered @_registered ||= {} end def register(name, namespace=nil, version=nil, &block) # If we've already got a matching extension that passed the # version check, bail out. return if registered.has_key?(name.to_sym) && !registered[name.to_sym].is_a?(String) if block_given? version = namespace end passed_version_check = true if !version.nil? requirement = ::Gem::Requirement.create(version) if !requirement.satisfied_by?(Middleman::GEM_VERSION) passed_version_check = false end end registered[name.to_sym] = if !passed_version_check "== #{name} failed version check. Requested #{version}, got #{Middleman::VERSION}" elsif block_given? block elsif namespace namespace end end def load(name) name = name.to_sym return nil unless registered.has_key?(name) extension = registered[name] if extension.is_a?(Proc) extension = || nil registered[name] = extension end extension end end end # Where to look in gems for extensions to auto-register EXTENSION_FILE = File.join("lib", "middleman_extension.rb") class << self # Automatically load extensions from available RubyGems # which contain the EXTENSION_FILE # # @private def load_extensions_in_path extensions = do |spec| spec_has_file?(spec, EXTENSION_FILE) end extensions.each do |spec| require end end # Backwards compatible means of finding all the latest gemspecs # available on the system # # @private # @return [Array] Array of latest Gem::Specification def rubygems_latest_specs # If newer Rubygems if ::Gem::Specification.respond_to? :latest_specs ::Gem::Specification.latest_specs else ::Gem.source_index.latest_specs end end # Where a given Gem::Specification has a specific file. Used # to discover extensions and Sprockets-supporting gems. # # @private # @param [Gem::Specification] # @param [String] Path to look for # @return [Boolean] Whether the file exists def spec_has_file?(spec, path) full_path = File.join(spec.full_gem_path, path) File.exists?(full_path) end # Create a new Class which is based on Middleman::Base # Used to create a safe sandbox into which extensions and # configuration can be included later without impacting # other classes and instances. # # @return [Class] def server(&block) end # Creates a new Rack::Server # # @param [Hash] options to pass to # @return [Rack::Server] def start_server(options={}) opts = { :Port => options[:port] || 4567, :Host => options[:host] || "", :AccessLog => [] } app_class = options[:app] ||= ::Middleman.server.inst opts[:app] = app_class opts[:server] = if ::Middleman::JRUBY 'webrick' # Maybe Kirk? else require "thin" ::Thin::Logging.silent = !options[:is_logging] 'thin' end server = server.start server end end end # Make the VERSION string available require "middleman/version" # Automatically discover extensions in RubyGems Middleman.load_extensions_in_path