Feature: i18n Partials Scenario: Running localize with the default config Given a fixture app "i18n-test-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ activate :i18n """ Given the Server is running at "i18n-test-app" When I go to "/partials/index.html" Then I should see "Country: USA" Then I should see "State: District of Columbia" Then I should see "Greeting: Hello" Then I should see "Site: Locale Site" Then I should see "Flag: stars" Then I should see "President: obama" When I go to "/es/partials/index.html" Then I should see "Country: Mexico" Then I should see "State: Distrito Federal" Then I should see "Greeting: Hola" Then I should see "Site: Locale Site" Then I should see "Flag: bars" Then I should see "President: nieto"