module Middleman module MetaPages # View class for a sitemap resource class SitemapResource include Padrino::Helpers::OutputHelpers include Padrino::Helpers::TagHelpers def initialize(resource) @resource = resource end def render content_tag :div, :class => 'resource-details' do content_tag :dl do content = "" resource_properties.each do |label, value| content << content_tag(:dt, label) content << content_tag(:dd, value) end content end end end # A hash of label to value for all the properties we want to display def resource_properties { 'Path' => @resource.path, 'Output Path' => File.join(, @resource.destination_path), 'Url' => content_tag(:a, @resource.url, :href => @resource.url), #'Metadata' => @resource.metadata, 'Source' => @resource.source_file } end def css_classes ['resource'] end end end end