Feature: Markdown (Kramdown) support In order to test included Kramdown support Scenario: Kramdown smartypants extension Given a fixture app "markdown-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ set :markdown_engine, :kramdown set :markdown, :smartypants => true """ Given the Server is running at "markdown-app" When I go to "/smarty_pants.html" Then I should see "“Hello”" Scenario: Kramdown uses our link_to and image_tag helpers Given a fixture app "markdown-app" And a file named "config.rb" with: """ set :markdown_engine, :kramdown activate :automatic_image_sizes activate :directory_indexes """ And a file named "source/link_and_image.html.markdown" with: """ [A link](/smarty_pants.html) ![image](blank.gif) [Mail me](mailto:ben@benhollis.net) """ Given the Server is running at "markdown-app" When I go to "/link_and_image/" Then I should see "/smarty_pants/" Then I should see 'width="1"' And I should see 'height="1"' And I should see 'src="/images/blank.gif"'