require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'openssl' require 'middleman-core/meta_pages' require 'middleman-core/logger' require 'middleman-core/rack' require 'middleman-core/preview_server/server_information' require 'middleman-core/preview_server/server_url' require 'middleman-core/preview_server/server_information_callback_proxy' # rubocop:disable GlobalVars module Middleman class PreviewServer class << self extend Forwardable attr_reader :app, :ssl_certificate, :ssl_private_key, :environment, :server_information # Start an instance of Middleman::Application # @return [void] def start(opts={}, cli_options={}) # Do not buffer output, otherwise testing of output does not work $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true @options = opts @cli_options = cli_options @server_information = @server_information.https = (@options[:https] == true) # New app evaluates the middleman configuration. Since this can be # invalid as well, we need to evaluate the configuration BEFORE # checking for validity the_app = initialize_new_app # And now comes the check unless server_information.valid? $stderr.puts %(== Running Middleman failed: #{server_information.reason}. Please fix that and try again.) exit 1 end mount_instance(the_app) app.logger.debug %(== Server information is provided by #{server_information.handler}) app.logger.debug %(== The Middleman is running in "#{environment}" environment) app.logger.debug format('== The Middleman preview server is bound to %s', server_information.listeners, port: server_information.port, https: server_information.https?).to_bind_addresses.join(', ')) format('== View your site at %s', server_information.site_addresses, port: server_information.port, https: server_information.https?).to_urls.join(', ')) format('== Inspect your site configuration at %s', server_information.site_addresses, port: server_information.port, https: server_information.https?).to_config_urls.join(', ')) @initialized ||= false return if @initialized @initialized = true register_signal_handlers # Save the last-used @options so it may be re-used when # reloading later on.'server_start') app.execute_callbacks(:before_server, []) if @options[:daemon] # To output the child PID, let's make preview server a daemon by hand if child_pid = fork "== Middleman preview server is running in background with PID #{child_pid}" Process.detach child_pid exit 0 else $stdout.reopen('/dev/null', 'w') $stderr.reopen('/dev/null', 'w') $stdin.reopen('/dev/null', 'r') end end loop do @webrick.start # $mm_shutdown is set by the signal handler if $mm_shutdown shutdown exit elsif $mm_reload $mm_reload = false reload end end end # Detach the current Middleman::Application instance # @return [void] def stop begin '== The Middleman is shutting down' rescue # if the user closed their terminal STDOUT/STDERR won't exist end unmount_instance end # Simply stop, then start the server # @return [void] def reload '== The Middleman is reloading' app.execute_callbacks(:reload) begin app = initialize_new_app rescue => e $stderr.puts "Error reloading Middleman: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" '== The Middleman is still running the application from before the error' return end unmount_instance @webrick.shutdown @webrick = nil mount_instance(app) '== The Middleman has reloaded' end # Stop the current instance, exit Webrick # @return [void] def shutdown stop @webrick.shutdown end private def initialize_new_app opts = @options.dup cli_options = @cli_options.dup ::Middleman::Logger.singleton( opts[:debug] ? 0 : 1, opts[:instrumenting] || false ) app = do config[:cli_options] = cli_options.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), sum| sum[k] = v unless v == :undefined end ready do unless config[:watcher_disable] match_against = [ %r{^config\.rb$}, %r{^environments/[^\.](.*)\.rb$}, %r{^lib/[^\.](.*)\.rb$}, %r{^#{config[:helpers_dir]}/[^\.](.*)\.rb$} ] # config.rb watcher = :reload, path: root, only: match_against # Hack around bower_components in root. watcher.listener.ignore(/^bower_components/) # Hack around node_modules in root. watcher.listener.ignore(/^node_modules/) # Hack around sass cache in root. watcher.listener.ignore(/^\.sass-cache/) # Hack around bundler cache in root. watcher.listener.ignore(/^vendor\/bundle/) end end end # store configured port to make a check later on possible configured_port = possible_from_cli(:port, app.config) # Use configuration values to set `bind_address` etc. in # `server_information` server_information.use(bind_address: possible_from_cli(:bind_address, app.config), port: possible_from_cli(:port, app.config), server_name: possible_from_cli(:server_name, app.config), https: possible_from_cli(:https, app.config)) app.logger.warn format('== The Middleman uses a different port "%s" then the configured one "%s" because some other server is listening on that port.', server_information.port, configured_port) unless server_information.port == configured_port @environment = possible_from_cli(:environment, app.config) @ssl_certificate = possible_from_cli(:ssl_certificate, app.config) @ssl_private_key = possible_from_cli(:ssl_private_key, app.config) app.files.on_change :reload do $mm_reload = true @webrick.stop end # Add in the meta pages application meta_app = '/__middleman' do run meta_app end app end def possible_from_cli(key, config) if @cli_options[key] && @cli_options[key] != :undefined @cli_options[key] else config[key] end end # Trap some interupt signals and shut down smoothly # @return [void] def register_signal_handlers %w(INT HUP TERM QUIT).each do |sig| next unless Signal.list[sig] Signal.trap(sig) do # Do as little work as possible in the signal context $mm_shutdown = true @webrick.stop end end end # Initialize webrick # @return [void] def setup_webrick(is_logging) http_opts = { Port: server_information.port, AccessLog: [], ServerName: server_information.server_name, BindAddress: server_information.bind_address.to_s, DoNotReverseLookup: true } if server_information.https? http_opts[:SSLEnable] = true if ssl_certificate || ssl_private_key raise 'You must provide both :ssl_certificate and :ssl_private_key' unless ssl_private_key && ssl_certificate http_opts[:SSLCertificate] = ssl_certificate http_opts[:SSLPrivateKey] = ssl_private_key else # use a generated self-signed cert http_opts[:SSLCertName] = [ %w(CN localhost), %w(CN #{host}) ].uniq cert, key = create_self_signed_cert(1024, [['CN', server_information.server_name]], server_information.site_addresses, 'Middleman Preview Server') http_opts[:SSLCertificate] = cert http_opts[:SSLPrivateKey] = key end end http_opts[:Logger] = if is_logging else, 0) end begin rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE $stderr.puts %(== Port "#{http_opts[:Port]}" is in use. This should not have happened. Please start "middleman server" again.) end end # Copy of # that uses a different serial number each time the cert is generated in order to # avoid errors in Firefox. Also doesn't print out stuff to $stderr unnecessarily. def create_self_signed_cert(bits, cn, aliases, comment) rsa = cert = cert.version = 2 cert.serial = % (1 << 20) name = cert.subject = name cert.issuer = name cert.not_before = cert.not_after = + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60) cert.public_key = rsa.public_key ef =, cert) ef.issuer_certificate = cert cert.extensions = [ ef.create_extension('basicConstraints', 'CA:FALSE'), ef.create_extension('keyUsage', 'keyEncipherment'), ef.create_extension('subjectKeyIdentifier', 'hash'), ef.create_extension('extendedKeyUsage', 'serverAuth'), ef.create_extension('nsComment', comment) ] aki = ef.create_extension('authorityKeyIdentifier', 'keyid:always,issuer:always') cert.add_extension(aki) cert.add_extension ef.create_extension('subjectAltName', { |d| "DNS: #{d}" }.join(',')) cert.sign(rsa, [cert, rsa] end # Attach a new Middleman::Application instance # @param [Middleman::Application] app # @return [void] def mount_instance(app) @app = app @webrick ||= setup_webrick(@options[:debug] || false) rack_app = @webrick.mount '/', ::Rack::Handler::WEBrick, rack_app end # Detach the current Middleman::Application instance # @return [void] def unmount_instance @webrick.unmount '/' @app.shutdown! @app = nil end end class FilteredWebrickLog < ::WEBrick::Log def log(level, data) super(level, data) unless data =~ %r{Could not determine content-length of response body.} end end end end