module Middleman module CoreExtensions # The Extensions core module provides basic configurability to Middleman projects: # # * It loads and evaluates `config.rb`. # * It defines lifecycle hooks for extensions and `config.rb` to use. # * It provides the {#activate} method for use in `config.rb`. module Extensions def self.included(app) app.define_hook :initialized app.define_hook :instance_available app.define_hook :after_configuration app.define_hook :before_configuration app.config.define_setting :autoload_sprockets, true, 'Automatically load sprockets at startup?' app.config[:autoload_sprockets] = (ENV['AUTOLOAD_SPROCKETS'] == 'true') if ENV['AUTOLOAD_SPROCKETS'] app.extend ClassMethods app.delegate :configure, to: :"self.class" end module ClassMethods # Register a block to run only in a specific environment. # # @example # # Only minify when building # configure :production do # activate :minify_javascript # end # # @param [String, Symbol] env The environment to run in # @return [void] def configure(env, &block) send("#{env}_config", &block) end end # Activate an extension, optionally passing in options. # This method is typically used from a project's `config.rb`. # # @example Activate an extension with no options # activate :lorem # # @example Activate an extension, with options # activate :minify_javascript, inline: true # # @example Use a block to configure extension options # activate :minify_javascript do |opts| # opts.ignore += ['*-test.js'] # end # # @param [Symbol] ext_name The name of thed extension to activate # @param [Hash] options Options to pass to the extension # @yield [Middleman::Configuration::ConfigurationManager] Extension options that can be modified before the extension is initialized. # @return [void] def activate(ext_name, options={}, &block) extension = ::Middleman::Extensions.load(ext_name) logger.debug "== Activating: #{ext_name}" if extension.supports_multiple_instances? extensions[ext_name] ||= {} key = "instance_#{extensions[ext_name].keys.length}" extensions[ext_name][key] =, options, &block) elsif extensions.key?(ext_name) raise "#{ext_name} has already been activated and cannot be re-activated." else extensions[ext_name] =, options, &block) end end # A hash of all activated extensions, indexed by their name. If an extension supports multiple # instances, it will be stored as a hash of instances instead of just the instance. # # @return [Hash{Symbol => Middleman::Extension, Hash{String => Middleman::Extension}}] def extensions @extensions ||= {} end # Override application initialization to load `config.rb` and to call lifecycle hooks. def initialize(&block) self.class.inst = self # Search the root of the project for required files $LOAD_PATH.unshift(root) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(root) # Evaluate a passed block if given config_context.instance_exec(&block) if block_given? super ::Middleman::Extension.clear_after_extension_callbacks ::Middleman::Extensions.auto_activate(:before_configuration, self) if config[:autoload_sprockets] begin require 'middleman-sprockets' activate :sprockets rescue LoadError # It's OK if somebody is using middleman-core without middleman-sprockets end end run_hook :initialized run_hook :before_configuration # Check for and evaluate local configuration in `config.rb` local_config = File.join(root, 'config.rb') if File.exist? local_config logger.debug '== Reading: Local config' config_context.instance_eval, local_config, 1 end env_config = File.join(root, 'environments', "#{config[:environment]}.rb") if File.exist? env_config logger.debug "== Reading: #{config[:environment]} config" config_context.instance_eval, env_config, 1 end config_context.execute_configure_callbacks(config[:environment]) run_hook :instance_available # This is for making the tests work - since the tests # don't completely reload middleman, I18n.load_path can get # polluted with paths from other test app directories that don't # exist anymore. if ENV['TEST'] ::I18n.load_path.delete_if { |path| path =~ %r{tmp/aruba} } ::I18n.reload! end run_hook :after_configuration config_context.execute_after_configuration_callbacks extension_instances = [] logger.debug 'Loaded extensions:' extensions.each do |ext_name, ext| if ext.is_a?(Hash) ext.each do |instance_key, instance| logger.debug "== Extension: #{ext_name} #{instance_key}" extension_instances << instance end else logger.debug "== Extension: #{ext_name}" extension_instances << ext end end extension_instances.each do |ext| # Forward Extension helpers to TemplateContext Array(ext.class.defined_helpers).each do |m| @template_context_class.send(:include, m) end ::Middleman::Extension.activated_extension(ext) end end end end end